In this paper, we presented a technique for anoma-
lous activity detection using trajectory analysis. Our
technique is based on constructing a RAG using re-
gions from a scene segmented output obtained us-
ing a context-aware block labelling technique. De-
tection is accomplished by analysing a test trajectory
of the target against the RAG. The use of structured
RAG representation for anomalous activity detection
provides a scalable solution and one that is generic
to different unpredictable patterns of anomalous be-
haviour of targets. The results of our technique have
proven the capabilities of a graph theoretical approach
to anomalous activity detection and our performance
evaluation has indicated the superiority of our tech-
nique against other baselines on standard datasets.
Our focus for the future is to extend the proposed
technique to several other types of movements within
the surveillance context, for example, encircling a sin-
gle region, shuttling between a pair of regions, most
of all that can be regarded as anomalous.
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