90 270
Correct orientation
Estimated orientation
Figure 10: Example of images where human orientation
was incorrectly estimated.
legs with a large weight, and these body parts should
be weighted with a small weight. In order to solve
this problem, it is necessary to investigate a method
of weighting adapted to estimating human orientation
based on the selection of body part.
This paper proposed a method for estimating human
orientation using coaxial RGB and depth images. We
utilized a newly available single-chip RGB-ToF cam-
era in order to use coaxial RGB and depth features.
This paper is the first research on human orienta-
tion estimation using this camera, and we propose a
novel combination of RGB and depth features (Depth
Weighted HOG). We experimentally confirmed the
effectiveness of the combination of RGB and depth
features. Our future work will include development
of a more effective feature to combine RGB and depth
information considering high motion body areas such
as arms and legs.
Parts of this research were supported by JST, Nagoya
University COI and MEXT, Grant-in-Aid for Scien-
tific Research.
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