Figure 6: Effect of different manipulation on iris recogni-
tion performance using the proposed scheme.
recognition performance using the proposed method.
According to Figure 6, no series loss in recognition
performance is noticed in term of EER.
In order to appreciate the efficiency of the pro-
posed method, the classical MBCE scheme (Hsu and
Wu, 1996) is implemented and the proposed strength
constant (k = 15) is introduced, then the same manip-
ulations are applied to the watermarked iris images.
Table 1 summarizes the PSNR and BER of extracted
watermark text after JPEG, median filter, histogram
equalization, Gaussian noise and salt & pepper noise
using our method and the classical method.
The proposed algorithm sustained all above image
manipulations and demonstrated that the watermark-
ing scheme is resistant to different attacks.
This paper presents a novel scheme for image water-
marking to protect the integrity of the biometric im-
age. A binary text image which accommodates the
bio data of the person to be authenticated is embedded
in the iris image by interchanging the middle band co-
efficients using DCT. Exchanging more than one pair
of the middle band coefficient make the watermark-
ing scheme robust as it is impossible to the attacker to
predict the three pairs that have been used to hide the
data in each DCT block. Concurrently, the attacker
cannot disturb all the middle coefficients as it will in-
fluence the image badly.
Experimental results indicate that the proposed al-
gorithm is resistant to the common image manipula-
tions such as JPEG compression, filtering and nois-
ing. The results also illustrate that our watermark-
ing scheme does not significantly impede iris image
quality or biometric matching performance. Empir-
ical experiments show that swapping the pairs (2,5)
and (1,6), (3,5) and (2,6), (4,3) and (5,2) in each 8× 8
DCT block are visually imperceptible and maintain
Table 1: EER and PSNR of the extracted watermark after
different manipulations suing the clasical MBCE and the
proposed algorithm.
Mnipulation type
Proposed Method Classical MBCE
JPEG (Q=80) 68.19 0.97% 53.35 5.1%
JPEG (Q=70) 60.13 2.3% 44.35 8.23%
Median filter 55.92 4.2% 44.35 9.11%
73.47 0.29% 60.67 2.83%
Gaussian noise 65.81 1.65% 62.42 2.35%
Salt & pepper 67.63 1.2% 59.31 3.87%
the iris recognition performance.
The proposed watermarking scheme is beneficial
to the biometric system in a number of ways. For
example, the biometric traits and the bio informa-
tion of an individual are usually stored in indepen-
dent databases. Digital watermarking integrates the
biometric trait with the personal information in a sin-
gle file and hence allows the data to be stored and
extracted at the same time. Moreover, the integrity of
the biometric trait can be verified from the extracted
One of the main advantages of our watermarking
scheme is that it can be readily applied to any biomet-
ric image other than the iris image. On the other hand,
the proposed algorithm does not require the original
image for watermark extraction.
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