Figure 3: 1DoF camera swaying stage: By using this stage,
unintentional camera rotations can be limited around a sin-
gle rotation axis.
(a) Example of camera
(b) Example of camera
Figure 4: Examples of effective camera arrangement: In
these arrangements, the epipolar lines and camera swaying
direction are neither parallel nor orthogonal to each other.
Thus, we restrict the direction of camera motions, al-
though they occurs unintentionally. For this objec-
tive, we in this paper use a camera stage, which allows
camera to rotate only in 1 axis as shown in Fig.3. Fur-
thermore, the stage is connected with a spring, which
controls the frequency of the swaying motion of the
camera. As a result, the series of camera rotation can
be parametrized by a small number of parameters be-
cause of characteristic of a spring. When the spring
sway with its characteristic vibration, the motion can
be represented by phase φ, frequency f and amplitude
λ. Therefore, we can estimate series of camera rota-
tion only by estimating these 3 parameters.
5.2 Camera Arrangement
We next consider the camera arrangement for our
stereo camera system. As described in the previous
section, we can reconstruct 3D structures effectively
when the camera swaying direction is parallel to the
epioplar lines. Therefore, it seems that the cameras
should be arranged along with swaying direction at
a glance. However, we cannot reconstruct 3D struc-
tures nor estimate camera motions under this condi-
tion. This is a degenerate case in the structure and mo-
tions, and the 3D geometry and camera motions can-
not be estimated uniquely from camera images (May-
bank, 1993).
In order to avoid this problem, the epipolar lines
defined by the camera arrangement should not be par-
allel to the swaying direction of cameras. For exam-
Figure 5: Example of coded exposure.
ple, we can estimate these parameters when cameras
are arranged as shown in Fig.4 In these arrangements,
camera swaying direction is neither orthogonal nor
parallel to the epipolar lines in each image, and thus,
we can estimate high resolution images and accurate
3D structures simultaneously.
5.3 Coded Exposure for Stable Image
Finally, we consider the image exposure in the pro-
posed method. Figure 7(a) shows some examples of
input images and their PSFs obtained under swaying
motions of a camera. In this figure, the color of PSFs
under example images shows the intensity of PSFs as
shown in the right color bar. These examples indi-
cate that input images and their PSFs are very similar
to each other under the swaying motion of camera.
In this case, these input images do not have much
independent information, and thus, we cannot esti-
mate high resolution images effectively. In order to
avoid this problem, we in this paper use a coded ex-
posure (Raskar et al., 2006; Naito et al., 2012; Liang
et al., 2008).
The coded exposure is one of the techniquefor sta-
ble estimation of motion blur. In this technique, the
shutter of camera is opened and closed many times
while taking a single image. Figure.5 shows an ex-
ample of coded exposure. In this figure, white regions
indicate shutter opening time and black regions indi-
cate shutter closing time. In normal exposure, cam-
era shutter is opened continuously while taking an
image. In contrast, the shutter is closed and opened
many times in coded exposure. As a result, the fre-
quency characteristics become much better than the
normal exposure as shown in Fig.6. This figure in-
dicates power spectrum of each exposure technique.
When we use the normal exposure, several zero cross
occur in frequency space, and thus, some components
in high resolution image cannot be estimated stably.
In contrast, the frequency characteristics of the coded
exposure are flat and high, and thus, we can recon-
struct motion blur effectively.
By using this coded aperture, we can obtain better
images for motion blur estimation and reconstruction.
In addition, we can obtain images including different
information from each other. Figure 7 shows exam-
ples of series of input images by using normal ex-