Semi-automatic Hand Detection
A Case Study on Real Life Mobile Eye-tracker Data
Stijn De Beugher
, Geert Brˆone
and Toon Goedem´e
EAVISE, ESAT - KU Leuven, Belgium
MIDI Research Group - KU Leuven, Belgium
Eye-tracking, Hand detection, Hand tracking, Human-human interaction, Gaze, (Semi-)automatic analysis.
In this paper we present a highly accurate algorithm for the detection of human hands in real-life 2D image
sequences. Current state of the art algorithms show relatively poor detection accuracy results on unconstrained,
challenging images. To overcome this, we introduce a detection scheme in which we combine several well
known detection techniques combined with an advanced elimination mechanism to reduce false detections.
Furthermore we present a novel (semi-)automatic framework achieving detection rates up to 100%, with only
minimal manual input. This is a useful tool in supervised applications where an error-free detection result is
required at the cost of a limited amount of manual effort. As an application, this paper focuses on the analysis
of video data of human-human interaction, collected with the scene camera of mobile eye-tracking glasses.
This type of data is typically annotated manually for relevant features (e.g. visual fixations on gestures),
which is a time-consuming, tedious and error-prone task. The usage of our semi-automatic approach reduces
the amount of manual analysis dramatically. We also present a new fully annotated benchmark dataset on this
application which we made publicly available.
Detection of human hands in real-life images is an ex-
tremely challenging task due to their varying shape,
orientation and position. Our motivation for devel-
oping a highly accurate hand detector comes from the
wide applicability in a variety of disciplines including
computer science, linguistics, sociology and psychol-
ogy. Practical applications for such a technique in-
clude human-computer and human-robot interaction,
gesture detection, automatic sign language transla-
tion, active gaming, etc. Recently, several highly ac-
curate hand detection algorithms were developed for
3D images (Van den Bergh and Van Gool, 2011).
Hand detection in 2D images, however, is far from
a trivial task due the lack of depth context. Sev-
eral attempts were made including skin-based detec-
tions (Wu et al., 2000), model-based detections (Bo
et al., 2007; Karlinsky et al., 2010; Mittal et al., 2011)
or pose estimation techniques (Yang and Ramanan,
2011). Unfortunately when applied to real-life im-
ages, their performance drops significantly.
On top of the challenging task we try to tackle,
we aim to develop a generic method to achieve a high
detection rate. It is well known that fully automatic
approaches typically do not guarantee high accuracy
in practical cases. However many applications could
benefit from such a generic approach, e.g. the removal
of privacy sensitive content such as faces in mobile
mapping images, generation of ground-truthdata, car-
tography by using object detection in aerial images,
etc. To overcome this we expanded our framework
with an intelligent mechanism which automatically
demands for manual input when the confidence of a
detection is below a threshold value. Using such an
approach increases the detection rate significantly at
the cost of a limited amount of manual interventions.
For a certain target accuracy, our system computes the
minimum amount of manual interactions.
In contrast to other techniques, we focus in this
work on the detection of hands in video material. Us-
ing sequences of images gives us the opportunity to
use the spatio-temporal relationship between consec-
utive frames to increase the detection rate. We use a
3-stage frameworkto generate the best possible result.
First, we reduce the search space, using a human-
torso detector. Second, we make a hypothesis using a
sliding window approach of a hand model combined
with a skin-based hand detection. Third, we use an
advanced elimination approach to removefalse detec-
De Beugher S., Brône G. and Goedemé T..
Semi-automatic Hand Detection - A Case Study on Real Life Mobile Eye-tracker Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0005306601210129
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 121-129
ISBN: 978-989-758-090-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tions in combination with a tracker resulting in reli-
able detections.
To validate our framework, we present a (semi-)
automatic analysis of mobile eye-tracker data in the
context of human-human interaction studies. The
analysis of these data generally requires substantial
manual annotation work (Gebre et al., 2012; Jokinen,
2010; Al Moubayed et al., 2013; Brˆone and Oben,
2014). The eye-tracking community would greatly
benefit from the implementation of techniques that
reduce the manual annotation load, like e.g. the de-
tection of gesture strokes (Gebre et al., 2012) and
body language categorization (Williams et al., 2008).
The presented framework aims to contribute to these
developments and proposes a technique to (semi-)
automatically detect hands in video data recorded by
a mobile eye-tracker. By mapping eye gaze data on
interlocutors’ body parts that are instrumental to face-
to-face communication (like hands and faces), a first
step in the analytical process is realized, as it allows
for basic calculations of visual distribution. These
data can then serve as the basis for further analytical
work (e.g. the analysis of visual fixations on certain
gesture types).
Next to a fast and accurate hand detection frame-
work, an important contribution of this paper is a
generic (semi-)automatic detection approach. Fur-
thermore, during our study, we noticed that it is hard
to find fully annotated video material of human hands
in real life recordings. Therefore we made our anno-
tated dataset of eye-tracker recordings publicly avail-
able. This set contains two sets of data of which ap-
proximately 1000 frames were annotated
This paper is organised as follows: In section 2,
we discuss related work on hand detection. Section 3
clarifies our hand detection framework in detail. In
section 4 we discuss our novel (semi-)automatic ap-
proach in which a minimal manual intervention step
enhances the detection rate. Finally in section 5 we
present the results on a pre-existing dataset and on our
publicly available eye-tracker recordings that were
performed to validate the approach.
In recent years several attempts have been made to
develop an accurate hand detector for 2D images,
mostly by decreasing the complexity of the prob-
lem. Examples are the use of artificial markers e.g.
coloured gloves (Wang and Popovi´c, 2009) or using a
static camera enabling the use of backgroundsegmen-
tation (Pfister et al., 2012). In this paper however, we
focus on real-life applications where unmarked body
parts need to be detected automatically, and therefore
we only review the most popular methods that are ap-
plicable to natural settings.
A well known object detection technique is based
on Haar-like features (Viola and Jones, 2001). This
technique combines a set of weak classifiers to build
a final strong classifier and uses a sliding window ap-
proach to search for specific patterns in the image.
In (Bo et al., 2007) this technique is used as a basis
for a hand detection algorithm, in combination with
a skin detector to eliminate non-hand detections. Un-
fortunately the performance of this technique on un-
constrained images is insufficient. Newer detectors
outperform greatly Haar-based techniques.
A second approach is based on the Deformable
Parts Model (Felzenszwalb et al., 2010), which is
an extension of Histograms of Oriented Gradients
(HOG) (Dalal and Triggs, 2005). This approach al-
lows for the definition of a model of an object which
is invariant to various postures or viewing angles.
In (Mittal et al., 2011) this technique is used to cre-
ate two models of a hand, both with and without its
surrounding region, e.g. the wrist (see figure 1). In
addition, they use a skin detector based on the av-
erage skin colour of the face. This skin detector is
used to improve the detection rate by searching for
arms in the image. Finally a super-pixel based non-
maxima suppression (NMS) is used in which overlap-
ping bounding boxes are suppressed. A drawback of
this method is the high computational cost: process-
ing a frame of 360 x 640 pixels takes up to 4 minutes,
of which the greater part is spent on superpixel calcu-
Another hand detection approach was presented
by (Spruyt et al., 2013). In this paper an invariant
hough forest detector was used, resulting in a robust
detection of the hand locations. Nevertheless, in our
application the detection of the hand orientation is
also of great importance on top of the location itself.
Therefore we can not use such a basic approach.
In (Eichner et al., 2012) the human pictorial struc-
ture is used. This approach searches for limbs in a
human torso using the spatial relation between them.
This method performs well on larger body parts (such
as arms or heads), whereas smaller parts (e.g. a hand)
are much more challenging. There are two major
drawbacks of this method: a) the requirement that all
body parts are visible in the image and b) they have a
limited set of body poses that are detectable.
A pose estimation algorithm is proposed by (Yang
and Ramanan, 2011). This method is highly accurate
since it has several parts for each limb and uses con-
Figure 1: Illustration of the hand models. The left image
is the HOG representation of the hand model. The middle
image illustrates the hand model, while the right image is an
illustration of the context model (hand and its surrounding
region including the background and wrist.)
textual co-occurrence relations between them. This
method is designed for static images and its accuracy
decreases drastically when motion blur is present,
caused by moving body parts. The authors also ad-
mit their model has difficulties with some body poses
(e.g. raised arms).
Based on a comparison of the previously de-
scribed techniques, we opted for the work of (Mit-
tal et al., 2011) as a starting point for our algorithm.
This approachachievesdecent accuracy and its source
code is publicly available so we can easily compare
our method against it. In the next section we discuss
the modifications we made in order to improve the
detection results drastically, and how we extended to
An overview of our hand detection algorithm is given
in figure 2. The general idea is that we first detect a
human torso in the image, giving a robust reference
for the detection of smaller body parts. Next we de-
tect the face resulting in an indication of the hand
sizes. After that, we detect hands using a model in-
troduced by (Mittal et al., 2011) in combination with
a skin-based detection. Then we apply an advanced
elimination scheme in order to remove false detec-
tions. Finally we use a Kalman filter to track left and
right hand using the spatial relationship of consecu-
tive frames.
Figure 2: Graphical representation of the proposed hand de-
tection framework. The three stages: torso and face detec-
tion, hand detection and a combination of elimination and
3.1 Torso Detection
The first stage in our approach is the detection of a hu-
man torso, for which we use our own torso detector as
we proposed in (De Beugher et al., 2014). This torso
detector is a part-based model (Felzenszwalb et al.,
2010), trained using only the upper 60% of the labeled
boundingboxes of human bodies of the standard PAS-
CAL VOC dataset
. Using this model, rather than the
more widely used full person detector, has the advan-
tage that we can cope with images in which a person
is not completely visible (from head to foot) such as,
for example, in most of the images captured by a mo-
bile eye-tracker (see figure 5) in a natural setting.
3.2 Face Detection
The next stage is a face detection step (Viola and
Jones, 2001), which is used as a way to further im-
provethe accuracy of the hand detections. In the work
of (Mittal et al., 2011), the face detection is only used
for skin segmentation. If a face is detected, they ap-
ply a skin colour based proposal method to improve
their detection results. In our approach on the other
hand, we also make use of the proportions of the face
by rejecting hand detections which have an abnormal
size compared to the size of the face. This is based on
the general rule that a human face has, about the same
size as an outstretched human hand.
3.3 Hand Detection
When the torso and face location are known, we
run our actual hand detection algorithm. Instead of
searching for hands in the entire image, we define a
search area by expanding the torso detection bound-
ing box in both vertical and horizontal orientation. As
mentioned before, we started from the work of (Mittal
et al., 2011). This means we use the same part-based
deformable model of a hand, as illustrated in the left
part of figure 1. In their approach, an additional con-
text model is used. However, the experiments we ran
for this study showed that the addition of this model
introduces a significant amount of false detections, so
that we opted not to use it.
The hand model was developed to detect up-
standing hands, but in real-life recordings any hand-
orientation is possible. Therefore we rotate the en-
larged region around the detected torso in steps of 10
degrees per rotation, as illustrated in figure 3, yield-
ing an accurate detection of hands in any orientation.
The PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge
2009 (VOC2009) Dataset http://www.pascal-network
Table 1: Accuracy of the hand model versus rotation angle
of the images.
Step size Precision Recall Time/frame
10 deg. 79,20 % 78,86 % 42 s
20 deg. 75,78 % 75,47 % 21 s
30 deg.
71,24 % 71,13 % 14 s
45 deg. 62,82 % 62,55 % 9,3 s
90 deg.
48,72 % 48,50 % 5 s
Using a larger step size decreases the computational
cost, but also affects the accuracy of the detector as
shown in table 1. This table shows the performance
of the hand model on a set of 100 annotated frames
of 1280 x 720 pixels. To further decrease the com-
putational cost related to this type of model evalua-
tion, we used the acceleration approach of (Dubout
and Fleuret, 2012).
The hand model performs well as long as a hand
is clearly visible in the image. However, when a
hand is not visible or strongly deformed — for exam-
ple due to motion blur caused by fast movements of
the arms these models show low detection rates.
To overcome this problem, we developed an addi-
tional hand detection technique as shown in figure 4.
This technique segments the image in skin and no-
skin based on three different colour spaces as intro-
duced by (N. A. Abdul Rahim, 2006). In this work,
skin colour is defined in both Red Green Blue (RGB),
Hue Saturation Value (HSV) and Luma Chroma blue
Chroma red (YCbCr) colour space resulting in a ro-
bust detection mechanism for skin, even under dif-
ferent lighting conditions. Using this approach is an
improvement compared to the work of (Mittal et al.,
2011), because we no longer depend on the accuracy
of the face detector for skin segmentation. We apply
this segmentation to the stretched torso detection as
shown in figure 4(b). Next, we skeletonize this result
using a sequence of several erosion and dilation steps
in order to get an accurate estimation of the skeleton,
as illustrated in figure 4(c). In a following step, we
apply the information obtained from the face detector.
We use the correlation between the human body parts
to classify the skeletonized image. If a skeletonized
part has a length which is similar to the height of the
face, we classify it as a hand (as illustrated by the top
row in figure 4. Parts that are larger than a face are
automatically treated as an arm (as illustrated by the
bottom row in figure 4). For each part that is classified
as an arm, we estimate a hand at both endpoints of the
arm, as illustrated in figure 4(d). Estimated detections
at the wrong endpoints are rejected using the elimina-
tion and tracking described in the next sections.
Figure 3: Illustration of the rotation of our images in order
to detect hands in any orientation. Left: step size is 10
rotation. Right: step size is 20
per rotation.
3.4 Elimination
After the above-mentioned steps, a large amount of
hand detections is obtained, as seen in figure 5(a). The
task of this elimination stage is to reject non-hand de-
tections and to cluster overlapping detections. The
output of this elimination operation is a reduced num-
ber of hand candidates as shown in figure 5(b). In our
elimination process we apply the following steps:
Remove hand detections which have an insuffi-
cient number of skin pixels, using the same skin
detection algorithm as described in the previous
Remove hand detections which have a divergent
size with respect to the size of the face.
Cluster overlapping detections based on their
overlap and distance between their centers.
Reduce the contribution of clusters that coincide
with the face. We noticed that a face is often de-
tected by the hand model. Only eliminating these
detections is not a viable option since persons can
hold their hands in front of the face. Therefore we
reduce the score of those overlapping clusters by
a predefined factor to minimize the impact.
Remove hand detections which are too far from
the predicted location by the Kalman trackers.
In the elimination step, we reduced the number of
hand detections. Finally we classify the remaining de-
tections in a left and right detection using the Kalman
tracker information as explained in the next section.
3.5 Tracking
Our tracking stage is one of the most important contri-
butions in order to improve the detection results. This
is realized by steering the detections based on previ-
ous detections using a Kalman filter (Kalman, 1960).
This mathematical filter is used to predict the posi-
tion of the hands, which is needed when a detection is
missing due to e.g. occlusions. A second advantage of
Figure 4: From left to right: original image(a); binary image based on skin segmentation(b); skeletonization(c); arm and hand
estimation(d). Purple boxes illustrate the hand classifications, blue boxes the arm detections and green boxes the estimated
hands at the endpoints of the arm.
using a Kalman filter is that the noise on the measured
position of the detections is filtered out, resulting in
more stable detections. For each torso detection we
define two Kalman trackers: one for the left hand and
one for the right hand in order to track each hand in-
dividually. We use a Kalman filter with the following
state vector and update matrix, assuming a constant
velocity motion model:
x =
A =
1 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
where x and y are the position of the hand and v
are the velocity of the hand. For each of the re-
maining clusters, as described in the previous section,
we calculate the cost, based on the distance, to assign
them to one of the Kalman trackers. By choosing the
cluster with the lowest cost, we select the best candi-
date for each tracker.
To summarize this section we give an overview
of our contributions as compared to the approach
of (Mittal et al., 2011):
Reduced computational footprint of our algorithm
by avoiding both super-pixel calculation and the
validation of the context model without loss in ac-
Figure 5: Left: large amount of detections before elimina-
tion; Right: Final detections after elimination step.
Reduced search space by using a human-torso de-
tector and only searching for hands in a region
around the torso detection. This resulted in a re-
duced computational time and it reduced the num-
ber of false detections.
Skin based detection is performed even when no
face is detected, resulting in more detection can-
Elimination of false-detections using the size of
the face.
Kalman tracker for both left and right hand that
belongs to each torso detection.
As mentioned before, we aim to develop a framework
that achieves a detection rate up to 100%. Obviously
it is unfeasible to develop an algorithm that achieves
perfect accuracy on each dataset. Therefore we ex-
panded our hand detection framework with a generic
mechanism that allows for manual intervention re-
sulting in a much higher accuracy. The key idea is
that when the confidence drops under a specific (user-
defined) threshold, our algorithm requests manual in-
put. The user then has to manually annotate the miss-
ing detection. Relying only on the detection score re-
sults in a too large amount of manual interventions.
To overcome this, we also take into account the dis-
tance between a detection and the predicted position
(coming from the Kalman trackers). The formula of
the confidence score is shown in equation 2:
M = αlog(D
D) + βS
D =
1, if d(C
, C
) D
, C
), otherwise
stands for the maximum allowed distance be-
tween the current detection and a detection in the pre-
vious frame, C
and C
define respectively the cen-
ter of the current and the previous detection. α and
β are used to change the weight of the distance and
detection score. In our experiments, we empirically
determined the optimal value of those parameters: α
= 0.5 and β = 1.0.
The general concept of this approach is that a de-
tection is likely to be valid if either the distance to
the predicted location (based on previous detections)
is low or if the detection score is high. If this value
is below a user-defined threshold, manual input is
requested. Thus by varying this threshold we can
change the amount of manual interventions from zero
(fully automatic detection) up to the number neces-
sary to achieve full accuracy ((semi-)automatic detec-
tion). As illustrated in figure 6, the user is requested to
manually annotate the missing detections when con-
fidence score M is below a certain threshold. After
this manual intervention the state vector of the corre-
sponding kalman tracker is reset, thus resulting in a
stable reference point for further detections.
As mentioned in the introduction, we validate our
hand detection framework using a data set of record-
ings. First we introduce our datasets, next we dis-
Figure 6: Interface for manual intervention in which one
can manually annotate the detection items.
cuss the accuracy of our framework compared to other
5.1 Dataset
During our research we noticed that it is very hard
to find video material containing hand annotations for
each frame. In (Mittal et al., 2011) a dataset of anno-
tated movie frames is presented. Unfortunately, the
available frames are not consecutive, which makes
them unsuitable for our approach, designed for a se-
quence of frames. We also examined some video
recordings from the MPI archive
, but those were an-
notated in terms of gestures (start and endpoint of
the gesture) and contain no additional information of
hand locations.
To overcome the lack of fully annotated video ma-
terial, we set up a series of experiments. In each
experiment a mobile eye-tracker was used to record
the field of view of the test person. This eye-tracker
records images at a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels.
In the first experiment two persons stood face-to-face
at a distance of 3 meters from each other. The per-
son who wore the eye-tracker was told to look at-
tentively at the interlocutor while this person made
movements with his hands. The second experiment
was performed in a more natural setting. In this ex-
periment, a powerpoint presentation was given with
the spectator wearing a mobile eye-tracker used as
recording device. An illustration of these is given in
figure 7.
For each experiment we manually annotated left
and right hand in more than 500 consecutive frames.
This results in a reference dataset of more than 2000
annotated hand instances which can be used as ref-
erence dataset for benchmark tests. The annotation
consist of a bounding rectangle oriented with respect
to the wrist. Since it is hard to find publicly available
hand-annotated video material, we made our dataset
Figure 7: Left image is a frame from our first dataset, right
image is a frame from the second dataset.
publicly available
for other researchers.
5.2 Results
To validate our framework, we have performed a se-
ries of experiments. First we tested our hand detec-
tion algorithm without tracking of the hands nor man-
ual intervention. We did this experiment on both our
own datasets and one publicly available dataset: the
’5-signers’ dataset. Examples of the detections on
those datasets are shown in figure 8 and 9 respec-
tively. This is a collection of non-consecutive frames
from five news sequences (39 frames each) with dif-
ferent signers (Buehler et al., 2008). The validation is
done using the F-measure:
F =
In each frame of our datasets one person and two
hands are visible. Since our framework was designed
to detect two hands for each torso instance, the num-
ber of false positives (FP) and false negatives (FN)
are equal, hence the F-measure is reduced to the pre-
cision. A hand detection is considered valid if it is
within half hand width from the ground-truth location
of the hand. We compare the results to the perfor-
mance of two state of the art techniques. The publicly
available hand detection algorithm of (Mittal et al.,
2011) was used in which we use the two best detec-
tion scores as candidates for left and right hand. We
also compare to the pose estimation proposal of (Yang
and Ramanan, 2011) in which we classify the outer-
most bounding boxes of the arms as hands.
Our algorithm performs better than the other tech-
niques in terms of accuracy. We outperfom the pose
estimation technique, although a note on the bad
performace of the approach of (Yang and Ramanan,
2011) should be made. The detection code we have
used was developed to detect poses of persons from
head to foot, whereas in the images of Dataset 1 the
legs of the person are not completely visible as shown
Table 2: Accuracy of our hand detection algorithm com-
pared to other techniques. Dataset 1 & 2 contains 1000 an-
notated hand-instances each, the ’5-Signer’ dataset contains
390 hand-instances.
Mittal Yang Ours
Ours incl.
Dataset 1 85% 24.2% 83.4% 88.2%
Dataset 2 48.9% 46.5% 52.9% 65.3%
5-Signers 77.6% n.a. 81.1% n.a.
Figure 8: Examples of hand detections on our own recorded
datasets. Top row are images from our first dataset, bottom
row are images from our second dataset.
in the left part of figure 7. The results of this compar-
ison is shown in table 2. Next, we compared our hand
detection algorithm with tracking of the hands to the
other techniques. We did those experiments on our
own datasets, since we need sequences of frames. It
is clear that the accuracy increases significantly when
the tracking is applied, as shown in the right column
of table 2.
We also compared the execution speed of our al-
gorithm, as shown in table 3. It is clear that the exe-
cution time of our algorithm is drastically lower com-
pared to the other techniques on the same hardware
(Intel Xeon E5645). Our approach is much faster
compared to the work of (Mittal et al., 2011) since
amongst others we no longer depend on the super-
pixel calculation. We also outperform the computa-
tional cost of (Yang and Ramanan, 2011) by a factor
of 3.
Furthermore we present the extensive results of
our (semi-)automatic approach on both our own
datasets as shown in figure 10. In this graph we plot
the accuracy in function of the number of manual in-
Figure 9: Examples of hand detections on the 5-Signer
Table 3: Execution times per frame averaged over all
Mittal Yang Ours
Avg time/frame 293.33 s 113 s 36.67 s
terventions expressed in a percent of the numbers of
frames in the set. As mentioned before, by thresh-
olding the result of equation 2, we can change the
amount of necesary manual interventions. It is ob-
vious that a higher amount of manual interventions
results in a higher accuracy. We should also note the
improvement in accuracy between no manual inter-
vention and the lowest amount of manual interven-
tions. For Dataset 1, the accuracy increases form
90% to 93% at the cost of only 7 manual interven-
tions, Dataset 2 on the other hand has an accuracy
improvement of 12% at the cost of only 14 manual
interventions. We observe that each manual interven-
tion restarts the tracker such that the hands in the fol-
lowing frames are again detected automatically.
We present a novel approach for the detection of hu-
man hands in real-life 2D-image sequences. We used
Figure 10: Result of our (semi-)automatic approach in
which accuracy is improved by manual interventions.
the work of (Mittal et al., 2011) as a baseline and
extended this approach in order to improve the ac-
curacy and to lower the computation cost. First we
use a torso detector to reduce the search area, next we
use a face detector whose information is used to reject
wrong hand detections. Furthermore we use an ad-
vanced hand and arm detection mechanism, based on
skin detection, to detect hands in images where mo-
tion blur occurs. Finally, an evaluationscheme is used
to reject wrong hand detections and a advanced track-
ing mechanism for left and right hand is introduced
to steer the detections based on previous frames. We
report good accuracy as compared to state-of-the-art
techniques while the computation cost is drastically
In order to further improve the accuracy, we ex-
panded our hand detection framework with a generic
mechanism that finds the optimal places to ask for
manual intervention resulting in a much higher ac-
curacy with minimal manual effort. By calculating
a score based on the detection score and distance to
the predicted detection, we measure the reliability of
detection. By thresholding this value, we can change
the amount of manual interventions.
The validation of our approach was done using
a series of datasets. We used two own recorded
datasets, which we made publicly available, and one
pre-existing dataset. We report good accuracy on all
datasets outperforming the other techniques in both
accuracy and execution time.
Our future work concentrates on further reducing
the computational cost of the hand detection algo-
rithm. Furthermore we will work on the integration
of the eye gaze data. Using such an approach enables
the automatic analysis of mobile eye-tracker data in
terms of visual fixations on hands.
This work is partially funded by KU Leuven via the
projects Cametron and InSight Out. We also thank
Raphael Den Dooven for his contributions.
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