without using multiple Kinects. Two mirrors have
been used to get three views in a single frame – one
is the real view of the human and other two are the
virtual views generated through the mirrors. We have
tested the system for five subjects and found good re-
construction in Meshlab. To quantify the accuracy of
the system, we have tested it with a box having known
dimensions. We are able to achieve accurate estima-
tions for the length, breath and height of the box after
reconstruction. However, the reconstructed model has
a few striped artefacts when viewed from oblique an-
gles. These are due to specific placement angles of
the mirror.
Our proposed system can be improved in several
ways and we are working on some of them:
1. Kinect-Mirror Geometry: The present system
uses two mirrors. Use of three or more mirrors
can be explored to improve the quality of recon-
struction, reduce artefacts (Section 7.3), and relax
imaging limitations.
2. Reduction of Artefacts: We intend to explore
methods to smooth the artefacts by suitable fil-
tering of the input depth image and output point-
cloud. Reconstruction from multiple frames can
reduce artefacts and make this method more ro-
bust. However, that would increase the computa-
tional load.
3. Set-up Constraint Relaxation: We intend to relax
some of the constrains of the imaging set-up (Sec-
tion 3) to allow for:
• Minimal partial occlusion between the human
figure and its mirror reflections.
• Slow motion of limbs for continuous recon-
struction over multiple frames.
4. Use of non-Kinect camera: The proposed method
does not use the human detection and segmenta-
tion capability of Kinect. Hence it can be ported
to work for other RGB-D cameras.
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