- we had to represent the content of the images of
the Web. We extracted information from the Web
pages containing the retrieved images, i.e. metadata,
and we modelled this content as a Semantic Space,
similarly to the text case.
- we needed to compare the two Semantic Space.
For that, we defined a similarity measure which
indicates how much the two spaces relates to the
same semantic meaning.
- we needed to re-rank the list of retrieved images.
We propose to extract the words from the common
subspace of the two semantic spaces. Images are
ranked on the basis of the number of tags they share
in the common sub-space.
Results are very satisfactory, and impressive if
compared to those obtained with SPE. The main
difference between the two methods is the image
dataset. SPE uses a personal collection of photos,
annotated by hand, hence is very limited by the
number of images and by the concepts represented
in its dataset. We use Google Image to create, dy-
namically at each query, a new image dataset to
work within. Thus we exploit the knowledge of the
Web, increasing the chances to find images relevant
to the text content.
Furthermore our method has been designed to be
multi-language, as it can be easily extended to other
language if the proper list of stop-words is created.
We also developed a Web implementation of the
proposed method, as a new service to Internet users.
We are confident that our solution will interest
news or advertising agencies, newspapers websites,
bloggers or in general all the users who search for
information into the Web.
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pose, and can be used to compare texts, HTML pag-
es, and all types of annotated document, that can be
retrieved from the Web. That is, we can use Google
Search (Youtube, Wikipedia, etc.) instead of Google
Image, to query for any type of tagged contents
which can be useful to describe an input text.
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link1: http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Main_Page.
link2: http://alipr.com/spe/
link3: http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_Lakers_