Face alignment is an important step to obtain good re-
sults with a face recognition system. In this paper, we
have presented a novel face alignment method based
on two detectors that operate hierarchically. In this
method, first the eye-pair location is found in the face
image by the eye-pair detector. Then an eye detector
uses the search region, which the eye-pair detector re-
turned, to find the locations of the eyes. This location
information is subsequently used to align faces by us-
ing a simple geometrical formula. For the eye detec-
tor, we also compared results of two feature extraction
techniques in eye localization and rotation angle esti-
mation. The results on three different datasets show
that the RBM feature extraction technique is better at
handling rotation angle estimation than HOG. This is
also supported by the angle estimation error plot cre-
ated by using artificially created angles. We finally
examined the effect of rotational alignment in a face
recognition experiment in which we compare the use
of rotationally aligned and non-aligned faces in a sim-
ple face recognition system. The results show that the
RBM feature extraction method gives the best angle
estimation performance and this in-turn results in bet-
ter performance in a face recognition system. In fu-
ture work we will primarily focus on optimizing the
face recognition algorithm, which will make use of
the rotation alignment method presented in this paper.
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