96 pixels. Thus, we can allow in the best case 48
in the average case 36 and in the worst case 24 pix-
els location error to be still in a correct screen state.
In Table 1 we also measure the percentage of frames
where the pixel error exceeds a limit (K=3 is used).
In practice it is recommendable to stay below the the-
oretical values. Thus, we also tested for 18 pixels. As
can be seen, even 18 pixels are no problem with speed
based prediction for up to middle movement speed,
while the limit is exceeded several times in differ-
ent sequences with acceleration based prediction. In
contrast, for fast movement speed, acceleration based
prediction is often superior (also in accuracy). Practi-
cally, the user can (due to limit exceedances) see some
flicker for fast movement, mainly when he abruptly
starts or stops moving.
In this paper we presented an accurate calibration ap-
proach for or autostereoscopic 3D displays that does
not require the knowledge of camera and screen pa-
rameters and is thus very universal and simple to
apply. Furthermore, we presented an easily imple-
mentable but robust eye tracking system. In our eval-
uation we demonstrated its effectiveness. We showed
that it mostly even works for very high movement
speeds. Thanks to the temporal prediction and the
information fusion that improves the prediction accu-
racy even a reaction delay of 60 ms is no real prob-
lem in our realtime autostereoscopic system. In fu-
ture work we plan to expand our system to more com-
plex autostereoscopic displays that can directly adapt
to the users distance to the screen. We, for example,
can determine the interocular distance with our eye
tracker to calculate the rough viewing distance and
calibration could e.g. be performed for two or more
distances and in-between distances could be interpo-
This work has been partially funded by the BMBF
project Density.
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