Figure 13: The Grid polygonized with the algorithm
presented in this work, and the histogram with the
distribution of the angles. There are 25077 triangles in this
Cubes algorithm. These changes are performed only
inside a voxel, with no information about the
neighbours, this is the reason why these changes are
called local changes.
We can see, analyzing the triangles of the mesh
that are drawn on the surface, that the mesh resulting
from these changes has better triangles, with better
angles and better ratio between their sides.
The histograms of the surfaces polygonized with
Marching Cubes have some peaks, but the angles are
more dispersed, closer to a uniform distribution. All
histograms of the surfaces polygonized with the
algorithm presented in this work show an angles
concentration around the interval 40-60, and less
angles dispersion.
In future works we can use information from the
entire mesh, repositioning the vertex with small
angles, which are in the border of the polygon, thus
generating a mesh with better angles triangles.
Another approach is to deal not just with a surface,
but with an entire volume.
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