An Optimum-Rounding 5/3 IWT based on 2-Level Decomposition for
Lossless/Lossy Image Compression
Somchart Chokchaitam
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, Patoom-Thani 12120, Thailand
Keywords: 5/3 IWT, 2-Level Decomposition, Rounding Effect, Image Compression.
Abstract: Lifting structures and rounding operations are main tools to construct integer wavelet transforms (IWT) that
are well applied in lossless/lossy compression. However, the rounding operation generates its non-linear
noise that makes its performance worse. In this report, we propose a new optimum-rounding 5/3 IWT based
on 2-level decomposition for lossless/lossy image compression. Our proposed 5/3 IWT is designed to
reduce rounding operation as much as possible. Filter characteristics of our proposed 5/3 IWT are the same
as the conventional 2-level 2D 5/3 IWT excluded rounding effect. Coding performances of the proposed 5/3
IWT are better than those of conventional 5/3 IWT in lossy performance, because of reduction of rounding
effects. Especially, its performance in near lossless compression is much better than the conventional one.
However, they have almost the same lossless performance. Simulation results confirm effectiveness of our
proposed 5/3 IWT.
Many researchers have been paying attention to the
standardization of new image compression system
JPEG 2000 (Christopoulos, C., 2000). The Integer
Wavelet Transform (IWT) (Calderbank, A.R., 1998)
is one of the famous lossless algorithms because the
IWT-based coding system can provide not only
lossy coding but also lossless coding thanks to
lifting structures (LS) (Daubechies, I., 1998) and
rounding operations. However, the error generated
from rounding operation causes PSNR degradation
in lossy coding (Reichel, J., 2001) when
quantization is applied. The conventional IWT is a
one-dimensional (1D) filter bank (FB)
(Vaidyanathan, P.P., 1993) constructed from double
LS. To perform 2D FB for image application, the 1D
LWT is applied twice in horizontal and vertical
dimension, successively. Namely, it is a separable
Recently, many researchers proposed a
nonseparable 2D IWT. The number of rounding
operations of those IWT is less than that of
conventional 2D IWT, whereas filter characteristics
of a nonseparable 2D IWT (Chokchaitam, S., 2002)
are the same as those of conventional 2D IWT when
error generated by the rounding operation is
negligible. Therefore, coding performance of
nonseparable 2D IWT is better than that of the
conventional 2D IWT in lossy coding, especially at
high bit rate when quantization errors are relatively
small compared to the rounding errors. However, if
nonseparable 2D IWT is applied for multi-stage, the
rounding operations are not optimized.
In this report, a new optimum-rounding 5/3 IWT
based on 2-level decomposition is proposed for
lossless/lossy compression. The proposed optimum-
rounding 5/3 IWT is mainly reduced rounding
operations based on two methods: 1) Reducing
rounding from nonseparable 2D IWT and 2)
Reducing rounding from redundancy of 2-level
decomposition. In simulation results, lossy coding
performances of the proposed 5/3 IWT confirm its
effectiveness comparing to the conventional IWT.
Coding performance of our new proposed 2D 5/3
IWT is better than those of both the conventional 2-
level 2D IWT and the existing 2-level nonseparable
2D IWT. However, their performance in lossless
coding are almost the same results.
This report is organized as follows. In section 2,
we review signal processing of the conventional 2-
level 2D 5/3 IWT based on applying the
conventional 1D 5/3 IWT in horizontal and vertical
direction independently twice. Then, we review a
signal processing of the conventional 2-level
nonseparable 2D 5/3 IWT for image compression in
Chokchaitam S..
An Optimum-Rounding 5/3 IWT based on 2-Level Decomposition for Lossless/Lossy Image Compression.
DOI: 10.5220/0005309700130019
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 13-19
ISBN: 978-989-758-089-5
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)