The proposed approach performs the optimisation
on sparse structure and then transforms the dense
point clouds by the calculated camera transforma-
tions. This yields a valid result, however, it may be
possible to obtain a more precise dense point cloud
alignment. Since the relation between the sparse
points and points from the dense point cloud are
known, it is possible to calculate a rigid transfor-
mation that aligns the dense point cloud to the cor-
responding sparse points (e.g. using (Horn, 1987)).
Further work will expand in this direction.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Union, 7
work Programme grants 316564-IMPART and the
IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence, grant n.
CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070, supported by RDIOP funded
by Structural Funds of the EU and the state budget of
the Czech Republic.
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