Figure 7(a)-7(c) show RFs with uniform sampled split
points, one test per node, and a maximal tree height
of 5, 15, and 45, respectively. Four key characteristics
of the increase of the maximal tree height are imme-
diately evident: 1) The decision trees become larger
and more complex as visualized by height and shape
of the displayed trees. 2) The trees become stronger
as visualized by the height of the local hill (0-1-loss
decreases from 54% to 39%). 3) The performance of
the whole RF increases as well (BA increases from
54% to 93%), which is visualized by the height of
the global plateau. 4) The trees correlate more and
more with each other (average correlation increases
from 0.4 to 0.84) and are consequently located closer
to each other.
Figure 7(d) shows an RF with Gini-optimized split
point selection and a maximal tree height of 15. Com-
pared to an RF with similar parameter setting but uni-
form sampled split points, the performance increased
from 66% to 71%, which is visualized by a slightly
higher plateau. Figure 7(e)-7(f) show an RF with
median-based split point definition, best-of-ten test
selection, as well as a maximal tree height of 5 and
45, respectively. The advantage of this tree induc-
tion scheme is immediately evident if the visualiza-
tion in Figure 7(e) is compared to the visualizations
of the other RFs of this section. Already at this shal-
low maximal tree height, it outperforms other RFs as
can be clearly seen by the height of the global plateau
and local hills. Both, individual as well as global
performance, increase with higher trees: The BA in-
creases from 90% to 95% (leading to a slightly higher
plateau in Figure 7(f) than in Figure 7(e)). The aver-
age strength of the trees increases, i.e. the tree error
decreases from 0.28 to 0.20 (resulting in higher lo-
cal hills). Also the correlation increases from 0.79 to
0.92 on average, which leads to a very dense forest in
Figure 7(f). Figure 8(a)-8(b) visualize the same RF as
in Figure 7(f) from different viewing directions.
(a) (b)
Figure 8: Different views of one forest (Maximal height:
45; Median-based split point; Ten tests per node).
This work introduced a novel technique to visual-
ize one of the most successful machine learning ap-
proaches. Unlike other methods to visualize certain
properties of Random Forests, the current work is nei-
ther completely abstract, nor completely data-driven,
but instead combines both categories to a exemplar-
driven visualization. Besides only illustrating the un-
derlying principle of decision trees, it visualizes a spe-
cific, given Random Forest. Many of the main prop-
erties of a Random Forest including individual tree
strength and correlation as well as the strength of the
whole forest are dominant visual characteristics and
allow a fast and accurate judgement of the general
performance of the underlying RF classifier. An anal-
ysis of shape and color of the individual trees allows
to infer knowledge about unfavorable parameter set-
tings and provide cues for adjustments in order to in-
crease performance.
Future work will mainly focus on a higher ad-
vanced graphical user interface, which allows to blend
in more information about the Random Forest at hand
and to switch easily between different modes of visu-
alization (e.g. single tree, 1D sorted trees, spatially
arranged trees, etc.). Furthermore, an online visual-
ization which visualizes the RF during tree induction
and training can be beneficial to gain an even deeper
understanding of the learning part which eventually
might lead to new theoretical insights about RFs in
particular and EL in general.
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