Table 7: Accuracy achieved with LBP with different param-
eter values.
Results Unconstrained Data
K=1 K=5 K=10 K=20 K=30
All LBP 63.2% 69.8% 70.0% 69.5% 67.6%
Uniform 62.1% 69.3% 70.6% 69.3% 68.2%
Constrained Data
K=1 K=5 K=10 K=20 K=30
All LBP 63.2% 68.9% 69.3% 68.1% 65.2%
Uniform 61.0% 68.0% 68.5% 67.1% 66.8%
Clearly, the results are higher than those of the 4-
groups data division that was carried out before. For
more in-depth analysis, more test were carried out us-
ing the Extended Local Binary Patterns with different
values for the radius (1 and 2 pixels). The results are
shown in the following tables.
Table 8: Accuracy achieved with ELBP (1,8) Radius 1, 8
neighbouring pixels.
Results Unconstrained Data
K=1 K=5 K=10 K=20 K=30
All LBP 62.9% 69.4% 70.3% 69.0% 67.8%
Uniform 54.7% 66.9% 66.4% 67.5% 65.5%
Constrained Data
K=1 K=5 K=10 K=20 K=30
All LBP 62.4% 68.1% 68.9% 67.3% 65.9%
Uniform 57.3% 66.2% 65.9% 65.9% 64.0%
Table 9: Accuracy achieved with ELBP (2,8) Radius 2, 8
neighbouring pixels.
Results Unconstrained Data
K=1 K=5 K=10 K=20 K=30
64.4% 69.3% 71.1% 68.5% 67.6%
Uniform 65.4% 69.3% 70.9% 68.3% 68.5%
Constrained Data
K=1 K=5 K=10 K=20 K=30
All LBP 64.1% 68.6% 68.2% 66.1% 65.0%
Uniform 64.9% 68.7% 70.4% 67.6% 66.2%
Looking at the results, The maximum accuracy
reached was at K of value 10. Consequently, the K
value was fixed to 10. Also, using the 59 uniform
patterns yields nearly the same accuracy as using the
full Local Binary Patterns. Thus, the uniform patterns
contribute the most towards the correct classification,
and at the same time, reduces the size of the feature
vector dramatically. Consequently, uniform patterns
were chosen for the real time system.
Real-time Testing. Real-time test was carried out
at the DFKI. We tested with 20 subjects (3 fe-
males and 17 males). The subjects were facing the
Kinect(Microsoft, 2012) camera at a distance between
1 meter to 1.5 meters. The subjects were all between
or nearby to age-group 21 − 30. The system per-
formed quite well on those subjects, with correct age-
group estimation for nearly 81% cases.
Considering the results in Table 7, Table 8 and Table
9, the following discussion points can be drawn:
• Accuracy is equally good even when we work
with only 59 uniform patterns instead of all the
256 local binary patterns. This means, that its the
58 unique uniform patterns that contribute max-
imum towards classification. All the remaining
198 non-uniform patterns are put into the same
bin in histogram and still it does not affect the re-
• The accuracy of the system improved with in-
creased number of neighbours in the classifier that
are contributing towards classification.
• We achieved equally good or better accuracy with
significantly reduced dimensionality.
• Smaller histograms means processing time is less
and hence the system is fast.
Based on the results, the proposed approach of us-
ing uniform Local Binary Pattern is suitable for hu-
man age-group estimation in real time. Since the time
taken on average for a single prediction with is 15
milliseconds, which is appropriate in the context of
real-time performance.
As it is clear from experimental results, using uniform
Local Binary Patterns (LBP) as a descriptor is suitable
for the age-group estimation based on facial images.
That is due to the face that skin texture is directly af-
fected by ageing, and the texture is described using
the LBP. Since, time taken by for single prediction
using Local binary patterns is in the order of few mil-
liseconds, this was found suitable for age-group esti-
mation in real-time.
Also, the reduced dimensionality of input feature
vector by using uniform patterns and selected facial
regions has significantly reduced the processing time
which is a major source of concern for real-time per-
Regarding future work, it can be summarized in
the following points:.