ized region, the orientation of the control, and config-
uration of the parameters specific to the applied con-
trol, can produce unwanted deformations; however
this also provides freedom to an artist to use the pro-
vided tool-set in alternativeways. As shown in the ex-
ample deformation in Figure (dragon result), the head
of the dragon can be turned using a bend deformation
rather than a twist control metaphor.
In this paper we have presented an effective way
to impose pattern-based deformations on simulated
MSS- or FEM-based deformable models. We have il-
lustrated that the targeted application of the proposed
high-level control metaphors can effectively generate
physically plausible deformations in new animations
and can be used to modify the behavior of objects
within existing animations.
In this results of this paper we have demonstrated
that in using the method of controlling targeted de-
formations we have introduced, localized deforma-
tions can effectively be imposed on simulated objects
and we preserve an artists ability to iteratively refine
the resulting behavior. We have also defined the out-
line of the interactive editing environment that was
used to create these desired deformations. Addition-
ally, through the subsequent application of the prim-
itive control metaphors introduced in our approach,
we have demonstrated that compound behaviors can
be effectively generated to create complex anima-
tions. Our deformation control technique has also
been compared to other leading approaches and we
have discussed the potential contributions and prob-
lems associated with this approach.
While this technique contains the commonly reoc-
curring challenges associated with the application of
external forces, the resulting deformation behaviors
provide physically plausible results that can be used
to effective generate realistic animations.
The accurate control of deformable objects in simu-
lated environments for the generation of physically
plausible animations continues to present a challeng-
ing task. In this work we have identified a generalized
method for imposing pattern-based deformation be-
haviors on simulated objects; yet several of the promi-
nent reoccurring problems with the application of ex-
ternal forces remain, including oscillations, imposed
torque, and unbound force magnitudes.
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