are emitted. The number of children hair affects the
overall density of the hair. Experimental results are
shown in Figure 10.
In this paper, we present a novel system for capturing
straight or relatively straight hair of medium or long
length based on Kinect v2 sensors. We take advan-
tages of the depth and color sensors of the Kinect v2
to obtain reliable 3D depth data and 2D hair images.
Based on the 2D hair images, we introduce an im-
age enhancement algorithm to abstract 2D hair strand
segments followed by a grow-and-connect algorithm
to generate long 2D guide hair strands. By project-
ing the 2D guide hair strands onto 3D point clouds,
we can obtain guide 3D hair strands and generate the
surrounding child strands. Since the 3D hair strands
of our long straight hair models are presented using
control points, our hair model can be easily adapted
for use in rendering and animation.
The modeling of relatively straight hair of medium
to long length is the first step in our hair modeling
method based on Kinect v2 sensors. In the future, we
will apply our hair modeling system to more compli-
cated hairstyles, such as curly hairstyles.
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