Virtual Agents and Multi-modality of Interaction in Multimedia
Applications for Cultural Heritage
A Case Study
ao Neto
, Claudia Ribeiro
, Jo
ao Pereira
and Maria Jo
ao Neto
INESC-ID, Lisbon, Portugal
Instituto Superior T
ecnico, Universidade T
ecnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
{joao.neto, claudia.sofia.ribeiro, joao.madeiras.pereira},
Cultural Heritage, Multimedia Applications, Multi-modal, Embodied Conversational Agents, Multidisci-
plinary Approach, Immersive and Interactive Experience.
Cultural Heritage encompasses a set of traditions and commodities inherited from our ancestors, and it is
vital to convey and preserve them for the next generation. Cultural Multimedia applications and Serious
Games form an important pedagogical and didactic medium, mainly for a young demography, which can
learn while playing. In this paper is presented an innovative platform, named EI
VA (Engine for Immersive
Interaction with Virtual Agents), in which a virtual character, endowed with facial, corporal and behavioural
animation can be integrated in multimedia applications. These multimedia applications, derived from the Fala
Comigo project, which set the example for a possible use of this technology, preserving the historical and
cultural contents indispensable for the users, based on a multi-modality of evident interaction. The resulting
multimedia applications were used in a case study conduct with three different user groups (experts and non-
experts) in different settings including classroom, museum and scientific conference.
Nowadays, Cultural Heritage has been a vastly dis-
cussed subject (Petrelli et al., 2013; Antonaci et al.,
2013). Like no other area, Cultural Heritage demands
a multidisciplinary organization and effort in order
to achieve its crucial goal - user learning (Anderson
et al., 2010).
Without a solid foundation of contents, Cultural
Heritage applications are just attractive pieces of soft-
ware with no real educational use for the visitor. On
the other hand, without a coherent and structured sci-
entific approach, the technological systems will not
meet the demanding requirements for this type of me-
dia. Moreover, this area demands a unique visual
presentation, that engages visitors. The success of
Cultural Heritage systems deeply relies on balancing
these three core areas.
To achieve this, there must be a commitment pro-
duce renewed content. Is necessary to develop new
cultural discourses, aimed at different age groups and
that create awareness of how important it is to pre-
serve artistic heritage. These studies must be pre-
sented according to the modern lines of dissemina-
tion, based on emerging technologies that capture the
attention of these audiences, establishing a framework
that allows both the dissemination and the enjoyment
of heritage.
Exploring these new potentials, the Fala Comigo
(Rego, 2004) explored different multime-
dia applications which, combined several technolo-
gies with a well-structured historical narrative, taking
as a common factor the usage of interactive virtual
agents. The main aim was to create something dis-
tinctive that entices and fascinates the public.
Consequently, the work described in this paper fo-
cused on the implementation of and innovative ani-
mation framework, named EI
VA (Engine for Immer-
sive Interaction with Virtual Agents), designed to op-
timize the performance of embodied conversational
agents and their integration in multimedia systems.
The scope and potential success of the EI
VA frame-
work was the object of a careful analysis using the
environment of the Palace of Monserrate, in Sintra
Portugal which served as a case study for the project.
We evaluated how multimedia applications can influ-
Neto J., Ribeiro C., Pereira J. and Neto M.
Virtual Agents and Multi-modality of Interaction in Multimedia Applications for Cultural Heritage - A Case Study.
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2015), pages 446-453
ISBN: 978-989-758-087-1
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ence the assimilation of cultural contents and make an
impact of the visitors’ experience and immersion. In
this sense, tests with different types of users, such as
interviews, questionnaires and in-situ demonstrations
were made.
Section II describes the case study conducted as
well as user characterization where as the results and
discussion presented in section III. We finalize with
conclusions and future work (Section IV).
2 EI
The aim of this work was to create an innovative
framework for virtual agents, completely integrated in
a spoken dialogue system, where the purpose was to
take the user on an immersive and multi-modal jour-
ney, where realism and interactivity are crucial fac-
2.1 Architecture
The organization of the EI
VA framework is divided
into three main blocks: Application, Animation En-
gine and Spoken Dialogue System. The Application
Block can be seen as a standard multimedia support,
with its features, functionality, and isolated objec-
tives. In this manner it was intended to add a new in-
teractive and communicative paradigm. This change
forced the introduction of an innovative tool, where
the inclusion of Embodied Conversational Agents, re-
alistically animated and communicatively supported
by an SDF, presents itself as a differentiating qual-
ity factor. Thus, the Animation Engine is responsi-
ble for conceding the realism by creating credible fa-
cial, emotional and bodily animations. The Spoken
Dialogue System block is responsible for managing
the interaction and knowledge domains of the virtual
2.1.1 Application Block
From the high-level architectural introduction made
previously, it is possible to identify the existence of
three main functional blocks. Each of these blocks
has a set of internal modules that contribute to the in-
tegration of the EI
VA framework into any multime-
dia application.
Beginning with the Application Block, which has
two essential management components: Client Appli-
cation Manager and Recognition Manager. The Client
Application Manager is the entry point for the sys-
tem’s execution. As primary responsibility, it makes
the connection between the application, the Anima-
tion Engine and Spoken Dialogue System, control-
ling all activity of this environment. In addition to
the features of communication management and en-
forcement, this module has other important responsi-
bilities. Specifically, it serves as a trigger to the in-
teractive process. As such, after creating the user’s
session structure, it initiates all the remaining compo-
nents of the Application Layer. First it signals if the
application is properly initiated and ready to start the
recognition process, transferring the execution flow to
the Recognition Manager.
The Recognition Manager is responsible of coor-
dinating the whole recognition process. Specifically,
when the Client Application Manager completes the
initialization process, changes its state and informs
the Recognition Manager that the recognition pro-
cess can begin. The recognition process is continuous
and cross-framework, always active, and only stopped
when the agent is speaking, being restarted immedi-
ately when it finishes. This module is therefore sepa-
rated from the animation engine, since their operation
is independent of the activity of the later.
2.1.2 Animation Engine
Regarding the Animation Engine block, it consists of
a set of unique modules, responsible for the entire an-
imation aspects of the EIVA framework. In particu-
lar, this engine is formed by the following functional
components: Visemes Manager; Emotions Manager,
Facial Expressions Manager, Human Gestures Man-
ager, Body Animations Manager, Non-verbal Be-
haviour Manager; Data Persistence Manager and Ani-
mation Module. The Visemes Manager prime respon-
sibility of mapping the phonemes of any supported
language into visemes. Then, it takes the resulting
viseme set and converts it to visual animations be-
longing to the virtual agent. As input data, this com-
ponent receives a data structure composed by the list
of phonemes and their duration times, sent directly by
the Spoken Dialogue System.
The Emotions Manager is responsible of mapping
a set of human emotions into visual animations of the
virtual agent. As input data, this module receives a
data structure containing three separate lists: a list of
emotions to generate; a list with the respective dura-
tion of each of these emotions and a list with particu-
lar intensities of each of the above poses.
The Facial Expressions Manager primary function
is to map a set of facial expressions into visual anima-
tions that can be used by the virtual agent. As input
data, this module receives a data structure containing
three separate lists: a list of the facial expressions to
generate; a list with the respective duration of each of
Virtual Agents and Multi-modality of Interaction in Multimedia Applications for Cultural Heritage - A Case Study
these expressions and a list with particular intensities
of each of the above poses.
The Human Gestures Manager, in its turn, maps
a set of human gestures in visual animations that can
be used by the virtual agent. As input data, this mod-
ule receives a data structure containing three separate
lists: a list of the human gestures to generate; a list
with the respective duration of each of these gestures
and a list with particular intensities of each of the
above poses.
The Body Animations Manager has the responsi-
bility of defining a set of uncharacterised animations,
which can be used at alternate times of the interactive
process. Here we find oratory animations or anima-
tions of complex human movements. Currently there
is no concrete and generally accepted specification to
indicate which set of essential bodily animations a vir-
tual agent should have. This led us to separate this
module functionally and structurally. In this manner,
its control is independent from any other animation
The Non-verbal Behaviour Manager takes the re-
sponsibility of recreating non-verbal behaviours and
associates them with text responses to be reproduced
by the virtual agent. These behaviours can be created
to encompass any of the animations related to emo-
tions, gestures or facial expressions.
Any previously described animation can be de-
fined as an interactive event which occurs over a pe-
riod of time, being connected to a given sequence of
facial or body animations and persisted in the Data
Persistent Manager. As such, it must be possible to
reference these animations easily through a standard
specification. This abstract description is the solution
to simplify the structural mapping between what is
sent by the Spoken Dialogue System and what is fea-
tured in each of the presented managers. Thus, to bet-
ter reference the different data structures received in
each behavioural animation module, the descriptive
language for virtual human animations VHML - Vir-
tual Human Markup Language
was used.
2.1.3 Spoken Dialogue System
The Spoken Dialogue System consists of a set of
components that enhance the multi-modal and inter-
active facets of the system. Through the integration
of semantic processing tools, speech recognition and
synthesis engines, it is possible to transform a vir-
tual agent in an educational and communicative ve-
hicle. To achieve an interactive form of communi-
cation it was necessary to innovate in different as-
pects, mainly in the creation and structuring of the
Relational Knowledge Base. Specifically, it was nec-
essary to develop something more prominent than a
simple database, associating questions with respec-
tive answers. This layer is generally coordinated by
the management module - Dialogue Manager, which
takes the responsibility of structuring all communi-
cation and processing flow, liaising with the Anima-
tion Engine and the Client Application. The Speech
Recognition Engine integrates the AUDIMUS which
is a hybrid speech recogniser that combines the tem-
poral modelling capabilities of Hidden Markov Mod-
els, with the discriminative pattern classification ca-
pabilities of multilayer perceptrons. This automatic
recogniser can be used for distinctive tasks, based
on a common structure, with different components.
The acoustic models were adapted for a microphone
input device. The system is using a different lan-
guage model for each specific application scene in
order to have a limited number of words in the vo-
cabulary. With this approach the recognition percent-
age is much higher. However, the language model
can have an increased complexity for each knowledge
base driven interactions.
The Language Interpretation Module is respon-
sible for extracting the intentions of the user’s ut-
terances. The visitor can interact with the applica-
tions by touching the screen or by speech commands.
When real-time interaction is intendant, a suggestion
table of questions is shown to the user to help her/him
steer in the right direction. In a cultural exhibition
case study is normal for a virtual agent interaction
framework to receive many questions not stored in the
current knowledge base. To avoid quick user detach-
ment, we suggest possible questions to boost the in-
teraction sequence. The visitor can choose a specific
question using the touch screen interface or by read-
ing the question. When this module receives input on
the touch screen, it sends the chosen question to the
Relational Knowledge Base module.
The Relational Knowledge Base maps questions
to the appropriated answers. When a question arrives
to the module, an answer is chosen and then sent to
the Dialogue Manager.
The Dialogue Manager consists of several main
modules, including the Behavioural Agent (BA)
which has the responsibility of managing all the di-
alogue process. Frames are used to represent both
the domain and the information collected during the
interaction with the users. The Speech Synthesizer
Engine integrates a TTS module (DIXI) which is a
concatenated based synthesiser. This framework sup-
ports several voices and two different types of unit:
fixed length units (such as diaphones), and variable
length units. This latter data-driven approach can be
GRAPP 2015 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
fine-tuned to a limited domain of applications scenes,
by altering the design of the corpus.
2.2 Information Flow
Given the previous structural division, we can sum-
marize the interactive flow organization through a
state machine (see Fig 1) that mirrors the different
presented phases.
At the beginning of the execution the system is
in INIT state, where the different modules managers
are initiated, beginning with the Application Block
soon followed by the spoken dialogue layer. After
this phase, the system is ready to start the recogni-
tion process, reaching the LOAD state. When this
loading process is complete, the client application is
ready to receive requests, going to the ACTIVE state.
When the user interacts with the system in the form
of a question, this is done transferring the execution
flow to the Spoken Dialog System. The system enters
a processing phase in which the current state - PRO-
CESSING - reflects that. When this process ends, the
result is sent to the Animation Engine that will gen-
erate an animated - ANIMATING state. The Appli-
cation layer is responsible for initiating the display of
the prior sequence to the user. When the agent finishes
its response, the system waits for a new interaction
returning to the ACTIVE state. When the interaction
ends, the system returns to its initial state- INIT. The
following image shows this same state machine.
Figure 1: State Machine of the EI
VA Framework.
It was decided to conduct an appraisal of this work,
which consisted in evaluating in an integrated way,
each of its components. This evaluation was based
in a set of structural methodologies introduced by
Figure 2: At the time of the Cook Famiy Room example.
(Bernsen and Dybkjær, 2004) and (Fonseca et al.,
2012). Collecting this information allowed doing a
deeper reflection on fundamental aspects of the mul-
timedia system produced for the Fala Comigo project
(Rego, 2004).
With the reference of Monserrate Palace in Sintra,
the Fala Comigo project
(Rego, 2004) created dif-
ferent multimedia products, assuming as common de-
nominator the virtual agents. These products obeyed,
in terms of content, to a selection of information
which is relevant to different types of audiences using
different levels of language. Enhancing content ac-
cessibility increases the potential of one of the most
fundamental objective of a Cultural Heritage appli-
cation - user learning. By using complementary cul-
tural contents, a simple user interface was designed,
where the contents can be clearly conveyed and ab-
sorbed. These applications are group by three distinc-
tive types: Multi-touch Informative, Multi-touch In-
teractive and Serious Games (Abt, 1970; Michael and
Chen, 2006; Susi et al., 2007; Ribeiro et al., 2013).
An example of one of the multimedia applications can
be depicted in Figure 2.
The first important step of the evaluation process
was to correctly identify the user groups that should
test the system in its development phase. Following
this premise, we formed an evaluative group for each
of the functional areas presented in this work. This
structure proved to be of utmost importance when
drawing conclusions about the developed functional
3.1 User Characterization
This step was conducted in a structured and method-
ological way, since it is crucial to select the right
users to test the system. In particular, special steps
were taken throughout this process, selecting hetero-
geneous assessment groups, skilled and unskilled, fo-
Virtual Agents and Multi-modality of Interaction in Multimedia Applications for Cultural Heritage - A Case Study
cused on examining particular parts of the system
(Taras, 2005).
Follow-up Groups
Since the start of the development phase, both the
Animation Engine and the Spoken Dialogue System,
needed a specialized follow-up group responsible for
analysing each iteration of these two parts. Sepa-
rately, another team was assigned to monitor the mul-
timedia applications creation process, as mentioned
previously. The group responsible for the structural
and functional analyse of the evolution of the Anima-
tion Engine and Spoken Dialogue System had the fol-
lowing composition: (a) 1 specialist in animation; (b)
1 specialist in spoken dialogue systems; (c) 2 expert
users; (d) and, 3 non-expert users.
In parallel, the group with the task of verifying
that aesthetic and functional evolution of the multi-
media applications was composed as follow: (a) 1
specialist in historical and artistic contents; (b) 1 spe-
cialist in spoken dialogue systems; (c) 2 expert users;
(d) and, 3 non-expert users.
From the organizational structure presented, is
possible to observe that the two groups were com-
prised of three categories of users. This approach
promotes the possibility of receiving different types
of opinions and getting a better perspective on the
strengths and weaknesses of the system. On both
groups there are specialists, focused on matters di-
rectly related to fundamental aspects of the exposed
functional blocks. Additionally, two experts users
were assigned to each team that had both an academic
and professional experience in this context. Due to
their background, this users were able to provide a
distinct and constructive view of all the environment.
To promote a new critical and impartial vision about
the various functional components, we also selected
three non-experts users with no previous knowledge
of the areas in question.
During the development stage, the two groups col-
laborated with us through different stages of forma-
tive evaluation, analysing the main functional aspects
of the created system. In all these analytical moments,
technical and design flaws were found. This itera-
tive discussion process resulted in the improvement
of the components discussed above. At the end of this
step, the history log build during the different analy-
sis phase was reviewed. This resulted in a summative
evaluation of the complete process.
System Users
After concluding the development phase, it was nec-
essary to find new users, without any knowledge of
the work in progress. The selection of users followed
the same methodological principles of the develop-
ment phase. In terms of analysis, the focus was on
the quality and effectiveness of the transmission of
educational and historical content as well as the soci-
ological ability of the virtual agent as a teaching and
guiding vehicle during a cultural visit.
Given the interactive facet of the Fala Comigo
(Rego, 2004), it was decided to validate
the capabilities of this system in different environ-
ments. Initially, the system was presented at the
international conference: ECLAP2013, 2nd Interna-
tional Conference on Information Technologies for
Performing Arts, Media Access and Entertainment,
Porto, 8-10 April 2013. Here, the main focus of the
evaluation was the Animation Engine and the Spoken
Dialogue System, via the technical skills of the partic-
ipants. In short, with this demonstration, we sought
the opinion and acceptance of people with expertise
in the identified areas.
In a second phase, the pedagogical capabilities of
the interactive agent were analysed. The presenta-
tion and use of educational multimedia content alone,
very often has a low receptivity in the target audience.
Without a well-structured conductive line, where the
virtual agent assumes the role of a guide, it is difficult
to achieve a correct transmission and assimilation of
historical contents. As such, it was necessary to as-
sess the actual pedagogical relevance of the produced
applications. Therefore, it was decided to test the dif-
ferent applications with two groups of students, one
of basic education (8th grade) and other higher edu-
cation (3rd year of the degree in Art History). The
context, the mode and manner of this assessment will
be explained in the next section.
To complete this important step, the applications
were also evaluated in-situ. The Monserrate Palace is
a monument with very particular characteristics and is
visited by many foreign tourists. Almost empty today,
the historical contents need to be the bridge between
the past and the present. The virtual agents, as recre-
ated historical figures, are responsible for guiding the
visit, on one hand, and for being storytellers, on the
other. This phase lasted a week and we were able
to collect all the information necessary regarding the
created applications.
In this section is summarized the results of the evalu-
ation process. In order to maintain a descriptive con-
GRAPP 2015 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Technical Analysis Results.
sistency, we begin with the description and analysis
of the results obtained in the international conference
ECLAP, followed by the assessment of the student
groups test phase and ending with the assessment of
in-situ tests.
4.1 Technical Analysis
The international conference ECLAP was chosen to
be the first demonstration attempt, disseminating the
Fala Comigo project
(Rego, 2004) in a scientific en-
vironment, paying particular attention to the interac-
tion with the Virtual Agent. The questionnaire used
to collect information was administered to 15 users
and was focused on the evaluation of the Animation
Engine and the Spoken Dialogue System. Particu-
larly, the objective was to obtain new opinions and
also validate the chosen implementation options. The
questionnaire was divided into three distinct and well
defined sections: demographic analysis, analysis An-
imation Engine and analysis of Spoken Dialogue Sys-
The first phase of the evaluation comprehended a
group of demographic questions for better character-
ization and contextualization of the respondents. The
high level of education and technical skills of the par-
ticipants provided a new vision in the two previous
highlighted components. Moreover, the wide vari-
ety of participants nationalities was significant when
assessing the quality of the communicative message
of the virtual agent, with only three available lan-
guages, including Portuguese, English and Spanish.
After answering the demographic questionnaire each
user was submitted to guided interaction with each of
the multimedia applications. At the end of interac-
tion, each user answered a questionnaire composed
of seven likert-scale questions focused on analysing
the real impact of the virtual agent on their experi-
ence. Specifically, it was requested feedback in terms
of visual credibility, both facial and emotional anima-
tion wise. The summary of the results obtained in this
questionnaire are presented in Figure 3.
93% of respondents consider that these animations
reproduced faithfully and, with excellent quality, the
expressions and emotions of a human being. The
communicative importance of the virtual agent is an-
other relevant aspect to take into consideration. The
agent, many times, needs to be a communicator and a
disseminator of cultural contents in a historical envi-
ronment. The text-to-speech engine needs to have ac-
cess to realistic voices. Each virtual agent should have
a particular voice that needs to be convincing and feel
natural. 80% of respondents qualified this qualitative
aspect with Very High and 20% believe that the cred-
ibility conveyed by the virtual character to High. The
used voice, together with a spoken discourse carefully
outlined, is fundamental in this interactive process.
Overall, the receptivity of respondents was quite ac-
ceptable, with 87% of respondents to rate the over-
all experience with the Virtual Agent with Very High.
Finally, the last section of the analysis focused on is-
sues related to Spoken Dialogue System. The ECLAP
conference provided an environment suitable to test
aspects concerning communicative quality of virtual
agent dialogues, mainly the contents of the Relational
Knowledge Base. Again, 87% of the inquired users
were very satisfied with the assertiveness of the vir-
tual agent’s cultural message.
4.2 Sociological Analysis
After ECLAP, we looked for different points of view
outside of the academic context. Specifically,the sys-
tem was tested by two distinct groups of respondents.
The main aim was to analyse the sociological, ed-
ucational and communicative ability of the virtual
agent. In this respect, the multimedia applications
were tested with a group of students from the 8th
grade (total of 20 students) and with a university class
from the Art History course (total 28 students). This
test was comprehended in two distinct phase: firstly
the user listened to an oral presentation of cultural
contents of the Palace of Monserrate and its history.
After, the students answered to a quiz regarding ed-
ucational questions about the presentation. On the
Virtual Agents and Multi-modality of Interaction in Multimedia Applications for Cultural Heritage - A Case Study
second phase, the students interacted with the mul-
timedia applications for a period of 15 minutes. Fi-
nally, they answered to a quiz similar to the one they
answer previously. These knowledge questionnaires
were provided by experts and pre-test and post-test,
although different, had the same level of difficulty.
The summary of the results can be depicted in Fig-
ure 4 and Figure 5.
Figure 4: Art History Course Undergraduate Students Re-
Figure 5: 8th Grade Results.
First, we have to point out an important aspect in
relation to the environment in which the tests were
conducted. Regarding the university students group,
the underling process was conducted in the class-
room. On the other hand, with the 8th grade students
group the tests were conducted at the monument dur-
ing a study visit. Even with specific knowledge in art
history, the results of the undergraduate class show
that the user location paradigm of is a factor to take
into account. Only 22% correct and 41% wrong an-
swers, adding up to 37% of unanswered questions.
The initial results of 8th grade class were a little
more balanced with 45% correct answers.These re-
sults indicate that the presence of the visitor at the
historical site has a measurable impact in the assimi-
lation of the historical and educational contents. Par-
ticularly, this is reflected in the lower percentage of
wrong answers and not answered, 21% and 34% re-
spectively of the 8th grade students group. After the
interaction phase, the second quiz showed a clear im-
provement of the respondents. In the 8th grade stu-
dents we can see a 34% increment for the correct an-
swers to 81%. In the undergraduate students, the cor-
rect answers percentage was maximized by 28 points
to 50%. These are positive results that show some
promise in terms of the sociological, educational and
communicative capacities that the virtual agent offers.
4.3 In-Situ Analysis
To conclude the test phase, it was decided to conduct
a week of field-testing at the Palace of Monserrate.
Both visitors and monument’s staff were invited to
experience the multimedia applications. Here, with
a sample of 47 elements, we aimed to test, not only
the technical aspects of the Animation Engine and the
Spoken Dialogue System, but also aspects related to
the usability and design of the applications. In terms
of the lastly referred aspects, the results were very in-
teresting, which revealed the importance of the vir-
tual characters being directly integrated in multime-
dia applications. The summary of the results can be
depicted in Figure 6.
After the normal demographic analysis phase,
feedback was requested regarding the Design and Us-
ability facets of the multimedia applications. Specifi-
cally, the aim was to hear the user’s opinion in terms
of the presented cultural knowledge and the acqui-
sition process of those historical contents. 77% and
68% of respondents scored as Excellent the structural
aspects of Design and Usability, respectively. In terms
of exposure and apprehension of knowledge 72% and
57% indicated as Excellent how the historical and ed-
ucational contents are presented and acquired, in that
Regarding the evaluation of the Animation En-
gine, the respondent’s views support the results ob-
tained during the evaluation process carried out at the
ECLAP conference. Specific technical aspects, such
as the visual impact of the facial animations (Very
high - 74%), communicative importance (Very High -
63%) or voices quality (Very high - 77%) were quite
interesting in a non-specialized public. The results are
less positive in the visual evaluation of the body an-
imations, with 44% of respondents to evaluate these
as Very High and 29% as High. 89% of respondents
indicated with Very High the visual credibility of the
virtual characters, higher value than 80% registered at
the ECLAP conference. Finally, 63% of respondents
scored as Very High the overall quality of the anima-
tion engine.
The final evaluation phase included the quality of
the verbal message conveyed by the virtual characters,
structured in the Relational Knowledge Base. 63%
and 23% of users consider this as Very High and High
GRAPP 2015 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 6: In-Situ Analysis Results.
In conclusion, it is necessary to highlight the current
high demand for promoting Cultural Heritage. There
is a firm belief that for a proper and attractive transfer
of cultural information, the development of multime-
dia applications that heavily rely on realistic Embod-
ied Conversational Agents is mandatory. This is an
on-going research project, since in the past the deliv-
ery of the cultural message was compromised due to
poor design and simplistic agents.
In general users believe that the agent animations
and dialogue interaction was very credible. In partic-
ular, both experts as well as non-experts expressed the
importance of the virtual agent to convey cultural her-
itage. Moreover, the level of learning was higher both
among 8th grade students as well as undergraduate
students after interacting with the multimedia appli-
Finally, as a future direction for this work we be-
lieve that developing a centralized library of virtual
agents and respective animations that could be re-used
by different application for different contexts could
help lower the cost of developing this kind of applica-
This work was supported by FCT (INESC-ID
multiannual funding) under the project PEst-
OE/EEI/LA0021/2013. The authors also would
like to acknowledge to the European funded Project
Games and Learning Alliance (FP7 258169) the
Network of Excellence (NoE) on Serious Games.
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Petridis, P., and de Freitas, S. (2010). Developing se-
rious games for cultural heritage: a state-of-the-art re-
view. Virtual Reality, 14(4):255–275.
Antonaci, A., Ott, M., and Pozzi, F. (2013). Virtual mu-
seums, cultural heritage education and 21st century
skills. Learning & Teaching with Media & Technol-
ogy, page 185.
Bernsen, N. O. and Dybkjær, L. (2004). Evaluation of
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Virtual Agents and Multi-modality of Interaction in Multimedia Applications for Cultural Heritage - A Case Study