sections are wrongly identified, as category 70 (in-
stead of 50 or 90), which confirms the quantitative
results. This case is illustrated in Fig 9-b. Note that
this situation is quite ambiguous, even for a human
operator. With the BOW method, we observe a three-
carriageway section that has been wrongly classified
in the category 110 (90 in GT
) as shown in Fig 9-c.
In this paper, we addressed the problem of route seg-
mentation into four speed limit categories using road
scene analysis. We proposed a two-step algorithm
that first classifies the images either by using a low-
level approach or by using a high-level, semantic ap-
proach. In both cases, the second step is a sequential
filtering to obtain a relevant route segmentation with
homogenous road sections. The performances of the
algorithm were evaluated on individual images and on
a sequence data set. In the sequence data set, the true
positive rate is satisfactory for the category 110. By
using mCentrist, the TPR are homogeneous and vary
over the range [55.7,69.6] for the categories 50, 70
and 90. In the BOW method, the performances are
improved for category 50 and 90, but the TPR is low
for the category 70. Wrong classifications correspond
to situations that can be ambiguous, even for a human
operator, e.g. transitions areas.
Future prospects include the use of robust algo-
rithms, such as Markov chains, or semi-Markovian
models in the sequential filtering. In a sequence, the
number of images by category are highly imbalanced.
This problematic shall be considered in the training
phase. These improvements should be assessed on
other sequence data sets to increase the true positive
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