Various Fusion Schemes to Recognize Simulated and Spontaneous
Sonia Gharsalli
, H
ene Laurent
, Bruno Emile
and Xavier Desquesnes
Univ. Orl
eans, INSA CVL,
PRISME EA 4229, Bourges, France
on secondment from INSA CVL, Univ. Orl
PRISME EA 4229, Bourges, France
to the Rector of the Academy of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
Facial Emotion Recognition, Posed Expression, Spontaneous Expression, Early Fusion, Late Fusion, SVM,
FEEDTUM Database, CK+ Database.
This paper investigates the performance of combining geometric features and appearance features with various
fusion strategies in a facial emotion recognition application. Geometric features are extracted by a distance-
based method; appearance features are extracted by a set of Gabor filters. Various fusion methods are proposed
from two principal classes namely early fusion and late fusion. The former combines features in the feature
space, the latter fuses both feature types in the decision space by a statistical rule or a classification method.
Distance-based method, Gabor method and hybrid methods are evaluated on simulated (CK+) and sponta-
neous (FEEDTUM) databases. The comparison between methods shows that late fusion methods have better
recognition rates than the early fusion method. Moreover, late fusion methods based on statistical rules per-
form better than the other hybrid methods for simulated emotion recognition. However in the recognition
of spontaneous emotions, the statistical-based methods improve the recognition of positive emotions, while
the classification-based method slightly enhances sadness and disgust recognition. A comparison with hybrid
methods from the literature is also made.
Automatic facial emotion recognition is a challenging
topic in machine vision research. It has made many
achievements in the last years in various applications
(human/machine interaction, psychiatry, behavioural
science, educational software, animation...).
Automatic facial emotion recognition methods
can be distinguished in two main classes: geomet-
ric methods and appearance-based methods. Geomet-
ric methods detect face components shapes and posi-
tions. Feature points tracking and face motion track-
ers are the mostly used geometric techniques to cap-
ture expression of emotions from image sequences.
Abdat et al (Abdat et al., 2011) represent each facial
muscle motion by distance variation between pair of
feature points. To recognize the six basic facial emo-
tions and a set of Facial Action Units (FAU), Kotsia
et al (Kotsia and Pitas, 2007) compute the displace-
ments of some selected Candide nodes from the first
frame to the greatest facial expression intensity frame.
On the other hand, appearance-based methods extract
facial texture changes such as wrinkles and furrows.
These methods use various techniques to capture the
skin texture changes such as Gabor wavelets (Bartlett
et al., 2003), Local Binary Patterns (LBP) (Shan et al.,
2009), optical flow (Anderson and McOwan, 2006).
Both geometric methods and appearance-based
methods have some specific weaknesses. Kotsia et al
(Kotsia et al., 2008b) report that the use of only tex-
ture information can lead to confusion between anger
and fear emotions. However, the lack of texture in-
formation can lead to the misclassification of subtle
facial movements. The combination between these
two classes could then allow to achieve better results.
Fasel et al (Fasel et al., 2002) explain that having an
hybrid method can be of great interest, if the individ-
ual approaches produce very different error patterns.
The choice of the appropriate fusion scheme can
also impact the results. The fusion of information
is generally performed at two levels: feature level
and decision level. For emotion recognition applica-
tions these two levels are highlighted when various
modalities are combined such as: speech and facial
Gharsalli S., Laurent H., Emile B. and Desquesnes X..
Various Fusion Schemes to Recognize Simulated and Spontaneous Emotions.
DOI: 10.5220/0005312804240431
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 424-431
ISBN: 978-989-758-090-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
expressions (Busso et al., 2004), face and body ges-
tures (Gunes and Piccardi, 2005). For facial expres-
sion recognition applications, the combination of dif-
ferent features is generally done by feature level fu-
sion. Kotsia et al (Kotsia et al., 2008b) extract the ap-
pearance features by the Discriminant Non-negative
Matrix Factorization (DNMF) methods. Besides, the
shape is computed by the deformed Candide grid. An
early fusion method is applied to combine between
both descriptors. The same fusion scheme is applied
by Zhang et al (Zhang et al., 2012) and Chen et al
(Chen et al., 2012) to obtain robust combined features
to recognize facial expressions. The geometric fea-
tures are computed through distance-based method in
(Zhang et al., 2012) and displacement-based method
in (Chen et al., 2012). Both methods use in addition
local texture information. Wan et al (Wan and Ag-
garwal, 2013) learn a distance metric structure from
combined features. A feature level fusion is applied
with different weights between texture and geometric
In this paper, various fusion strategies (early fu-
sion, fusion by statistical rules and fusion by classifi-
cation method) are studied and their robustness in the
recognition of posed and spontaneous facial expres-
sions is analysed.
The paper is organised as follows: description of
the features extraction and the fusion strategies is pro-
posed in the next section, followed by the presenta-
tion of the considered databases in section 3. Sec-
tion 4 reports the experimental results on the CK+
database (Lucey et al., 2010) and the FEEDTUM
database (Wallhoff, 2006). A discussion is also pre-
sented there. Conclusion and prospects are given in
section 5.
Emotion recognition systems are based on three steps:
face detection, features extraction and features clas-
sification. In our work, we chose for real-time face
detector an adapted version of Viola&Jones method
(Viola and Jones, 2001) available in OpenCV (Brad-
ski et al., 2006). In the following section, we present
the methods used to extract facial features.
2.1 Feature Extraction Methods
Existing emotion recognition methods are mainly
based on two types of features, namely geometric
features and appearance features. For geometric fea-
tures, we chose a distance-based method presented in
(Abdat et al., 2011). Due to its face measure model,
Figure 1: Techniques used to detect the three axis. The first
row presents the horizontal projection of the horizontal gra-
dient of the whole face, the second row presents the hori-
zontal projection of the vertical gradient of the lower half of
the face. The third row shows the location of the symmetric
axis computed as the horizontal middle of the face.
this method presents a good location of feature points
independently of illumination changes and subjects
changes. Moreover, it works in real time. For appear-
ance features, we chose the Gabor method, a widely
used method for texture extraction on different orien-
tations and different scales.
2.1.1 Distance-based Method
Abdat et al (Abdat et al., 2011) developed a distance-
based method. The facial expression is coded by dis-
tances variation linking the variation of the most rel-
evant muscles to the human expressions. These dis-
tances are computed from a pair of dynamic and fixed
points. The dynamic points are feature points that can
move during the expression located on eyebrows, lips,
eyelid and nose. The fixed points present stable points
with respect to facial expression changes located on
face edges, outer corners of the eyes and the nose root.
The location of these points is based on the detection
of the horizontal position of the eyes, the horizontal
position of the mouth and the facial symmetric axis.
To improve the detection of these three axis, we
changed some of the techniques used in (Abdat et al.,
2011). For the detection of the eyes axis, the horizon-
tal gradient projection is used (see the first row of fig-
ure 1). In our case, we use the Sobel mask to compute
the horizontal gradient instead of columns difference.
We also changed the mouth detection technique. In-
stead of using a HSV segmentation, we apply the hor-
izontal projection of the vertical gradient. The second
row of figure 1 illustrates the mouth axis detection,
while the last row presents the symmetric axis detec-
tion which is computed as the horizontal middle of
the face.
To ensure the position of feature points, the
Shi&Tomasi method (Shi and Tomasi, 1994) is used
in a neighbourhood of each point. In our case, we
use a 8X8 block around each detected point. This
method is available in the OpenCv library (Bradski
et al., 2006).
The feature points are localised in the first frame
of the image sequence which corresponds to the neu-
tral face. Afterwards, these points are tracked using
the Lucas-Kanade algorithm (Bouguet, 2000).
For each image, we obtain a distance feature vec-
tor composed of 21 distances.
2.1.2 Gabor Method
Gabor filter-based feature extraction has been suc-
cessfully applied to fingerprint recognition (Lee and
Wang, 1999), face recognition (Vinay and Shreyas,
2006) and facial feature point detection (Vukadinovic
and Pantic, 2005). This is due to its similarity with
the human visual system (Lee and Wang, 1999).
We applied the Gabor method to detect skin
changes in each image. The faces were detected au-
tomatically and normalized to 80 × 60 sub-images
based on the location of the eyes. The face is then
filtered with a filter bank.
The entire filter bank can be generated by chang-
ing the orientation and the scale in the “mother” filter
(1) (Kotsia et al., 2008a)
(z) =
z = (x, y) refers to the pixel and the wave vector
k presents the vector of the plane wave restricted by
the Gaussian envelope function, its characteristic: k =
with k
= 2
= µ
The parameter σ controls the width of the Gaus-
, in our case σ = 2π. The subtraction in the
second term of equation (1) makes the Gabor kernels
DC-free to have quadrature pair (sine/cosine) (Movel-
lan, 2005). Thus, the Gabor process becomes more
similar to the human visual cortex. For our bank, we
use three high frequencies for v=0,1,2 and four orien-
tations 0,
After the convolution of the face image with the
Gabor bank, the face is again downsampled to 20 ×
15. We obtain then a feature vector of 3600 descrip-
tors (20 × 15 × 12).
Geometric feature
Feature vectors
feature vector
Figure 2: Early fusion scheme.
2.2 Geometric and Appearance Fusion
Geometric techniques and appearance approaches
have their own strengths and limitations. The com-
bination of both features may compensate the limi-
tations of each method. The choice of the adequate
fusion technique is also very important to enhance
the emotion recognition system. Fusion can be done
in the features space (early fusion) or in the decision
space (late fusion). Early fusion combines weighted
or equiprobable feature vectors in the same vector.
Then, a classification method is applied. In contrast to
early fusion, late fusion firstly applies a classification
step to each feature vector independently and com-
bines afterwards the obtained probabilities. In this
paper, we studied various fusion methods.
2.2.1 Early Fusion Method
For each face image the geometric feature vector
is extracted by the distance-based method (X
with d=21 features) and the appearance feature vec-
tor is extracted by the Gabor method (X
d1=3600 features). Both vectors are then normalized
in [0,1] using the Min Max technique (Snelick et al.,
2005). The minimum (des min) and the maximum
(des max) of each descriptor are identified among all
training vectors.
des norm =
des des min
des max des min
A new feature vector is defined containing informa-
tion from both geometric features and appearance fea-
tures X = [X
. The feature vector X composed
of 3621 descriptors is used as input to a linear Sup-
port Vector Machine (SVM). Figure 2 presents early
fusion scheme.
2.2.2 Late Fusion Methods
Just like in the early fusion method the geometric and
appearance feature vectors are first extracted for each
face image. Then, a linear SVM classifier is applied
to each feature vector to yield two posterior probabil-
ity vectors P(ω
) and P(ω
) where ω
is the
Figure 4: Examples of statistical fusion methods.
Geometric feature
feature vector
fusion unit
Figure 3: Late fusion scheme.
class of the emotion and k {1, ..., n}, where n is the
number of emotions. Those local decision vectors are
then combined using a decision fusion step to obtain
a final decision. This fusion scheme is illustrated in
Figure 3.
We performed various modalities of decision fu-
sion such as mean, product and maximum. A classifi-
cation based-method (Atrey et al., 2010) has also been
applied for this last decision fusion step. The next two
sections are devoted to a more detailed presentation of
the above mentioned decision fusion techniques.
2.2.3 Fusion by Statistical Rule
Various statistical rules exist for late fusion such as
average, product, maximum, weighted majority vot-
ing, rank level (Mironica et al., 2013). We chose the
most suitable techniques for our situation where a pri-
ori probabilities are not available.
Fusion by Average Rule
Under the equal prior assumption, the average of
the obtained probability vectors is computed for each
class. The maximum Mean is then selected as the fi-
nal emotion as presented in the equation below. An
example is shown in figure 4.
m represents the number of classification methods
and X
} is a feature vector. These notations
are used in the remainder of the paper.
Z ω
)) = max
)))|k = {1, ..,n},
Fusion by Product Rule
We assume that the joint probabilities distribution
measurements computed by SVM classifiers on each
are independent which means:
) = P(X
) × P(X
Under this assumption, the product rule is defined as:
Z ω
i f (
)) = max
)) |k = {1, ..,n},
Thus, the product of the obtained probabilities is com-
puted for each class and the selected emotion is de-
fined by the maximum product. An example illustrat-
ing this rule is presented in figure 4.
Fusion by Maximum Rule
The emotion is assigned to the maximal probability
obtained in the decision vectors as explained below:
Z ω
i f max
)) = max
|k = {1, .., n}, i = {1,., m},
An example is presented in figure 4.
2.2.4 Fusion by Classification Methods
Fusion by classification methods is mainly used in the
domain of multimedia analysis (Snoek, 2005) (Niaz
and Merialdo, 2013). A first learning step is applied
to each feature vector to yield emotion scores, then
these probabilistic scores are integrated to a second
learning step to obtain the final emotion as illustrated
in figure 5.
Figure 5: Classification-based fusion scheme.
The Support Vector Machine SVM classifier is ap-
plied in both learning steps, since it has many advan-
tages namely low parameter number setting and fast
Two ways of training can be applied to the
classification-based fusion methods. The first one
uses just one training set which is applied in both
training steps. The second one uses two different
sets to train separately the first and the second train-
ing step. In this last case a large set of data must be
available. In this paper, only the first way will be ap-
plied due to the reduced number of images available
for each emotion in the considered databases.
Evaluation and comparison of these methods require
the use of one or more databases. There are two
types of databases: posed emotion ones and sponta-
neous ones. Posed emotion databases present forced
emotions expressed by actors; while spontaneous
databases present emotions stimulated by viewing
videos. In the latter case, the emotions are often la-
belled according to the expected emotion; even if, in
some cases, the expressed emotions are barely visi-
ble. In this paper, we chose an extended version of
the widely used Cohn-Kanade database as forced ex-
pressions benchmark and the FEEDTUM database as
spontaneous database.
The extended Cohn-Kanade database (CK+) con-
tains facial expression videos from 123 subjects (an
additional 26 subjects compared to Cohn-Kanade
database) (Lucey et al., 2010). A total of 7 expres-
sions are labeled including anger, contempt, disgust,
fear, happy, sadness and surprise. The images pre-
sented in this database are digitalized into 640 × 490
pixels. The sequences vary from the neutral expres-
sion to the peak of the expression.
The FEEDTUM database is part of the European
Union project FGNET (Face and Gesture Recognition
Research Network) (Wallhoff, 2006). It contains face
images and videos of 18 subjects performing the six
basic emotions, stimulated by viewing videos. Each
of them realizes the six emotions and the neutral ex-
pression three times. The images presented in this
database are digitalized into 320 × 240 pixels. In to-
tal, it includes 399 sequences.
The cross-validation method is a frequently used ap-
proach for performance evaluation. We use five fold
cross-validation in which the data are randomly split
into subsets of approximately equal size. Each set
contains 20% of each emotion class. One set is cho-
sen as a test set, while the remaining sets form the
training set. After the classification step, the test set
is integrated in the training set and a new test set is
considered. This procedure is repeated five times. An
average classification accuracy rate is then computed.
The cross-validation method is used to evaluate
the hybrid methods in both CK+ and FEEDTUM
databases. In the next section, a comparison between
the performance of the fusion methods we chose and
the performance of two hybrid methods presented in
the literature is made.
4.1 Methods Comparison on the CK+
A five fold cross-validation technique is applied to
evaluate the recognition of the six emotions (anger
(Ang), disgust (Dis), fear (Fea), happy (Hap), sadness
(Sad) and surprise(Surp)) and the neutral expression
(Neu) on the CK+ database.
4.1.1 Results Analysis
According to table 1, the distance-based method and
the Gabor method have a similar mean recognition
rate. The distance-based method achieves a recog-
nition rate of 90.7%, while the recognition rate of
the Gabor method reaches 90.4%. However, they
do not misclassify the same emotion. In the case
of the distance-based method the most misclassified
emotion is sadness. In the case of appearance-based
method the most misclassified situation is the neutral
expression. The fusion of both features may correct
these misclassifications.
The recognition rate of the early fusion method
which combines the geometric and appearance fea-
tures on the feature level, achieves 23% (see row 3
table 1). We notice that the early fusion method gives
worse performance than the distance-based method
and the Gabor method when they are separately ap-
plied. This is due to the huge dimension of the Ga-
bor vector compared to the geometric vector (21 <<
3600). A feature selection method may be a good so-
lution to improve the recognition rate of the early fu-
sion method.
The late fusion methods based on statistical rules
(average, product and max) are presented respectively
in rows four, five and six of table 1. The recognition
rates of these fusion methods are very similar. The
three methods recognise very well happiness, sad-
ness and surprise but classify worse fear. This emo-
tion is jointly the third most misclassified emotion by
the distance-based method and the second most mis-
classified emotion by the Gabor method. The other
emotions have a good recognition rate because one of
the two methods has a good recognition rate. Thus,
the recognition rates of the statistical fusion methods
which are closely linked to the response of the classi-
fiers, are impacted. We conclude that the misclassifi-
cation of the fear emotion by the individual classifiers
affects the performance of the statistical fusion meth-
ods. Kuncheva (Kuncheva, 2002) reports that the dif-
ficult parts of the feature space are often the same for
all classifiers. We remark that the statistical-based fu-
sion methods improve the recognition rate of the emo-
tions, more specifically the product-based rule fusion
method. It enhances indeed all emotion recognition
rates except anger which looses 4% compared to the
other statistical-based fusion methods.
Classification-based fusion method is presented
in the last row of table 1. The recognition rate of
this method exceeds the recognition rate of the Gabor
method and the distance-based method by approxi-
mately 3%. We notice also that it misclassified the
neutral expression such as the Gabor method and un-
like the distance-based method which achieves a rate
of 100%. The classification-based fusion method has
also a bad recognition rate for fear emotion. On the
other hand, it has a good recognition rate for sad-
ness and surprise. We can thus conclude that as
the statistical-based fusion methods the classification-
based method achieves good results when the Ga-
bor method and distance-based method have good
recognition rates. Similarly, the classification-based
method misclassifies an emotion when both methods
have bad recognition rates such as for the fear emo-
tion. However, this method is also impacted when
one of the classifiers has a bad recognition rate like
for the neutral expression.
The comparison of the different fusion modalities
shows that the late fusion methods prove to be a better
choice than the early fusion in our task.
We notice also that the best recognition rates are
given by the methods based on statistical rules for fu-
sion. This is probably the reason why simple statis-
tical rules continue to be mostly used for fusion ap-
proaches. An additional learning step does not have
necessarily the best effect for emotion recognition ap-
4.1.2 Comparison with Previous Work
A comparison of the proposed fusion method based
on product rule and two methods of the literature that
combine geometric and appearance features can also
be done. We chose the Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2012)
method which was initially intended to recognize
seven emotions: happy, anger, fears, disgust, sadness,
surprise and contempt using an early fusion technique
to combine features and passing them to a SVM clas-
sifier. Kotsia et al. (Kotsia et al., 2008b) present also
an early fusion method with the Median Radial Basis
Function Neural Networks (MRBF NNs) to recognize
six emotions (happy, anger, fears, disgust, sadness,
surprise) and the neutral expression. They evaluate
their method on the Cohn-Kanade database, first ver-
sion of the CK+ database. The recognition rates of
both methods are presented in table 2.
The proposed method exceeds recognition rate of
97% while Chen et al (Chen et al., 2012) method and
Kotsia et al (Kotsia et al., 2008b) method only achieve
respectively 95% and 92.3%. We also remark that
the most misclassified emotion is fear for all methods.
This is probably caused by the difficulty to simulate
this emotion.
4.2 Spontaneous Expression
Recognition on the FEEDTUM
According to psychologists, the difference between
posed and spontaneous emotions is quite apparent.
This difference is also highlighted in many com-
puter vision application such as (Bartlett et al., 2006),
(Zeng et al., 2009). To develop a real environment
system, both emotion categories should be handled.
This section is devoted to the evaluation of the previ-
ously considered methods in the recognition of spon-
taneous emotions. To this end, we use the FEEDTUM
database which contains spontaneous and natural ex-
pressions. As expressions were captured under natu-
ral circumstances, head motion can be found in some
Table 3 presents the obtained recognition rates of
the distance-based method, the Gabor method and the
different fusion methods. We notice that the recogni-
tion rate of the Gabor method exceeds the recognition
Table 1: Fusion methods recognition rates computed by 5 fold cross-validation on the CK+ database.
Methods Recognition rates Hap Ang Fea Dis Sad Surp Neu
Geometric distance-based 90.7 96.0 89.5 87.0 85.3 83.0 93.7 100
Appearance Gabor 90.4 97.7 88.0 83.7 96.0 93.3 98.0 75.7
Early fusion 23.0 14.0 50.6 24.8 31.5 4.0 36.6 0
Fusion based on
statistical rules
Average 97.6 100 100 91.7 95.7 100 100 96.0
Product 97.9 100 96.0 95.7 95.7 100 100 98.0
Max 97.3 100 100 91.7 93.7 100 100 96.0
Fusion based on
93 95.7 92 83.7 98 100 100 81.7
Table 2: Performance of two emotion recognition systems from the literature which use appearance and geometric features.
Methods Recognition rates Hap Ang Fea Dis Sad Surp Neu
Chen et al (Chen et al., 2012) 95.0 97.5 92.5 90.0 96.0 93.5 96.5
Kotsia et al (Kotsia et al., 2008b) 92.3 97.5 93.6 84.3 89.5 94.3 95.6 91.3
Table 3: Fusion methods recognition rates computed by 5 fold cross-validation on the FEEDTUM database.
Methods Recognition rates Hap Ang Fea Dis Sad Surp Neu
Geometric distance-based 46.8 75.1 54.4 21.5 10.6 16.6 74.4 76.0
Appearance Gabor 84.2 96.0 89.7 69.7 79.3 73.1 91.5 89.7
Early fusion 19.4 24.2 60.2 13.1 2.22 28.0 0 8.0
Fusion based on
statistical rules
Average 83.3 100 85.5 65.5 75.5 70.8 95.5 89.7
Product 83.9 100 81.5 72.0 77.5 72.8 93.3 89.7
Max 84 98.0 89.5 65.3 75.5 71.1 97.7 89.7
Fusion based on
84 94 89.7 67.7 79.5 75.3 91.5 89.7
rate of the distance-based method from about 37%.
For spontaneous expressions, the facial changes are
often not clearly visible. Then, the resulting weak
changes are hardly discernible in term of distances
by the distance-based method. Besides, as mentioned
above, during the expressions a head motion can also
occur. The pretreatment done for the Gabor method
consisting of scaling and normalising the face images
based on the location of the two eyes, removes the
head motion. On the other hand, the head motion af-
fects the performance of the distance-based method.
We notice that the mean recognition rates of late
fusion methods are very similar to the Gabor recog-
nition rate. However, happiness and surprise are en-
hanced by the statistical-based fusion methods. This
is due to the high recognition rates of both distance-
based method and Gabor method in such emotions.
We conclude that the recognition of positive sponta-
neous emotions which are more marked than the neg-
ative ones (fear, disgust...) are enhanced by statistical-
based fusion methods. We remark also a slightly im-
provement in the recognition of the disgust and sad-
ness by the classification-based method.
The comparison between the different fusion
methods reveals that the decision level fusion meth-
ods are more reliable than the feature level fusion
In this paper, various fusion methods are presented
and developed to recognize posed and spontaneous
facial emotions. Distance-based method and Gabor
method extract respectively geometric features and
appearance features. These features are combined
in different levels (feature level and decision level).
Fusion in the decision space proceeds either by sta-
tistical rules or by classification methods. Our test
on the posed database ( CK+ database) reveals that
the statistical-based fusion methods are the most ap-
propriate to recognize a greatly apparent expression.
However on the spontaneous database (FEEDTUM
database), the statistical-based methods enhance the
recognition of the positive emotions. Besides, the
classification-based method improves the recognition
of sadness and disgust.
In future works, we intend to minimize the num-
ber of features used by the hybrid methods and en-
hance the recognition of the spontaneous emotions.
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