In this paper we addressed two usually unrelated re-
search fields: unsupervised segmentation evaluation
and automatic image annotation. Our proposal of in-
cluding semantic measures in the segmentation evalu-
ation process and the combination of several individ-
ual evaluators displayed better results than the most
relevant measures found in the literature. We also
showed that the measures that evaluate a segmenta-
tion more similar to humans, are not the best for se-
lecting partition levels to perform automatic recogni-
tion tasks. Therefore, in our opinion, more efforts
should be devoted to develop segmentation evaluation
measures that work better for automatic image anno-
tation, instead of focusing on the best segmentation
output for humans.
The final results of the annotation process showed
that selecting ”good” levels at the beginning provides
better annotation accuracy. As future work, we plan
to include saliency maps in the segmentation evalu-
ation process, trying to find partitions that preserve
distinctive objects or parts.
This work was supported in part by CONACYT
project 215546.
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