ing Points (CHEVP) (Wang and Teoh, 2004) is used
for B-snakes lane model. This algorithm is robust to
noises, shadows, and illumination variations in the
captured road images. Firstly, an image is divided
into multiple regions with horizontal lines. A lane
is detected by Hough transform and its contours are
extracted by Canny edge detector. Secondly, the cen-
ter line of the lane is calculated by using the extracted
contours and smoothed by B-spline. Finally, the lane
is extracted by using B-snakes with a lane model de-
rived from the center line.
A lane detection algorithm based on several lane
features for low visibility conditions is proposed by
Iwaki et al. (Iwaki and Takahashi, 2012). Images are
transformed into bird’s eye views in order to make a
lane marker into uniform width. Then the lane is ex-
tracted by tracking points that are arranged on lane
markers since the lane width is defined by the traffic
law. Furthermore, in order to improve accuracy in low
visibility conditions, this algorithm approximates the
extracted lane markers with a quadratic curve. Road
shapes are, however, varied, generally, roads have var-
ious shapes. In particular, highway roads are designed
by clothoid, which is also known as a cornu spiral.
The segments are used as transition spirals forming
c-shaped and s-shaped curves and continuous curva-
ture between circles as well as straight lines in various
situations (Sasipalli et al., 1997).
Lane detection systems are evaluated using
ground truth, and six representative road feature ex-
tractors are evaluated using two variants by Veit et al.
(Veit et al., 2008). An efficient method to generate
ground truth is proposed by Borkar et al. (Borkar
et al., 2010). Firstly, it generates time slice images
which are sliced parallel to time axis and horizontal
axis of spatio-temporal image. Secondly, a user man-
ually marks some points with any intervals on the cen-
ters of the lane markers on a few time slice images.
Then, those points are interpolated by spline interpo-
lation. Other points on lane markers in a frame are
obtained by this operation. Manual work, however,
still remains. Since a few control points are used as
the interpolation, accuracy is not sufficient secured.
Edge or contour detection algorithms have been
proposed. Snakes, or active contours, are contours
extraction method which is adaptive for shape vari-
ations (Michael et al., 1988). Oike et al. (Oike,
2001) proposes a road edge tracking method based
on a constraint that moves only in the horizontal di-
rection to the control points of the snakes. Sawano et
al. (Sawano and Okada, 2007) proposes a lane marker
tracking method by using snakes. A lane marker has
two edges of inner and outer a lane. In a road scene,
if the road has lane markers on both sides, it is totally
four edges. Parameters of snakes can be respectively
given for their edges. Those approaches are applica-
ble for a lane image directly. It is, however, hard for
wavy or uncontinuous contours to extract correctly.
3.1 Camera Configuration
The camera attached on a rearview mirror as shown in
Fig.1. In-vehicle videos are taken in good visibility.
The camera uses a digital camera which has 29 f ps
and 1, 920× 1, 080pixels.
Figure 1: Camera configuration.
3.2 Process Overview
A video is a set of multiple images taken continu-
ously in time domain. A spatio-temporal image is
three dimensional data that combines images in the
time axis direction. Time slice images are obtained
by cutting away parallel to the horizontal and the
time axis of spatio-temporal image. The time slice
image is composed by stacking a specific rows in
each frame. The vertical axis of the time slice im-
age denotes time domain. This paper proposes an ef-
ficient algorithm which generates ground truth by us-
ing spatio-temporal image. Fig.2 shows the process
overview of the proposed algorithm.
Time slice images are obtained by spatio-temporal
image of a video where a lane exists since our aim
is to generate lane ground truth. Lane width is reg-
ulated by the road traffic law. Ideally driving in a
straight road makes lane markers in all time slice im-
ages straight line. Driving a car usually, however,
meander slightly on the lane. Moreover, roads are
not only straight but also curved. Lane markers in
a time slice image which is obtained from even the