Multi-pass Gaussian Contact-hardening Soft Shadows
Kevin Cherry and Robert Kooima
Center for Computation and Technology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Real-time Soft Shadows, Contact-hardening Shadows, Variable-sized Penumbrae, Post-process Soft Shadows.
Real-time soft shadows have seen numerous improvements over the years. Post-process blurring of shadow
edges are commonly used to hide aliasing artifacts, but in some cases, such as ours, it is used to mimic physical
processes. Instead of generating penumbra regions uniformly, we scale key algorithmic components in screen
space to allow the penumbra region to grow in accordance with occluder/receiver distance. This form of
soft shadowing is known to some as contact-hardening and has been explored in various ways. We present
an algorithm that explores three ways of achieving contact-hardening soft shadows. Two of those ways are
similar in nature to previous works while the third is a novel approach that utilizes occluder distance as a
counter for multiple Gaussian passes. Our main contributions are fast occluder approximation and the use of
occluder distance to control the number of Gaussian passes. Multiple Gaussian passes create better results
than a single Gaussian pass for several scenes, and we explore various ways of improving the performance of
the multi-pass approach.
There have been many different shadow algorithms
created over the years, however most of them stem
from two main approaches; that of shadow maps
(Williams, 1978) and shadow volumes (Crow, 1977).
Here we focus on the former, shadow maps. Stan-
dard shadow maps can only generate hard shadows,
that is, fragments are either completely lit or com-
pletely in shadow. The region completely in shadow
is known as the umbra. The region partially shad-
owed that forms a gradient from shadowed to lit is
known as the penumbra. More sophisticated shadow
map algorithms are generally concerned with better
utilization of map resolution, the use of soft shadow
techniques strictly to hide aliasing artifacts, or, in our
case, the use of soft shadow techniques for greater
scene realism. Our approach focuses on creating vari-
able penumbra widths that scale with occluder dis-
tance. Toward this end we present one main algo-
rithm with three alterations and compare this to pre-
vious work in the field. Two of our approaches require
only one pass. One of them uses a PCF filter and the
other a Gaussian filter. Our main alteration uses mul-
tiple Gaussian passes. The occluder distance controls
the number of passes. The size of the kernel can ei-
ther be fixed or vary with each pass and the standard
deviation of the kernel is linked to that size via the 3-
sigma rule, which enforces that sigma be equal to size
divided by three. We use a Poisson disk distribution
with a custom number of taps to control where we
sample the Gaussian kernel. It is important to note
that this value is separate from kernel size. As ker-
nel size increases, the taps expand to cover the new
area. All three operate in screen space as a post pro-
cess over what we call a distance map. The resulting
information in this map is then used to generate the
shadow regions in the final pass.
2.1 Soft Shadows
Percentage closer filtering (Reeves et al., 1987) is the
most common soft shadow technique. Instead of con-
sidering only the current fragment, we consider the
neighborhood of the fragment (an area known as a
box filter or kernel) and calculate the percentage of
neighboring fragments that are in shadow. If the per-
centage is zero, the pixel is lit. If the percentage is
one, the pixel is in the umbra of the shadow. Any
percentage in between indicates the pixel is in the
penumbra and the percentage determines how dark
the pixel appears. For example, if we examine a 3× 3
neighborhood around the pixel (8 taps other than the
pixel itself) and 3 of its neighbors are lit (i.e. have a
Cherry K. and Kooima R..
Multi-pass Gaussian Contact-hardening Soft Shadows.
DOI: 10.5220/0005315402740280
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2015), pages 274-280
ISBN: 978-989-758-087-1
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
value of zero) while the pixel itself and its 5 remain-
ing neighbors are in shadow (i.e. have a value of one),
then the final percentage for the pixel in the center is
3/9 or 33% in shadow. In our experience, PCF pro-
duces visually satisfying results, but a kernel size of
4× 4 or 5× 5 is required. This increases the number of
taps quadratically since, given a square kernel of size
N, each pixel requires N
shadow map references. In
contrast, both of our Gaussian algorithms require 2 N
taps due to the separable nature of a Gaussian kernel.
Variance shadow maps (Donnelly and Lauritzen,
2006) store not just the depth from the point of view
of the light source, but also the depth squared, or sec-
ond moment of the depth value, in a separate channel.
These values are used in the main rendering pass to
compute the mean and variance over a filter region.
Chebychev’s inequality (Theorem 1 and Equation 5
in (Donnelly and Lauritzen, 2006)) is then used to
estimate an upper bound on the percentage of pix-
els in the filter region that are in shadow (the same
value computed by a PCF filter). This ultimately de-
termines the darkness of the penumbra at that pixel
as the light intensity can be scaled by this value. To
avoid sampling all points in the filter region, one can
apply a Poisson disk distribution to choose a small
subset of samples to represent the entire region. One
can also use a pre-filtering technique such as a Gaus-
sian blur for smoother results. It is interesting to note
that very little extra calculation and memory over-
head are required, yet satisfying soft shadows are gen-
erated. This approach works for different types of
lights. The soft shadow results, however, have uni-
form width irrespective of occluder distance or other
contact-hardening criteria.
2.2 Contact-hardening Soft Shadows
(Wyman and Hansen, 2003) use what they call
“penumbra maps” to calculate soft shadows. They
take the typical shadow map approach to generate
depth values from the point of view of the light
source. They then generate a second texture, the
penumbra map, by finding the silhouette edges and
expanding them using cones on the vertices and sheets
connecting these cones along silhouette edges. The
final scene is then rendered using the shadow and
penumbra maps. This approach assumes a spherical
light source, however different light shapes are sup-
ported. Though not described in these terms, this ap-
proach does create contact-hardening results.
Expanding on the PCF approach described above,
the Percentage-Closer Soft Shadow (PCSS) (Fer-
nando, 2005) algorithm creates contact-hardening
shadows by varying the PCF kernel size at each frag-
ment in accordance with the size of the light source
and distance from the occluder. This is similar to our
pcf approach, however PCSS uses the light’s size as
well as a more complex occluder search algorithm.
For our approach, light size is not taken into account
and only occluder distance is used, as obtained from
the original shadow map. We also use an approxima-
tion of occluder-receiver distance.
Since algorithms like PCF and PCSS require many
texture lookups, (Gumbau et al., 2010) describe an
algorithm that uses a separable Gaussian kernel, re-
quiring fewer lookups. They call their approach
Screen Space Soft Shadows (SSSS). Our approaches
are also performed in screen space and the technique
described by SSSS is similar to our single pass Gaus-
sian approach. However in our multi-pass approach,
as mentioned earlier we use a Poisson disk distribu-
tion to reduce the total number of taps to a constant,
kernel size agnostic value. This also allows us to ren-
der the scene once per blur as opposed to twice; once
for horizontal and once for vertical. This further al-
lows us to explore much bigger kernel sizes.
Multi-View Soft Shadowing (MVSS) (Bavoil,
2011) was created by nVidia. This approach uses
multiple shadow maps from different points on an
area light source. These points are chosen using a
Poission disk sampling pattern. For each pixel, each
shadow map is queried and an average over all maps
is taken. This average controls the strength of the
shadow at that pixel. PCF with a constant kernel size
of 2x2 is applied to all shadow map references.
(Klein et al., 2012) use an erosion operator. They
first generate classic hard shadows, then perform edge
detection with a Laplacian kernel. For those pixels
detected to be shadow edges, the occluder and cam-
era distance are stored in separate channels. This in-
formation is then used to calculate penumbra width,
which in turn is used to scale an erosion kernel ap-
plied in the next pass. The final pass can use PCF
with a kernel size also scaled by the penumbra width.
The main algorithm is described in detail below in text
and pseudocode. We explore three variations: PCF
with a variable-sized kernel, single pass Gaussian blur
with a variable-sized kernel, and a multi-pass Gaus-
sian blur with a fixed or variable-sized kernel with
occluder distance guiding the number of Gaussian
passes performed.
3.1 Description
Our algorithm begins in the first pass whereby the
standard shadow map is created by rendering only the
depth information of the scene from the point of view
of the light source into a depth buffer.
The next pass renders from the point of view of the
camera. Here we perform the normal rendering pass
that would generate hard shadows from the previously
collected shadow map. However, instead of drawing
fragments either lit or shadowed, we save this binary
value into one of the channels of our distance map (0
for lit, 1 for shadowed) along with the distance to the
occluder in another channel. The distance to the oc-
cluder is simply the difference between the distance
of the current fragment (projected into light space) to
the light source and the value looked up in the shadow
map. The distance is raised to a user-specified power
and then multiplied by a user-specified value. This is
done to help control how sharply the penumbra por-
tion grows and how long the contact-hardening por-
tion lasts before spreading into a penumbra region.
These values should scale with the general size of the
scene and estimated occluder distance. When figur-
ing out the proper value for these two variables, it
helps to draw the occluder distance into the scene via
a color gradient so one can visually examine the mod-
ified occluder distance to ensure a proper progression
of penumbra scale.
The third pass is optional and depending on the
scene, it can help areas where shadows form thin lines
on the receiver. It can also help to expand the penum-
bra such that both and outer and inner penumbra re-
gion is visible. This pass dilates the occluder distance
values found in the distance map that was written dur-
ing the second pass. Simply apply a Gaussian filter
over the channel to expand the penumbra region in
later passes.
Pass four is where the three alterations come into
play. The first alteration uses a PCF filter to modify
the binary shadow value from our distance map using
the occluder distance to control filter size. The second
alteration is similar but uses a Gaussian filter to mod-
ify the shadow value and uses the occluder distance
to control the size of the Gaussian kernel. The last al-
teration performs multiple Gaussian blur passes mod-
ifying the shadow value and decreasing the occluder
distance with each pass. Those fragments with an oc-
cluder distance that has been decremented to zero (or
started out at zero) do not get blurred for all subse-
quent passes. The kernel size can either be fixed or
can be upper bounded with the first pass starting at
small values (e.g. size of 3x3) and can increase with
each pass until reaching the upper bound. This will
speed up the multi-pass part. We precompute up to
64 two-dimensional Poisson points in the inclusive
range of -1 to +1. The first point is fixed at the ori-
gin so the center texel is always examined. After the
first point, the Poisson algorithm proceeds as usual to
create a valid Poisson distribution. Before we make
our blur pass, we take from the first of these Poisson
points up to the desired amount and use these as (x, y)
offsets into our Gaussian kernel. We compute these
Gaussian weights for each offset and then normalize
them. Each offset along with its corresponding Gaus-
sian weight is sent to the shader. Once in the fragment
shader, we need only loop through the values given.
For each iteration, we add the offset to the current
fragment location in screen space and sample the dis-
tance map at that point. We then multiple it by the
normalized Gaussian value and add this to our cumu-
lative total. After the loop, this total is written back
into the distance map as the new shadow value.
The final pass renders the scene normally and uses
the modified, previously binary, shadow value from
the distance map with 0 meaning the fragment is lit,
1 meaning the fragment is part of the umbra region,
and values in between specifying the intensity of the
penumbra region.
3.2 Pseudocode
Pass 1:
Render the shadow map normally.
Pass 2:
Compare fragment against shadow map.
Let S be 0 if fragment is lit, 1 otherwise.
Let D be (occluder distance)
· Dm, where
Dp is the distance power
Dm is the distance multiplier
Write S and D into different channels in the dis-
tance map.
Pass 3 (Optional):
Dilate all D values using a Gaussian kernel.
Write new values back into the distance map.
Pass 4:
Choose one of the following and do for each frag-
ment, then write results back into the distance map:
Apply PCF to S value using D to control kernel
Write new S value.
Single Pass:
Apply Gaussian filter to S value using D to con-
trol kernel size.
Write new S value.
For each pass up to a specified limit:
If D > 0:
Let KS be the kernel size, which is either
fixed or progressively widening with each
Let P be the set of precomputed 2D Poisson
disk points we wish to use.
For each P
in P:
Calculate the Gaussian weight.
Multiply P
by KS to get the texture offset.
Normalize all Gaussian weights.
Send texture offset and normalized Gaussian
weight for all P
to the shader.
Render using sent data to apply the Gaussian
filter to blur all S values
Decrement all D values
Write new S value
Write new D value
Pass 5:
Render scene normally.
Read from the distance map.
If S = 0
Fragment is lit.
Else if S = 1
Fragment is in shadow.
Else fragment is in penumbra with intensity S.
We created a project using C# and the .Net OpenGL
port called SharpGL. We implemented various soft
shadow algorithms in addition to our own. All code
was run on a Windows machine with an nVidia
Geforce GT 630M card with 2GB of GPU memory.
4.1 Test Scenes and Timings
Table 1 lists various information about the test scenes
we use including the count of vertices, triangles, and
meshes. We try to use a variety of scene sizes to bet-
ter test the speed of our algorithms. Since the exact
way in which a model is rendered (i.e. the implemen-
tation decisions) can affect performance regardless of
Table 1: Test scene statistics including total number of ver-
tices, triangles, and separate meshes.
Scene Name Vertices Triangles Meshes
Fence 16 24 2
Ball 880 1,752 2
Log Cabin 1,407 2,630 13
Pool 8,463 11,003 1
Table 2: This data shows the approximate time taken to ren-
der a single frame in milliseconds for different algorithms
using the Pool scene.
Algorithm Frame Time
PCF approach 17
Single pass Gaussian 20
Multi-pass Gaussian 18
the particular shadow algorithm used, we also provide
comparative results to better show the differences in
speed based more on algorithm complexity and less
upon raw speed of model rendering. Table 2 shows
the raw frame timings calculated in milliseconds us-
ing the Pool scene of different algorithms. All timings
done using OpenGL queries so as to get the actual
time spent on the GPU.
4.2 Visual Results
We now show the results of executing our algorithm
and other soft shadow techniques on the different
scenes mentioned above. Since the main objective
of our algorithm is better realism through contact-
hardening soft shadows and not better utilization of
map density, each shadow map was given a resolution
of 2048x2048 so as to mostly eliminate aliasing ar-
tifacts. When comparing algorithms, each algorithm
was given parameters that resulted in the best results
for that scene.
In Figure 1 we visually compare the results of the
different approaches on the Pool scene. We compare
the PCF, single Gaussian pass, and multiple Gaussian
pass approaches from our algorithm. The palm tree
leaves are simply quads with a texture using the alpha
channel to denote the areas between the leaves.
Figure 2 shows the effects of the dilate pass. We
used the PCF approach on the Fence scene to show
how using the dilate pass may not always be best de-
pending on the scene. In this case, the outer penum-
bra created by the dilate pass causes the shadow to be
overly blurry and thicker than they should be. Also
in areas with dense thin shadow lines, the dilate pass
can cause the lines to merge, thereby losing some of
their detail. Sometimes this can be desirable and lead
to realistic results, so each scene should be examined
carefully before deciding whether to use this pass.
We examine the Fence scene again in Figure
3. Here we show all three approaches of our algo-
rithm. In the PCF approach the shadow transitions
too harshly from hard to soft shadows and this causes
a noticeable change in shadow intensity. The single
pass approach is too light at the base of the fence.
The multi-pass approach combines consistent shadow
intensity with a smooth transition from hard to soft
Figure 4 shows how the penumbra grows along
with the occluder distance. The scene is shown with
the penumbra clearly marked with a dark gradient.
The umbra portion is inside of the gradient.
In Figure 5 we show the effects of multiple al-
gorithms on a simple elongated shadow cast in the
Ball scene. From left to right we examine hard shad-
ows, uniform Gaussian blur soft shadows, PCF with
two different settings, and our contact-hardening ap-
proach with PCF, then single pass Gaussian, and fi-
nally our multi-pass Gaussian approach.
We examine the effect of changing the number of
Poisson points used to sample our Gaussian kernel in
Figure 6. For small kernels less points are needed
to sufficiently cover the area and provide an adequate
approximation. As the kernel increases in size, more
points are needed to keep a decent approximation. In
Figure 7 we further examine the effects the number of
Poisson points have. Here we use a 29x29 Gaussian
kernel and varying the number of points from 1 to 20.
Even with a small number of points on such a large
kernel, the results quickly approximate the effects of
sampling the entire Gaussian.
Figure 8 shows our Log Cabin scene without tex-
tures to better show the shadows. Figure 9 is a close
up of the wooden poles by the cabin. This shows the
transition from hard to soft shadows.
Our first approach, using PCF as a filter, is similar
to PCSS and produces decent results. Our second
approach, using a Gaussian filter in a single pass, is
similar to SSSS. Our third approach, using a Gaus-
sian filter in multiple passes, produces the best results
in our test scenes. The fastest of these is the single
pass approach, however if the max number of Gaus-
sian passes in the multi-pass approach is limited to
small numbers, it too can achieve interactive speeds.
Since the number of Poisson taps is constant and in-
dependent of kernel size, we can use bigger kernels
at faster speeds than a separable Gaussian approach.
Kernel size can start small and increase with each pass
thereby making it even faster but still achieving great
Figure 1: This shows the difference between the three ap-
proaches. All approaches use a 2048x2048 map. (left) Us-
ing PCF as the filter, (center) using single pass Gaussian
as the filter, (right) using multi-pass Gaussian as the filter.
The PCF approach appears too sharp in many areas and has
leaves where the needles seem to go from light to dark caus-
ing a disturbing pattern. The single pass Gaussian is too
blurred in many areas and as such it looses a lot of detail.
The multi-pass approach shows the detail in the leaves and
still allows for a soft blur around the needles.
Figure 2: Our PCF approach without (left) and with (right)
a pre-filter dilation over the distance map. This shows that
sometimes Pass 3 from the algorithm is harmful to the final
result. In the above case we have unrealistically thick lines
in the shadow. Therefore Pass 3 should be omitted in this
scene. The specific scene and approach must be considered
before deciding whether to use the dilation in Pass 3 or not.
Figure 3: This shows the difference between the three ap-
proaches. (left) Using PCF as the filter, (center) using single
pass Gaussian as the filter, (right) using multi-pass Gaussian
as the filter.
Figure 4: We have coded in the shader a special penum-
bra type that clearly distinguishes umbrae from penumbrae
regions. The dark lines indicate penumbra and the shaded
portion within is the umbra. Here we see as the ball gets
higher in the air and therefore further from the receiver, its
penumbra region grows.
There are two main parts to any penumbra, the in-
Figure 5: Comparison of several algorithms using the Ball
scene. The ball’s shadow is elongate and the penumbra re-
gion is clearly marked as in Figure 4 so as to show the ef-
fects of the contact-hardening algorithms. A) Normal hard
shadows. B) Uniform Gaussian blur using kernel size of
5x5. C) Uniform PCF with kernel size of 5x5. D) Uni-
form PCF with kernel size of 7x7. E) Our own PCSS-like
approach with no dilation and dynamic kernel size ranging
from 1x1 (i.e. no filter) up to 19x19. Dp was set to 3.0
and Dm was set to 200. F) Our own single pass Gaussian
approach without dilation and dynamic kernel size ranging
from 1x1 up to 19x19. Dp was set to 1.9 and Dm was
200. G) Our own multi-pass Gaussian approach without
dilation and a maximum of 10 Gaussian passes. Each suc-
cessive pass increased the kernel size starting from 3x3 and
going up to 19x19 with 20 Poisson taps. Dp was 3.0 and
Dm was 200. The contact-hardening approaches in E, F
and G are more realistic than the uniform soft shadow ap-
proaches. The multi-pass approach in G achieves the best
results and uses the smallest number of taps among the
contact-hardening approaches.
Figure 6: This shows the coverage of 50 Poisson points in
a Gaussian kernel. As the size of the kernel increases, the
space between the points increase and coverage becomes
more sparse. The number of points need to be chosen such
that the total coverage is sufficient. One can use less taps
than that of a separable Gaussian approach and still receive
satisfactory results. A) Kernel size of 3. Points go from -1
to +1. B) Kernel size of 5. C) Kernel size of 7.
ner and the outer penumbra. The inner penumbra is
the part that would be an umbra fragment in a hard
shadow algorithm but instead has its color brightened
to represent a part of the penumbra. The outer penum-
Figure 7: This is our multi-pass approach with 10 passes
and varying amounts of Poisson points used for a 29x29
Gaussian kernel. The number of points used is under each
image. We fix the first point at the origin, allowing the first
sample to be at the center.
Figure 8: Our multi-pass approach with a 4096x4096
shadow map shown without textures for better shadow clar-
Figure 9: Closeup of the multi-pass Gaussian showing the
transition from hard to soft shadows.
bra is the part that would be lit and right next to the
umbra in a hard shadow algorithm but instead has its
color darkened to represent a part of the penumbra. In
the multi-pass algorithm, the dilate pass mostly con-
trols the outer penumbra, as it mainly causes the hard
shadow edges to grow outward. The multiple Gaus-
sian passes after this control the inner umbra, as they
only lighten the color of already shadowed pixels, i.e.
lit pixels are untouched. It is important to know this
distinction so one can make informed decisions about
such aspects as choosing a proper kernel size for the
dilate pass and choosing the max kernel size for the
Gaussian multi-pass.
There is an optimization for the multi-pass ap-
proach whereby another pass is added right before the
dilate pass. This pass examines a neighbor around
each pixel, that is at least as big as the max kernel
size for the Gaussian pass, and inspects each neigh-
bor’s S value. If all neighbors, including the center
pixel, are in shadow, the D value for the center pixel
is changed to zero. The purpose of this is to detect
pixels that are deep inside the umbra of a shadow
and therefore should be skipped during all Gaussian
blur passes. This greatly increases the speed of the
algorithm, however this has side effects. Since the
Gaussian passes are responsible for creating the in-
ner penumbra, if a pixel is chosen that would have
normally been blurred by later passes, then that pixel
becomes immune to any blur passes. This means the
pixels closest to the hard shadow edge that are chosen
to be part of the inner umbra and have their D values
set to zero, are the pixels where the inner penumbra
cannot grow past. Therefore a kernel bigger than the
max kernel size must be chosen for this pass in order
to not restrict how deep the inner penumbra grows.
As the kernel size grows for this pass, the time sav-
ings diminish. Care must be taken when using this
Since this is a post-process algorithm, other al-
gorithms can be combined to achieve greater results.
For example, our objective is not to increase nor bet-
ter utilize shadow map density. Therefore techniques
such as Cascaded Shadow Maps(Dimitrov, 2007),
Light Space Perspective Shadow Map(Wimmer et al.,
2004), Sample Distribution Shadow Maps(Lauritzen
et al., 2011), and others can be used to greatly reduce
aliasing before applying our algorithm.
Other low-pass filters can be used in place of a Gaus-
sian kernel. We have not explored as to whether there
are benefits of using these other types of kernels.
The kernel shape may benefit from taking into ac-
count the shape of the light source. While the kernel
size is dynamic according to occluder distance for two
of the stated approaches, light size can still perhaps
influence the initial kernel size or the rate of kernel
size growth. The light’s size can also have an effect on
the multi-pass approach. These may lead to more ac-
curate shadows with respect to different types of area
lights. This will also allow us to calculate penumbra
width based on the well known formula from (Fer-
nando, 2005):
where ω is width and d is distance. We could also
incorporate observer distance as in (Klein et al., 2012)
by modifying the equation to be:
Although we do not believe this to have a huge
impact on accuracy, the case of having more than one
occluder has not been extensively tested. We could
incorporate and test an average or min occluder depth
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