solving large nonlinear least squares problem. One
nice feature of the Ceres Solver is that it supports au-
tomatic differentiation if the cost function is written
in the appropriate form.
Preliminary experiments in stereoscopic egomotion
estimation had revealed that subpixel accuracy and
multi-frame optimization have a substantially larger
impact when applied to the artificial Tsukuba dataset
than in the case of the KITTI dataset. We have
decided to more closely investigate the peculiar
KITTI results by observing the reprojection error
of two-frame point-feature correspondences under
groundtruth camera motion. The performed case-
study analyses pointed out many near-to perfect cor-
respondences with large reprojection errors. Addi-
tional experiments have shown that the means and the
variances of the reprojection error significantly de-
pend on the image coordinates of the three point fea-
tures involved. In particular, we noticed that the re-
projection error bias tends to be stronger as the point
features become closer to the image borders. We have
hypothesized that this disturbance is caused by inac-
curate image calibration and rectification which could
easily arise due to insufficient capacity of the under-
lying radial distortion model.
In order to test our hypothesis, we have designed
a technique to calibrate a discrete stereoscopic de-
formation field above the two rectified image planes,
which would be able to correct deviations of a real
camera system from the radial distortion model. The
devised technique performs a robust optimization of
the reprojection error in validation videos under the
known groundtruth motion. The calibrated deforma-
tion field has been employed to correct the feature lo-
cations used to estimate the camera motion in the test
videos. We have compared the accuracy of the es-
timated motion with respect to the two baseline ap-
proaches operating on original point features. The
experimental results confirmed the capability of the
calibrated deformation field to improve the accuracy
of the recovered camera motion in independent test
videos, that is in videos which have not been seen dur-
ing the estimation of the deformation field.
In our future work we would like to evaluate dif-
ferent regularization approaches in the loss function
used to calibrate the stereoscopic deformation field.
We also wish to evaluate the impact of the estimated
correction of the calibration bias to the multi-frame
bundle adjustment optimization.
This research has been supported in part by the Eu-
ropean Union from the European Regional Develop-
ment Fund by the project IPA2007/HR/16IPO/001-
040514 ”VISTA - Computer Vision Innovations for
Safe Traffic”.
This work has been supported in part by Croatian
Science Foundation under the project I-2433-2014.
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