111 px
, a region size of 3, tree depth 18 levels, and
minimum samples in leaf nodes 204.
-21 we found 10 trees, 4527 sam-
ples / image, 500 feature candidates / node, 20 thresh-
old candidates, a box radius of
95 px
, a region size of
12, tree depth 25 levels, and minimum samples in leaf
nodes 38 to yield best results.
We provide an accelerated random forest implementa-
tion for image labeling research and applications. Our
implementation achieves dense pixel-wise classifica-
tion of
images in real-time on a
. Training is
accelerated on
by a factor of up to 26 compared
to an optimized
version. The experimental results
show that our fast implementation enables effective
parameter searches that find solutions which outper-
form state-of-the art methods. C
prepares the
ground for scientific progress with random forests, e.g.
through research on improved visual features.
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