Robust Watermarking Algorithm for 3D Multiresolution Meshes
Ikbel Sayahi, Akram Elkefi, Mohamed Koubaa and Chokri Ben Amar
National School of Engineers, Sfax University, Soukra Street, Sfax, Tunisia
3D Watermarking, Multiresolution Mesh, Wavelet Transform, Attacks, Robustness.
Digital watermarking for 3D meshes is a means to copyright protection. In this paper, we propose a robust
watermarking algorithm for 3D Meshes. We work on multiresolution, triangular and semi regular meshes
having various sizes. Our algorithm is able to insert high amount of information in the field of multiresolution .
For this reason, we apply a uniform scalling then a wavelet transform to the host mesh. Embedding step consist
on modifying wavelet coefficients vector according to the bit to be inserted. These techniques do not generate
a quality degradation of the mesh despite the important capacity adopted. Tests applied to various attacks
have shown the robustness of our algorithm against rotation, translation, uniform scaling, Noise addition,
smoothing, simplification and coordinate quantization. A comparison with literature revealed that we have a
remarkable improvement over the published results.
3D mesh is a new data type that has emerged from the
2000s. The idea was to use geometric modelization
to build 3D objects presenting real scenes. Since their
birth, 3D meshes have become increasingly used in
several vital areas. Medicine, computer aided design,
games, video and scientific simulations are examples.
This wide range of applications and the birth of the
networks of high speed broadband have encouraged
the sharing and the transmission of this data category
which causes a major security problem. The ques-
tion was how to protect shared 3D meshes against
fraudulent action. Digital watermarking has been one
of the proposed answers. As it was the case for im-
age, sound and video, watermarking 3D meshes con-
sists of inserting indelible data into mesh without de-
teriorating the host object. During the last decade,
many works have been proposed to secure 3D meshes.
Therefore, a diversification in fields using during em-
bedding information into meshes appears. Indeed,
there are approaches that have chosen to work in the
spatial field without transforming the mesh. We cite
the work published in (Sharvari and Ratnadeep, 2012)
and (Chao-Hung and al, 2013) as examples. Other
works aimed to represent host meshes in transformed
areas before embedding information. Among these
used areas, we note the spectral domain as the case
of works published in (Sharvari and Atnadeep, 2012).
The multiresolution domain has also been present in
recent works such as the approaches proposed in (Kai
and al, 2007), (Zhiyong and al, 2013) and (Kai and
al, 2010). Unfortunately, this diversification does not
deny that watermarking 3D meshes is ”still far from
the level of maturity of other watermarking technolo-
gies for audio, video or image (Domenico and al,
In this paper, we propose a robust and multires-
olution domain watermarking algorithm. Our goal is
to maximize the amount of information inserted while
ensuring the preservation of the mesh quality. Treat-
ments applied to watermarked mesh, should never
prevent correct extraction of information.
Since the release of the first 3D watermarking algo-
rithm of in the last decade and until our days, 3D wa-
termarking algorithm targeting 3D meshes have con-
tinued to appear. The aim is always to improve the
following criteria: capacity, invisibility and robust-
Although the goals are the same, the proposed
watermarking algorithms are various. Some work
has chosen to insert the information by modifying ei-
ther the topological information such as the work in
(Chao-Hung and al, 2013) or the geometric one (Xi-
angjiu and Zhanheng, 2012). In this case the mesh
host will be treated in the spatial domain without un-
Sayahi I., Elkefi A., Koubaa M. and Ben Amar C..
Robust Watermarking Algorithm for 3D Multiresolution Meshes.
DOI: 10.5220/0005316401500157
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2015), pages 150-157
ISBN: 978-989-758-091-8
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)