Comparison to State-of-the-art Methods: In
order to compare our work we use ROC curve
(Figure 7a), precision-recall curve (Figure 7b) and
visual comparison (Figure 8) with other saliency
detection methods (Table 1).
From the comparison result we can
quantitatively establish that our methods out-
perform other methods.
We present a novel method of detecting saliency
using geometric context derived from a large
collection of natural images. We give new direction
for highlighting salient region by deriving
background context from similar images. We
experimentally show that our method out performs
other state of art methods.
For future work we would like to include
attribute based information in extracting background
features along with attribute matching for image
The authors thank the reviewers for their
suggestions. This work was supported in part by the
Louisiana Board of Regents through grant no.
LEQSF (2011-14)-RD-A-28.
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