Table 2: Results table - Original and Modified Optical Flow.
Seg./Route Prec. Recall F1 Prec. (Mod.) Recall (Mod.) F1 (Mod.) Gain (F1)
S01/A-A 59.52% 48.10% 53.20% 71.43% 75.47% 73.39% 37.98%
S01/B-B 73.33% 33.00% 45.51% 86.95% 58.25% 69.77% 53.28%
S02/A-A 70.83% 50.07% 59.13% 82.81% 75.71% 79.10% 33.78%
S02/B-B 62.10% 28.97% 39.49% 70.67% 50.96% 59.21% 49.95%
S03/A-A 62.38% 48.50% 54.54% 74.51% 74.51% 74.51% 36.60%
S03/B-B 58.97% 27.06% 37.09% 67.24% 47.56% 55.71% 50.19%
Table 3: Results table - StMarc video.
St Marc
Route Groundtruth System result Accuracy
Route A-A 4 4 100.0%
Route B-B 4 4 100.0%
We presented a hybrid algorithm that combines opti-
cal flow to track points along video frames and fore-
ground detection to reacquire points and update track-
ing information during size variation of objects in
sequence. This mixed solution allows us to mini-
mize problems caused by changes in object size along
video frames.
It is clear that good results in optical flow using
Lucas-Kanade approach highly depends on quality of
initial object segmentation. If foreground detector
fails, all following approaches will also fail because it
will calculate pixel displacement in wrong positions.
By using a hybrid solution that combines optical flow
results with foreground extraction the error is mini-
mized and system accuracy is increased.
This work was supported by Fapemig, CNPq and
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