set of image coordinates which are numerically
calculated from known landmarks positions and
known stereo camera poses by ShiftVP models.
Three different types of stereo configurations are
tested. As shown in the figure 7, the viewing axis of
the left camera is set as parallel to one of the right
camera for the parallel type, the viewing axis of the
left camera is set 10degree inside for the vergent
type, and the viewing axis of the left camera is set
10degree outside for the divergent type. For all types
the baseline length is 0.15m. For the calibration
targets, Whole environments of radius 2.0m, 0.5m
and 0.2m are used. To gather the stereo calibration
inputs, each stereo rig set at the 10 different poses.
An example to gather the stereo calibration inputs
for vergent stereo using 0.5m radius Whole
environment is shown in the figure 8.
The algorithm of the stereo calibration follows
the function “cvStereoCalibration” in OpenCV
(Bradski, 2008). Table 3 and 4 show the stereo
calibration errors and average of residuals after
iterations for Fish180 and Fish214 respectively. The
position errors mean the differences between correct
and estimated left camera positions in the right
Table 3: Stereo calibration error for Fish180.
Table 4: Stereo calibration error for Fish214.
camera coordinate system. The axis errors mean the
angle differences between correct and estimated left
camera’s viewing axes. For Fish180, both of
position and axis errors for three stereo
configurations are very small. For Fish214, some
values in the table could not be gotten by any bug of
program, but soon it will be debugged and the table
will be fill up. As long as evaluating the gotten
results, both of position and axis errors for three
stereo configurations are rather larger than those of
Evaluations of stereo epipolar constraint and depth
measurement errors caused by the SVP
approximation in the case using fisheye lens are
realized. As same as section 4, three different types
of stereo configurations and Whole environments of
radius 2.0m, 0.5m and 0.2m are used. The stereo
camera is set as the right camera gazes minus z
direction from the origin for Fish180 and
(0.0,0.0,−0.1) for Fish214. Inputs for the
evaluation are the set of image coordinates which
are numerically calculated from known landmarks
positions and a known stereo camera pose by
ShiftVP models.
Figure 9 and 10 show the evaluation results for
Fish180 and Fish214 respectively. In the figure of
the first column, curved lines depict epipolar lines
on the left images which are predicted from the
image coordinates in the right image and the stereo
parameters by using SVP model. Here the correct
stereo parameters are used to clarify the errors
caused by SVP approximation. Vertical lines in the
figure of the first column depict the vertical errors
between the actual image coordinates on the left
image and the predicted epipolar lines. The length of
the short lines are magnified times 100 in the figure
9 and magnified times 10 in the figure 10. Error2 is
an average of the vertical errors in pixel. In the
figures of the second and third columns, red and
green dots depict real and measured 3D positions of
the targets respectively. Error3 is an average of the
3D distances between real and measured 3D
positions of the targets.
Vertical errors of epipolar lines increase when
the targets become close to a stereo camera. They
also seem to have relation with stereo configurations
though it is not clear. In most of cases, the average
sizes of errors increase in the order of parallel,
vergent and divergent. For the Fish180, the averages
of the vertical errors are between 0.004pixel to