also applied both of these steps to the synthetic
datasets and have evaluated the impact of
on LOF. Figure 5 shows the impact of
k value−
on Local Outlier Factor (LOF). It
demonstrates a simple scenario where the data
objects belong to a Gaussian cluster i.e. all the data
objects within a cluster follows a Gaussian
distribution. For each
k value−
ranging from 3 to
100, the mean, minimum and maximum LOF values
are drawn. It can be observed that, with
k value−
, the LOF neither increases nor
decreases monotonically. For example, as shown in
Figure 5, the maximum LOF value is fluctuating as
k value−
increases continuously and eventually
stabilizes to some value showing that a single value
is inefficient to produce a more accurate LOF
value. So, mean of LOFs is taken over the range of
kk k=
in order to produce more
stabilized LOF values. These are shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Fluctuation of outlier factors within a Gaussian
In this paper, we have proposed a symmetric and
computationally efficient kernel of order-2. Our
proposed kernel obtained lower MISE than the
previously available kernels and hence, produced a
more accurate density estimate. We have also
proposed an outlier detection method that uses our
proposed kernel function in order to construct density
estimates. We have decoupled the density estimation
and the local density based outlier detection steps in
order to preserve the strength of both. As a
consequence, the resulted framework can be easily
adjusted to any application-specific environment.
Experiments performed on both real and synthetic
datasets indicate that the proposed techniques can
detect outliers efficiently. As future work, we will be
focusing on classification of transient faults in
wireless sensor networks using outlier scores.
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