environment. Subjective and physiological measures
of mental workload suggest that we succeeded in
placing the subjects in an overload situation.
Our analysis indicates that the B-Alert system
does not capture the variation of mental workload as
can be observed with the pupil dilation and the
subjective measures. However, the B-Alert workload
index is correlated with both of these measures,
suggesting that it varied consistently with our
hypothesis, but was not sensitive enough to capture
our mental workload variation.
The B-Alert system might be a useful option
depending on the environmental conditions: the
workload index is not sensitive to a change of
brightness (p=1), whereas pupil dilation is (p=.009).
Nonetheless, our results show that the B-Alert
metrics are not precise enough to offer a reliable
option in operational conditions.
The authors would like to thank two anonymous
reviewers for their comments on a previous version
of this manuscript and the subjects who kindly took
part to this experiment.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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