embedded with conducting tape helix structure
remains capable to sustain more amount of power in
the outermost liquid crystal section. This essentially
makes the structure possibly more efficient for its
usages like the integrated optic devices for field
coupling and/or in the area of optical sensing.
From the foregoing analyses, it can be inferred that
the LC fiber structure loaded with conducting tape
helix windings would be more useful for
applications in optics industry. This is primarily due
to the reason that the outermost liquid crystal region
becomes more prone to confine higher amount of
power to be used particularly for the evanescent
field based optical applications (e.g. sensing or
coupling of electromagnetic fields). These
conclusive remarks are drawn based on comparing
the results obtained for ordinary LC clad fibers with
radially anisotropic liquid crystal materials.
The authors are thankful to the Ministry of Higher
Education (Malaysia) for granting the financial
support to the work Also, they are thankful to
Professors B.Y. Majlis and S. Shaari for constant
encouragement and help.
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