As all the biosignals, the ECG is difficult to man-
age because it is a low amplitude signal affected by
different sources of noise (e.g. power line interfer-
ence, baseline wander, ground loop noise, muscular
contraction and respiration artifacts). For these rea-
sons, in the design of an ECG signal detection system
and, in general, for the design of a wearable device
for biopotentials measurement, the system level hard-
ware and software design is extremely important.
3.3 EEG Signal
EEG represents a collection of electrical voltages
recorded at different locations on the scalp of patients.
Electrical characteristics of these signals show a typ-
ical bandwidth range from 0.5 to 100 Hz with a peak
amplitude of about 100 µV. Such signals are gener-
ated by millions of underlying neurons that fire asyn-
chronously and are responsible for the brain activity.
Hence, the EEG recording does not contain the ac-
tivity of single neurons but the averaged activity of
millions of neurons. For this reason, raw (unpro-
cessed) EEG signals do not show any kind of reg-
ularity in the time-domain. However, after proper
band-pass filtering of the EEG signals, e.g. extract-
ing delta, theta, alpha and beta frequency bands, more
regular patterns can be identified, especially in the
lower frequency bands. These filtered EEG bands
are of high interest because they are strictly correlated
with the states in the brain such as wakefulness, sleep,
or even with some severe diseases including epilepsy
and neoplasms (Moore and Lopes, 1998), (Buzaki,
2006) and (Nunez and Srinivasan, 2006).
EEG evaluation is thus an important tool to learn
about brain functioning. The understanding of brain
functions, however, is currently limited to clinical en-
vironments and may not accurately reflect brain activ-
ities in the real world. Furthermore, long recordings
are feasible only during sleep as the EEG amplifiers
are large, inconvenient for patients, heavy, and need to
be plugged in, making it unable for patients to move
more than a few meters.
On the contrary, a wearable EEG device is not re-
stricted to these limitations, exploiting paradigms of
integration, low power operation, and small device
size (Casson et al., 2010). This increased degree of
freedom for the wearable EEG device allows to record
biological signals also outside of the clinical labora-
tory, increases the interests in the research field that
is currently restricted to medical use cases. Such a
portable device has countless applications with high
market potential, ranging from early detection of dis-
eases to the monitoring of well-being habits and cog-
nitive behavior.
To provide a satisfactory wearable EEG device,
it is essential to build it such that its performance is
comparable to those obtained in the state-of-the-art
clinical devices. We therefore compare our system
with the commonly used bench-top clinical device. It
is shown that we obtain similar performance in field
3.4 Data Processing
All applications relying on the acquisition of biopo-
tential signals share the common need to reduce noise
and interferences by digital post-processing. The
most common sources of interference are: power-
line interference (PLI), baseline wander (drift), move-
ment and breathing artefacts, changes in the electrode
impedance and intra-channel interference. In particu-
lar, PLI introduces a 50/60 Hz sine interference to the
signal. It is always noticeable, even when the system
is battery-powered (Serrano, 2003), that its accurate
removal is a critical but required task.
Different approaches have been presented in lit-
erature so far for the removal of PLI. The simplest
approach is a notch filter, which is a stop-band fil-
ter that allows to attenuate the frequency of a narrow
band. The rejected band depends on the quality factor
Q of the filter: with a Q = 50 the notch filter provides
10 dB attenuation at the frequency f
± 0.5 Hz. This
approach has the advantage to be easily implemented
and to have low computational requirements, but it
introduces distortion in the signal power spectrum.
More advanced approaches have been developed
in literature to overcome the limitations of the notch
filter and to accurately separate the PLI from the
EEG signal. In particular, there are methods based
on time-domain subtraction (Levkov et al., 2005), re-
gression subtraction (Bazhyna et al., 2003) and sinu-
soidal modeling (Zivanovic and Gonz
alez-Izal, 2013).
These methods all share the basic approach, which
consists in the estimation of the sinusoidal interfer-
ence and its removal from the acquired signal. Brief
summaries of these technique is listed below.
The time-domain subtraction method first divides
the signal in linear and non-linear segments which
is performed by setting a threshold on the second
derivate of the signal. Then, in the linear segments,
the signal is averaged and the PLI is estimated, which
is then also removed from non-linear segments.
Regression-subtraction or time-correlated power-
line interference subtraction estimates the amplitude
and phase of the PLI and then subtracts it from sub-
sequent samples. This approach models the interfer-
ence as two quadrature sinusoids with the same fre-
quency and uses blocks of data to estimate it with a