A Closed-form Approximated Expression for the Residual ISI
Obtained by Blind Adaptive Equalizers Applicable for the
Non-Square QAM Constellation Input and Noisy Case
Roy Shevach and Monika Pinchas
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel University of Samaria, Ariel 40700, Israel
Keywords: Blind Equalization, Residual ISI.
Abstract: Recently, closed-form approximated expressions were obtained for the residual Inter-Symbol Interference
(ISI) obtained by blind adaptive equalizers valid for the real or two independent quadrature carrier case such
as the 16 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) input. In this paper we propose for the complex and
dependent quadrature carrier case (such as the 32QAM source), a closed-form approximated expression for
the achievable residual ISI which depends on the step-size parameter, equalizer’s tap length, input signal
statistics, channel power and SNR. This approximated expression is applicable for blind adaptive equalizers
where the error is fed into the adaptive mechanism, which updates the equalizer‘s taps and can be expressed
as a polynomial function up to order five of the equalized output. Godard’s algorithm for example, applies a
third order polynomial function to the adaptation mechanism of the equalizer thus belongs to the above-
mentioned type of equalizers. Since the channel power is measurable, or can be calculated if the channel
coefficients are given, there is no need to perform any simulation with various step-size parameters and
different values of SNR to reach the required residual ISI for the dependent quadrature carrier input case.
Intersymbol interference (ISI) is a well known
phenomenon in which subsequent symbols at the
receiver are overlapping due to channel
characteristics such as bandwidth limitation or
multipath effects. This distortion makes it difficult
for the decision device at the receiver to recover the
transmitted data. Thus, for bandwidth-efficient
communication systems, operating in high inter-
symbol interference (ISI) environments, adaptive
equalizers have become a necessary component of
the receiver architecture. An accurate estimate of the
amplitude and phase distortion introduced by the
channel is essential to achieve high data rates with
low error probabilities (Abrar, Zerguine and Nandi
Modern digital communication systems are both
band limited and used to transmit high data rate,
therefore the adaptive equalization method which
relies on training phase is either impractical or very
costly in terms of data throughput. Hence, a blind
adaptive equalization algorithm is the preferable
choice between the three types of equalization
methods (non-blind, semi-blind and blind). Using
these blind algorithms, individual receivers can
begin self-adaptation without transmitter assistance.
This ability of blind startup also enables a blind
equalizer to self-recover from system breakdowns.
This self-recovery ability is critical in broadcast and
multicast systems where channel variation often
occurs (Zhi Ding 2009). The algorithm itself
generates an estimate of the desired response by
applying a non-linear transformation to sequences
involved in the adaptation process (Nikias,
Petropulu, 1993). Since the equalizer performance
depends on the above-mentioned transformation,
equalizer’s tap length, step-size parameter, channel
characteristics, added noise (SNR) and input signal
statistics, therefore tailoring an equalizer for a given
channel (application dependent) was involved with a
long process of simulation to assure the equalizer
will meet the system requirements. For example,
choosing a "big" step-size may lead to fast
convergence time at the expense of a high residual
ISI where the eye diagram is considered to be close
but on the other hand, "small" step-size may
improve the equalizer performance in terms of
residual ISI at the expense of long convergence time.
This expansive time can be spared by a closed-form
Shevach R. and Pinchas M..
A Closed-form Approximated Expression for the Residual ISI Obtained by Blind Adaptive Equalizers Applicable for the Non-Square QAM Constellation
Input and Noisy Case.
DOI: 10.5220/0005322202170223
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2015), pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-084-0
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)