Interestingly, when RMS delay spread values were
examined for different Tx-Rx distances, only a weak
correlation was observed. On the other hand, as seen
from Table 1, τ
decreased consistently with higher
passenger occupancy across all different Tx-Rx set-
tings. The reduction in delay spread can be accounted
for the obstruction and absorption of several MPCs by
human body.
In this paper, we investigated two versions of CLEAN
algorithm for estimating CIR in intra-vehicular UWB
channel sounding experiment. The efficacy of the
modified CLEAN algorithm over the basic version
is established through statistical measures. Next, us-
ing the modified algorithm, post-processing of time
domain channel measurement data were performed.
The results show that while the RMS delay spread is
weakly dependent on the antenna separation, it de-
creases linearly with passenger occupancy.
We believe that CLEAN algorithms presented in
the current text would simplify human-computer in-
teractions for the wireless physical layer experimen-
talists, and would be appealing to those who are work-
ing towards realization of intelligent transportation
systems. Our project team is currently developing
a more sophisticated spread spectrum based channel
sounding system, and we would like to study the suit-
ability of these algorithms for the new setup.
This work was supported by the SoMoPro II pro-
gramme, Project No. 3SGA5720 Localization via
UWB, co-financed by the People Programme (Marie
Curie action) of the Seventh Framework Programme
of EU according to the REA Grant Agreement
No. 291782 and by the South-Moravian Region.
The research is further co-financed by the Czech
Science Foundation, Project No. 13-38735S Re-
search into wireless channels for intra-vehicle com-
munication and positioning, and was performed
in laboratories supported by the SIX project, No.
CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0072, the operational program Re-
search and Development for Innovation. The gener-
ous support from Tektronix, Testovac´ı Technika, and
Skoda a.s. Mlada Boleslav are also gratefully ac-
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