software in a way that makes it more verification com-
patible: by carefully choosing a computational model
that is on one hand expressive and convenient, and on
the other hand amenable to formal verification tools,
one can often achieve improved scalability.
We have demonstrated these principles on three
idioms for concurrent programming — the request-
ing, waiting-for and blocking of events, which to-
gether make up the BP model. We recapitulated work
showing that, because of its strict synchronization
protocol, the BP model produces programs that may
be more amenable to compositional reasoning and re-
pair than less restricted concurrent models, and yet
that a behavioral program may be significantly more
succinct than an equivalent sequential program.
Our work focused on BP, which is but one
paradigm among many for discrete event reactive sys-
tems. As discussed earlier, a key ingredient in our
proposed approach is an appropriate mapping of pro-
gramming idioms to problems they can solve, and
their respective costs, verification-wise. In order to
fully harness this synergy in practice, extensive study
of additional idioms is required. For instance, it
would be interesting to compare results for BP with
other models for reactivity such as BIP (Basu et al.,
2006), Signal (Le Guernic et al., 1991) and Lus-
tre (Halbwachs et al., 1991).
In the longer run, we envision an extensive catalog
of idioms for programmers to choose form, according
to the problem at hand. Perhaps in the further away
future these decisions could even be performed by an
automated recommender system.
The work of all the authors was supported by an Israel
Science Foundation grant. The research of G. Weiss
was also supported by the Lynn and William Frankel
Center for CS at Ben-Gurion University, and by a
reintegration (IRG) grant under the European Com-
munity’s FP7 Programme.
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