A Stationary Bike in Virtual Reality - Rhythmic Exercise and Rehabilitation

Justyna Maculewicz, Stefania Serafin, Lise Kofoed



This paper presents a project dedicated to the development of a rhythmic rehabilitation device for physical and neurological rehabilitation with the use of a stationary bike and a virtual reality (VR) setup augmented with soundscape sounds to create higher level of immersion. We discuss the benefits of the use of visual and auditory feedback and identify possible challenges for development. In addition, we comment on existing systems, which combine a stationary bike and VR (in any form) and match clinical groups that could benefit from this rehabilitation approach. Finally, we discuss the role of sound and music in enhancement of fitness performance and potential of benefit of use in neurorehabilitation.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Maculewicz J., Serafin S. and Kofoed L. (2015). A Stationary Bike in Virtual Reality - Rhythmic Exercise and Rehabilitation . In Doctoral Consortium - DCBIOSTEC, (BIOSTEC 2015) ISBN , pages 3-8

in Bibtex Style

author={Justyna Maculewicz and Stefania Serafin and Lise Kofoed},
title={A Stationary Bike in Virtual Reality - Rhythmic Exercise and Rehabilitation},
booktitle={Doctoral Consortium - DCBIOSTEC, (BIOSTEC 2015)},

in EndNote Style

JO - Doctoral Consortium - DCBIOSTEC, (BIOSTEC 2015)
TI - A Stationary Bike in Virtual Reality - Rhythmic Exercise and Rehabilitation
SN -
AU - Maculewicz J.
AU - Serafin S.
AU - Kofoed L.
PY - 2015
SP - 3
EP - 8
DO -