not interfere with more critical ones. Matters are
further complicated by the sharing of
communication buses by applications of mixed
criticality and or security, ranging from the mundane
(such as courtesy lights) to safety critical (such as
stability control and braking). These concerns extend
to civil aviation as well. For example the US Federal
Aviation Administration expressed concerns about
the fact that there exists connectivity between
“passenger domain computer systems [and] airplane
critical systems and data networks.” (Federal
Register, 2008)
While there are still few actual attacks, the ease
with which researchers have managed to exploit
vulnerabilities in vehicular platforms has made
evident the need for increased vigilance. Borrowing
from legacy networks researchers have suggested
the well tried methods of protection, such as
firewalling (Keromytis A. et al., 2007), Intrusion
Detection monitors (Muter M., 2009), and so on.
However, none of these techniques addresses the
root problem of these vulnerabilities, namely that the
basic design of the internal network allows anybody
to talk to anybody else. Even in cases where there
are multiple networks, bridged by specific ECUs,
actual attacks have demonstrated that such bridges
offer only nominal resistance to attackers (Eckert C
et al., 2013).
On the other hand, trying to impose a
comprehensive system to control communications
within the vehicular platform using traditional
techniques, such as packet filters on all ECUs is
guarantied to cause configuration problems both
during initial integration, but also during the
upgrades throughout the lifetime of the platform.
The reason is that static access control matrices are
not effective in a changing environment and must be
augmented either by update procedures (e.g. during
reconfiguration) or by a more flexible mechanism.
Moreover, as the number of ECUs increases, so does
the number of the filters that must be configured on
each ECU. Clearly this does not scale well, and is
likely to lead to configuration errors that may stop
the vehicle from functioning as intended, or, worse,
create vulnerabilities that a potential attacker can
In addition to access control, we must also
consider what type of security protection we must
grant the various communications links (Laarouchi
Y. et al., 2008). The resource-constrained nature of
embedded environments, and the time-critical nature
of some of these communications implies that we
need to be more selective in the type of protection
we apply to these links (Mahmoud B. et al., 2010).
Moreover, traditional algorithms may be too
resource hungry and could be replaced by low
latency, low power ones such as elliptic curve
cryptography or compressed certificates (Olive M.,
A technique called the “distributed firewall”
(Ioannidis S. et al., 2000) whereby security policy is
defined centrally and distributed to all computing
platforms in the network offers great promise in
achieving the goal of total control over all
communication links. The key differentiation
between the distributed firewall and the installation
of packet filters on every ECU is that in the latter
case there is no easy way to specify the security
parameters of the communications links and that the
packet filters must be installed in each ECU
separately,. In the case of the distributed firewall, the
security policy is centrally managed and can
accommodate link security parameters.
Nevertheless, creating this security policy is a
very difficult task requiring detailed knowledge of
possible communication paths between all possible
components of the system, making system evolution
(whereby such interactions may change), labor
intensive and error prone.
Our approach is to integrate the evolution of the
security policy into the software development
workflow, allowing the policy to adapt to changing
circumstances during development, integration and
maintenance, so that on one hand the intentions of
the initial designer are preserved, while, on the other
hand, the policy is customized to the requirements of
the actual operational platform.
For example, the designer of a subsystem may
require a communications link to, say, a temperature
sensor, and include appropriate policy to this effect.
Latter, when this subsystem is integrated into a
vehicular platform, the basic policy may be
augmented by the system designer. For example,
depending on the way the particular subsystem is
integrated into the overall architecture, certain
aspects of the communication policy (such as link
integrity, privacy, priority) may need to be specified.
Later on during final integration the policy will be
further refined to include the actual parameters that
define the communications link (e.g. source and
destination addresses, integrity and/or encryption
algorithms, authentication methods and so on).
However, this is not sufficient as adaptations to
the policy may subvert it, or may misinterpret
assumptions made earlier on in the development
process. We, therefore, require that policy is
protected from design all the way to the actual
platform. In order to achieve this, we created a