obtained also since a QPM array structure is used.
The proposed device has a compact structure and can
be operated with a low millimetre-wave signal loss
and no external electrical power supply.
The proposed device is promising for broadband
wireless communication such as for Multi-Input
Multi-Output (MIMO) and Space-Division-
Multiplexing-Access (SDMA) (Wijayanto, 2013). It
can be used also for precise measurement/ sensing
applications such as high-frequency Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) chamber and Radio Detecting
and Ranging (RADAR).
The authors would like thank to Dr. T. Umezawa
from National Institute of Information and
Communication Technology (NICT) Japan and Dr.
H. Shiomi from Osaka University Japan for their
constructive comments and suggestions during
discussion. Thanks to Dr. Y. Ogawa from NICT
Japan for his helpful supports during device
Y. N. Wijayanto, A. Kanno, S. Nakajima, and T.
Kawanishi would like thank to the Ministry of
Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan, for the
financial support partly thru the project entitled
“Research and Development of high-precision
imaging technology using 90 GHz band linear cells”
funded by the “Research and Development to Expand
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