research questions addressed where papers about 3D
software visualization were published, which aspects
were visualized, how the topic evolved over the last
22 years, how the usefulness of the 3D software visu-
alizations was evaluated, and how the third dimension
was used.
The results show that the aspect ‘structure’, the
evaluation method ‘case study (example)’, and the ap-
plication of the third dimension ‘extended 2D’ are
dominant. The combination of ‘structure’ with ‘be-
havior’ or ‘evolution’ was also found relatively often.
Although, the combination of all three aspects in
one software visualization tool providing a holistic
view is complex and challenging to implement, we
see therein a research gap for the future.
The need for more empirical evaluations of 3D
software visualizations stated earlier still exists and
should be addressed in future work.
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resent software metrics. Other successful applications
are to use the additional space for solid 3D shapes and
for an optimized layout, to represent time, and to am-
plify cognition. Probably, the optimal interplay be-
tween 2D and 3D views plays an important role in the
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