The first category consists of non-optimizing
methods that rely on simple heuristics which do
not explicitly take into account prevailing local eco-
nomic conditions. Instead of optimizing an objec-
tive function, these methods only use assumptions for
variables such as the air flow velocity and friction
losses, which are based on rules of thumbs and the
designer’s experiences (Asiedu, 2000),(Mitchel and
Braun, 2012). The obtained designs are workable, but
not necessarily optimal.
The Equal Friction and Static Regain method are
the two most commonly used methods in this category
(ISSO, 1994),(Mitchel and Braun, 2012). In the first
method, the frictional pressure drop per unit length of
the duct (Pa/m), i.e. the friction rate, is maintained
constant throughout the duct system, where the fric-
tional pressure drop is associated with the duct wall
friction. This method is straightforward but involves
judgement in the selection of the friction rate, since
there is a wide range of possible values for the fric-
tion rate. The objective of the static regain method
is to obtain the same static pressure at diverging flow
junctions and before each terminal unit by changing
downstream duct sizes (Figure 1). This method of
duct sizing is based on Bernoulli’s equation, which
states that a reduction of velocities results in a con-
version of dynamic pressure into static pressure. The
velocity for the root section is an arbitrary parameter
and depends on the design engineer’s experience.
Figure 1: Schematic of pressure distribution for static regain
design, where pt = total pressure, p = static pressure and pv
= velocity or dynamic pressure (Mitchel and Braun, 2012).
The second category consists of optimization
methods. Their main goal is to determine duct sizes
according to optimal pressure losses and select a fan
according to the optimal fan pressure that minimizes
life cycle costs (LCC) (Asiedu, 2000),(Taecheol et al.,
2002),(Tsal et al., 1988). The Reduced Gradient
(Arkin and Shitzer, 1979), Quadratic Search and the
Modified Lagrange Multipliers methods (Tsal and
Adler, 1987) are some of the many computer-aided
numerical optimization methods used for network op-
timization. These methods are all continuous meth-
ods and thus, they are not adequate to deal with dis-
crete parameters such as nominal duct sizes. In 1968
Tsal and Chechic developed a method based on Bell-
man’s dynamic programming method (1957). Unfor-
tunately, when exact methods such as dynamic pro-
gramming are used for large combinatorial optimiza-
tion problems (i.e. NP hard problems) like ADN,
combinatorial explosions occur, resulting in exces-
sively long computation times (S
orensen and Glover,
The most widely known optimization method is
the T-method (Tsal et al., 1988), which is also based
on dynamic programming (Tsal and Behls, 1986).
The method’s objective is to find duct sizes and se-
lect a fan so that the system’s life-cycle cost is min-
imized. The calculation procedure of the T-method
consists of three main steps. First the entire duct sys-
tem is condensed into a single duct section for find-
ing the ratios of optimal pressure losses using sec-
tional aerolic characteristics (= system condensing).
After calculating the optimal system pressure loss in
the second step, a fan is selected. Last, the sys-
tem pressure is distributed throughout the system sec-
tions (= system expansion). Although this method
is recommended by ASHRAE (American Society of
Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engi-
neers) (ASHRAE, 2009), it is hardly used in prac-
tice. Yaw Asiedu (Asiedu, 2000) and Huan-Ruei
Shiu (Shiu et al., 2003) list the main shortcomings of
the T-method for large complex ADN. Yaw Asiedu,
for example, states that metaheuristic techniques such
as evolutionary metaheuristics are needed to tackle
large complex network designs and proposes a Seg-
regated Genetic Algorithm (Asiedu, 2000). Contrary
to exact optimization algorithms, metaheuristics do
not guarantee the absolute optimality of the obtained
solutions. However, they provide solutions that are
“good enough” in an “acceptable” computing time.
Other (meta)heuristics that were used to deal partly
or completely with the duct optimization problems
are for example Simulated Annealing (Wang, 1986)
and the Nelder and Mead downhill simplex method
(Kim, 2001). Although recent papers have been
published (Fong et al., 2010),(Kashyap, 2013),(Vi-
tooraporn and Kritmaitree, 2003), these mainly re-
iterate the same ideas of previous research (Asiedu,
2000),(ISSO, 1994),(Tsal et al., 1988), i.e. they focus
only on the duct sizing and fan selection and, more
important, the objective function of the ADN opti-
mization problem is largely the same as the objective
functions defined in previous research.
Previously developed methods are often tested
solely on two or three test networks, including the
ASHRAE benchmark network (Figure 2). This net-