including validation by real industry cases. Future
work will also focus on analyzing the influence of
semantic technologies/ ontology based appraoches
on BIA in an ITO context, e.g., following the
approach proposed in (Veres, Sampson, Bleistein,
Cox and Verner, 2009) that would allow to map the
system requirements against strategic business
objectives. It is also intended to further test the
proposed model targeting other industry sectors.
In the line with the formulated objectives, the main
contribution of this research is the proposition of a
model which helps to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the influence of IT outsourcing
activities on the business-IT alignment maturity
level. We propose to measure the IT outsourcing
maturity through a set of factors that influence the
success of ITO activities. For measuring business-IT
alignment, Luftman’s model (2000) was extended
with two additional dimensions: Employee
engagement and Technology scope.
The proposed model was empirically evaluated
with four case studies. From the results of the
investigation it is possible to formulate the
hypothesis that IT outsourcing has, in principle, a
positive impact on the level of business-IT
alignment. However, this correlation most likely
depends on the situational characteristics such as:
industry sector, the size of the organization, role and
experience of respondent, etc. and should be
explored thoroughly. Therefore hypothesis should be
further verified with a larger sample of companies.
This research paper also contributes to creating the
basis for future research by building a theoretical
model and potential hypothesis to be tested with
repect to the interrelations between ITO and BIA.
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