Analysing Business-IT Alignment in the IT Outsourcing Context
A Case Study Approach
Ekaterina Sabelnikova
, Claudia-Melania Chituc
and Jos Trienekens
Océ, Venlo, The Netherlands
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Keywords: Business-IT Alignment, IT Outsourcing, IT Outsourcing Maturity, Case Study.
Abstract: Information technology plays an increasingly important role in developing business strategies.
Consequently, it is vital for organizations to ensure an alignment between IT and business strategies and
goals. Usually business-IT alignment (BIA) is understood at the organizational level between business and
IT teams, whereas IT outsourcing (ITO) extends organizational boundaries and implies inclusion of service
providers. In the case of ITO, BIA is harder to achieve and manage. In this paper it is proposed to measure
ITO maturity through a set of factors that influence the success of ITO activities, while a selected BIA
maturity framework has been extended with two additional dimensions. The combined BIA-ITO model has
been applied in a case study, with the purpose to empirically validate the model as well as to gain valuable
insights on the BIA-ITO relationship in practice. The results indicate that IT outsourcing can have a positive
impact on business-IT alignment.
Over the last decades the role of information
technologies (IT) has changed significantly from a
business support function to a vital component of
organizational strategy. Many companies realize that
the alignment of IT and business is a managerial
priority for solving organizational and business
challenges (Tallon & Kraemer, 2011).
In the highly competitive market environment
companies need to determine their core
competencies and focus on delivering their primary
services to customers. As such, non-core activities
are outsourced to external vendors. In the research
project pursued and presented in this article,
outsourcing is scoped to IT outsourcing (ITO),
defined as the practice of transferring internal IT
services to an external provider. Being specialized in
this area, external providers can offer services with
lower cost and higher quality.
Although bringing advantages (e.g., (Ang &
Straub, 1998; Craig & Willmott, 2005)), outsourcing
of the internal IT services to an external supplier
influences the complexity of the business-IT
alignment (BIA). Traditionally, business-IT
alignment is seen at the organizational level as the
collaboration of two parties within one company –
IT and business teams, while IT outsourcing
expands the boundaries and implies inclusion of a
third party, namely the IT service provider.
Consequently, BIA is affected by the business
processes, management practices and characteristics
of a service provider. As a result, alignment
becomes more challenging to achieve and manage.
The review of previous studies revealed that the
combination of BIA and ITO is not extensively
explored and, in general, insufficiently understood
(e.g., (Pollalis, 2003; Derksen, 2013)). The research
project presented in this article aims at advancing
the research in the area of business-IT alignment in
an IT outsourcing context. The goal of the research
project pursued is to analyze and assess the
business-IT alignment in organizations outsourcing
IT resources. In order to achieve this goal we need to
design a model which helps to evaluate, what we
will call, the BIA maturity in an IT outsourcing
situation. The proposed model was subsequently
validated with four case studies. The collected
information allowed the elaboration of a set of
recommendations for further development of a
questionnaire for a broader research using a survey
This paper is structured as follows. The next
section contains a summarized review of relevant
Sabelnikova E., Chituc C. and Trienekens J..
Analysing Business-IT Alignment in the IT Outsourcing Context - A Case Study Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0005326200050016
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2015), pages 5-16
ISBN: 978-989-758-096-3
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
concepts. Section 3 briefly presents the methodology
followed in this paper. Section 4 introduces the
approach used to select ITO factors that influence
the maturity of IT outsourcing activities and justify
the selection of the most appropriate BIA reference
model, considering the aim of the current research
project. In Section 5 the combined BIA-ITO model
is presented. The findings of the case study, where
the BIA-ITO model has been applied, are presented
in Section 6. Section 7 addresses a discusion of the
results, reflects on related work and the added value
of the proposed BIA-ITO model. The paper
concludes with a section summarising the results and
addressing the needs for future research.
An in-depth literature review was pursued to identify
and analyse the most relevant approaches on BIA
and ITO, ITO reference models and BIA
frameworks and measurement models.
Topics of BIA and ITO are studied broadly by
scientists and practitioners. However, the review of
previous studies revealed that the combination of
BIA and ITO has not been addressed in a conceptual
and systematc way, in spite of the fact that IT
outsourcing can significantly affect the stable
relationship between business and IT. This research
gap is a focal point in this paper.
2.1 BIA and ITO
Dutta (1996) performed a study focusing on two
banks with diametrically opposite strategies of
aligning IT with business: one bank manages IT in-
house, while the second bank completely outsourced
all of its IT functions. This study describes the
approach used by each bank to ensure BIA, and
presents as one of its main conclusions, drawn from
a comparative analysis, that physically IT can be
outsourced, but it is not possible to outsource the
management of IT.
Similarly, Cumps et al. (2006) conducted a
comparative theoretical study with two imaginary
scenarios in order to examine the likely impact of
outsourcing on BIA. The result of this study is a
theoretical proposition stating that in organizations
where IT is of high strategic importance,
outsourcing will determine both more formal and
informal alignment structures and processes between
the organization outsourcing IT services and the
supplier organization. Although this study provides a
valuable theoretical reflection on IT outsourcing and
BIA, it is not supported by empirical evidence.
Additionally, both topics of BIA and ITO are closely
related to practice, so they have to be analyzed not
only from a theoretical perspective but also linked to
practical data.
Pollalis (2003) derived data from 127 global
commercial banks. The results show that
outsourcing affects performance positively as long
as the implementation of IT is consistent with the
needs of business. This study appears to be related to
the goal of the research in this paper. However, the
major drawback is that the author described neither
the methodology of the research nor the undertaken
survey, therefore it is impossible to repeat his
experiment and justify the derived results.
The study of (van Lier & Dohmen, 2007)
addresses the influence of strategic alignment and
cost/ benefit management on ITO success.
Luftman’s alignment maturity model (Luftman,
2000) is used to evaluate the maturity of the
alignment, though the authors slightly modified the
approach: Luftman’s approach stresses that
company’s executives should determine the level of
strategic alignment, while van Lier and Dohmen
(2007) asked an external observer to define this level
saying that an external observer has fresh and clear
vision of the situation. However, in order to
determine the level of strategic alignment the
observer should have an in-depth knowledge and
clear understanding of the situation in the company
and its processes (Luftman & Brier, 1999).
Therefore, the results of this study can be considered
as subject of much controversy.
A qualitative study performed to analyze the
relationship between ITO and BIA is described in
(Silvius et al., 2013). The authors concluded that a
higher level of motivation for outsourcing paired
with a higher level of the relationship between
outsourcer and service provider, and with a higher
level of alignment maturity of the outsourcer. This
study also revealed that the ITO relationship is
influenced by organizational turbulence on one or
either side of the relationship and the service
providers lean towards assessing the relationship on
a higher level than outsourcers.
The analysis of the available studies shows the
need for a more in-depth exploration of the
relationship between BIA and IT outsourcing. This
work aims to explore this relationship, with a
rigouros scientific method.
2.2 BIA Frameworks and
Measurement Models
In this section the most frequently cited business-IT
alignment frameworks are shortly introduced.
The strategic alignment model proposed by
Henderson and Venkatraman (1993) is a foundation
model for a vast number of studies, and several
authors take it as a basis for constructing their own
frameworks, e.g., the Integrated Architecture
Framework of (Goedvolk et al., 1997) and Unified
Framework of (Maes et al., 2000). These models
provide abstract views on alignment but do not
suggest operational guidelines or best practices to
assess strategic alignment.
Luftman (2000) proposed a model to evaluate the
company’s alignment maturity level. The model
advances 38 attributes grouped in six dimensions to
support the assessment of the maturity level of BIA:
communications, value measurements, governance,
partnership, technology scope and skills. For each
dimenstion there are clearly defined maturity levels.
All areas should be given attention to mature the
alignment between business and IT. A practical
instrument which uses five levels of BIA maturity is
also provided.
Reich and Benbasat (2000) view alignment as
the linkage of intellectual and social aspects of an
organization. A measurement method was developed
for the social dimension. Although it represents an
important advancement in this area, this model does
not completely cover the full concept of BIA. It
considers alignment within only two dimensions
(social and intellectual). However, these two
dimensions do not fully capture the complexity of
the relationships in companies, especially in the
context of BIA. Additionally, no evidence of
applying this model in practice was found in the
Sabherwal and Chan (2001) elaborated a model
of fit between business strategies and IT strategies.
Authors study the relationship between business
strategy and IT strategy using Miles and Snow’s
(1978) classification of defender, analyzer, and
prospector business strategies.
The state-of-the-art review performed on topics
related to the impact of IT outsourcing to strategic
alignment allowed us to identify shortcomings of
existing works and the need to further explore these
topics. Research on assessing the influence of IT
outsourcing on BIA is scarce, and no generally
accepted model for evaluating the effects of IT
outsourcing on BIA was found in the literature.
Hence, this paper aims to advance a model and
validate it empirically with the data from four case
The research approach is illustrated in Figure 1. The
literature review stage is based on an extensive
literature analysis where ITO factors have been
selected and BIA frameworks have been evaluated
on the basis of a set of pre-defined criteria.
In line with the undertaken analysis, a
hypothetical combined model for evaluating BIA
maturity in an IT outsourcing situation has been
developed, based on the concepts adapted. The ITO
maturity was measured on the basis of a set of
factors which are identified through literature review
and field experts’ opinions. The selected BIA
framework was then complemented with two
dimensions. Subsequently the combined model has
been empirically tested by using a case study
method. The empirical investigation served to
validate the combined model, as well as to gain
practical insights with respect to the interrelations
between BIA and ITO. The last part of the research
addresses the analysis of the results. During this
step, the collected information has been analysed
and the findings are presented.
Figure 1: Research methodology.
This section seeks to find the proper mechanisms to
measure ITO and BIA maturity levels. These
mechanisms will be further used to design a model
for measuring business-IT alignment in an IT
outsourcing situation.
4.1 IT Outsourcing Factors
The objective of this section is to elicit factors that
are important to be managed within the organization
in order to reach high maturity in IT outsourcing
activities. This part of the research work was based
on the literature research and discussion with
experts. There is an abundant discussion among
computer scientists and business managers about
critical success factors which underpin effective
management of IT outsourcing (Alborz, Seddon &
Scheepers, 2003). Many research studies have
addressed success factors in IT outsourcing, e.g.,
(Beaumont & Sohal, 2004); (Gonzalez, Gasco &
Llopis, 2005); (Ishizaka & Blakiston, 2012); (Smuts
et al., 2010); (Cullen & Willcocks, 2003); (Oza et
al., 2004); (Tan, 2009).
These studies have passed a thorough
examination. Firstly, the factors identified in each
scientific paper were selected. At the second step the
complete list of factors had been sent to the
managers of companies with ongoing IT outsourcing
activities. Three managers of companies that had on-
going ITO activities reviewed a predefined set of
ITO factors retrieved from the literature research
(ten, in total), and provided their opinion, indicating
which factors are important in practical conditions.
During the third and final step, the factors with the
same or similar meaning were grouped. For instance,
factors related to communication, client-provider
contacts, understanding each other were grouped
under Relationship management category.
This revision led to the elicitation of seven
factors which can be considered to influence the
success of ITO activities. These factors are: contract
management, performance management, preparation
step, outsourcing strategy, governance, relationship
management, and knowledge management. Three
other factors identified in literature (change
management, risk management and internal
readiness) received low importance from the
practitioners and where discarded.
4.2 Business-IT Alignment Model
After choosing the tool for IT outsourcing, an
appropriate mechanism for measuring the business-
IT alignment maturity level needs to be defined.
Four business-IT alignment maturity frameworks
have been presented in Section 2.2. In the context of
this research the most important aspect is the
measurability of business-IT alignment. The
comparative analysis result of the frameworks is
presented in Table 1. The following aspects were
considered when analysing the BIA maturity
frameworks: weather the framework is derived from
theory or practice, the size of the organization,
dimensions of the framework, measurement tool
used, and the complexity to use and apply the
maturity framework.
In (Reich & Benbasat, 2000) alignment is seen as
a linkage of two dimensions – intellectual and social
aspects. A measurement tool is proposed for the
social dimension, which is based on the interviews
with experts and review of documentation.
Therefore, it does not reqire any specific knowledge,
and is simple to use and apply in the organizational
context. However, this model does not completely
cover the full concept of business-IT alignment and
has a too narrow scope for assessing BIA in
companies (Mekawy, Rusu & Ahmed, 2009).
Another reason of exclusion is that no evidence of
applying this model in practice is found in the
The model advanced by (Sabherwal & Chan,
2001) studies alignment as a cooperation between
business and IT dimensions, and does not suggest
any measurement tool. This view of alignment can
be considered too generic for the purposes of the
current research, since it does not allow to evaluate
BIA maturity within a company. According to
(Mekawy, Rusu & Ahmed, 2009) this model is
applicable only to small and medium size
organizations. Additionally, with respect to the
complexity criterion, this model applies the Miles
and Snow’s (1978) typology of business strategies,
which is a complex concept to understand and apply.
Consequently, the model of Sabherwal and Chan
(2001) is not suitable as a reference framework in
this research project.
The strategic alignment model of (Henderson &
Venkatraman, 1993) provides an abstract view on
alignment based on the four dimensional model.
This model has an extensive theoretical evidence
and is also applied in practice for understanding the
BIA concept. The description of the model is
extensive, therefore the complexity of usage is
medium. However, this model does not provide a
measurement tool and can not be used for further
empirical research.
Luftman’s model (2000) represents a practical
measurement instrument based on six dimensions
and 38 attributes. BIA assessment uses five levels of
BIA maturity. The attributes have extended
descriptions and the measurability of the five levels
is clearly defined. Luftman elaborated a
questionnaire which provides the opportunity to
define the level of BIA maturity in a company.
The model is not too complex and all experts are
able to gain insights into it. Scientists vastly use this
model for their research (e.g., (Khanfar &
Zualkernan, 2010), (Ekstedt et al., 2005)). These
considerations make Luftman’s framework the most
suitable approach for the present research.
Table 1: Evaluation of BIA maturity frameworks.
Henderson and
Venkatraman (1993)
Luftman (2000)
Reich and Benbasat
Sabherwal and Chan
Theoretical /
practical evidence
Theory, Practice Practice Theory Theory
Organizational size
Small / Medium /
Small / Medium /
Small / Medium Small / Medium
4 dimensions
12 components
6 dimensions
38 attributes
2 dimensions 2 dimensions
Measurement tool Not provided
Interviews and
Complexity of use
and apply
Medium Medium Simple Complex
Based on a comparative analysis, Luftman’s
framework has been selected as the most valid one
for this research and will be used to evaluate the
maturity level of BIA in organizations. However, it
needs to be enhanced in order to reflect the
complexity of the relationships in an organization
and support the assessment of the BIA maturity level
in an organization, in the ITO context.
The extensive literature review showed that
Luftman’s alignment maturity assessment model
(2000) is directly applied in the other studies without
attempts to refine it. Most of the available studies
focus on the alignment of business and IT strategies,
plans, and goals (so called intellectual alignment).
However, nowadays the employees are the most
important asset in organizations (Gabcanova, 2011).
Alignment is a continuous process and an alignment
model needs to keep up with the dynamic pace of
business changes. Luftman’s model does not
consider the employee engagement as an important
aspect of BIA, while we propose to include it in the
model and evaluate alongside other six dimensions.
Information systems have evolved from an
operational tool to a competitive and strategy
element. Technological advances, such as business
intelligence, product lifecycle management, and
knowledge management systems, are also changing
the way organisations conduct their business.
Therefore it is important to gain insights into
alignment of the information systems and business
Though Luftman’s model provides strong
coverage of a considerable number of dimensions, it
does not tackle important aspects of alignment, such
as Employee engagement and Technology scope, and
therefore an extension of the model could be
elaborated, addressing these aspects.
5.1 Employee Engagement Dimension
(Reich & Benbasat, 2000) consider the business-IT
alignment concept as the linkage of intellectual and
social dimensions. The social dimension of
alignment addresses such aspects as a mutual
understanding and the quality of communication
between business and IT teams, and awareness of
regular employees about the strategic goals and
Literature analysis revealed that the importance
of social alignment is rarely addressed in scientific
studies. In (Preston & Karahanna, 2009) it is argued
that often the tension between IT and business is a
result of ineffective collaboration and
communication, rather than technological
constraints. The authors conclude that solving the
problem of social alignment will contribute to the
technological alignment, increase the value of IT in
business and improve BIA in general.
Social alignment is a complex construct which
should be addressed at both strategic and non-
strategic levels. Luftman’s model covers social
dimension at the strategic level, while social
alignment should be realized at all levels from
owners to regular employees. When regular
employees understand strategic goals and plans then
they know how they can contribute to those
objectives (Boswell, Bingham & Colvin, 2006).
Lower-level employees’ awareness of company’s
strategy increases the possibility that the strategy
will be executed correctly. At the same time,
communication of the strategy to the regular
employees can improve their trust and commitment
to the company, which in turn can produce more
positive work-related outcomes (Boswell &
Boudreau, 2001).
The proposition is that Employee engagement
dimension should be considered along with the six
dimensions of Luftman’s model in order to reflect
the complexity of the relationships of business-IT
5.2 Technology Scope Dimension
Belfo and Sousa (2012) undertook a critical review
of Luftman’s model. The main critique point is that
technology dimension is not addressed in the full
extent though it is partially covered in the Scope and
Architecture criterion. Luftman considers the
technology factor by measuring the degree to which
IT is able to provide a flexible and transparent
infrastructure, apply emerging technologies, and
drive business processes and strategies. However,
this view does not fully capture the complexity of
the BIA relationships especially in the context of
ITO. Additionally, it does not address how IT
projects impact the achievement of specific business
Organizations implement new information
technologies with the purpose of accomplishing
specific needs and goals. For example, financial
institutions use process mining tools and
technologies in order to identify the most profitable
clients and target them with specialized services.
Such tools and information systems need to be
aligned with the organization’s specific business
goals and plans. By extending Luftman’s model with
the Technology scope dimension, the novel model
elaborated within the scope of this research project
would benefit from evaluating the contribution of
domain-specific information systems to the business
In this section the instrument for measuring
business-IT alignment maturity is completed by
adding two dimensions: Employee engagement and
Technology scope. It was justified that both of them
have strong impact on aligning business and IT
strategies and goals. The advanced model captures
the complexity of the BIA relationships in the
context of ITO, providing a holistic view. Figure 2
illustrates the proposed model.
6.1 Set up of the Empirical Study
A case study approach was conducted in four
companies. (Note! For privacy reasons, the names of
the companies are not provided. However, a brief
description of each company is available in Section
6.2). Characteristics of the companies and
respondents can be found in Table 2, reflecting the
following aspects: industry sector, number of
employees, position of the respondent within the
company, and the role of IT. The data collection
strategy was based on semi-structured interviews
and an on-line questionnaire.
The questionnaire was used to derive scores of
BIA and ITO in companies. The alignment maturity
level is evaluated based on eight dimensions,
reflected in the model developed, illustrated in
Figure 2. The six dimensions of the Luftman’s
model are converted to questions using the
explanations provided by (Luftman & Kempaiah,
2007). Employee engagement and Technology scope
dimensions consist of a number of statements taken
directly from the works of (Chong et al., 2011) and
(Sabherwal & Chan, 2001) respectively. The
maturity of the ITO is measured through a set of
factors, which - for the purpose of validation - are
converted to statements. In the questionnaire, each
short statement reflects the whole meaning of the
factor. It should be noted that the questionnaire
development is at the preliminary stage. Therefore,
one of the objectives of the empirical study is to
validate the quality of the questionnaire, and receive
recommendations for improvements. Afterwards, the
improved questionnaire can be used in the survey
method. In the survey method, the questionnaire is
the main source of data collection, and a properly
constructed questionnaire is crucial for the success
of the research.
The reliability of the case study is assured by
applying the same procedure on every case. All the
interviews were conducted in the same manner
based on the beforehand designed guidelines. In
order to increase the reliability of responses,
respondents were assured that their answers and
provided information will be treated strictly
confidentially. Internal validity of the empirical
evaluation is assured by the fact that data was
collected from managers and executives, who area
actually the most familiar with the situation within
the company and most knowledgeable in providing
the correct answers for the interview questions and
6.2 Case Descriptions
Company A is a Dutch based company which
provides logistic support for information flows
between client companies and Dutch sea ports. The
company’s main product is an efficient information
exchange service between multiple involved parties,
both public and private. Therefore, the company is
highly IT focused, and the IT function is the central
Figure 2: Designed model (Source: (Sabelnikova, 2014)).
Table 2: Case study characterictics.
Company A Company B Company C Company D
Industry Logistics Finance Consultancy Technology
# of employees 50-200 2000+ 2000+ 500-2000
Function of the respondent Enterprise architect IT IT Business
Role of IT Critical Critical Very important Very important
core of the uninterruptible operations running.
Company B is a Dutch multinational financial
corporation. The company provides the range of
financial services, such as banking operations,
investment banking, loans and mortgages, insurance
services. The information technologies are the core
of the business operation. All daily operations are
dependent on smoothly running IT. Company B is
currently in transformation from a bank to an IT
company which delivers financial services.
Company C is a French multinational
consultancy company. It mainly focuses on the IT
consulting services. Information technologies are
reported to be very important since without their
availability it would be impossible to conduct
business processes in place and provide customer
services at the high level. IT performs supportive
functions and does not have significant impact on
strategic business planning.
Company D is a Japanese imaging and
electronics company with a worldwide presence,
with subsidiaries in The Netherlands. The company
now is in the process of transferring governance of
the IT department to the European headquarter. The
local IT department is responsible for first-line
support issues, while critical disruptions are handled
from Europe.
6.3 Analysis of the Case Study Results
This section analyses the data with the goal of
finding the correlation between ITO and BIA scores.
This analysis is built upon the data received during
the interviews and data from questionnaires. The
structure of the interview and examples of questions
in each category are provided in Appendix A, as
well as one sample page of the on-line questionnaire
(Figure 3). Table 3 outlines the scores of BIA and
ITO for each company derived from the
questionnaire. It could be seen that Company D has
a high maturity of ITO, but the alignment level is the
lowest among the four companies.
Company B shows the highest score of alignment
and ITO maturity. The interview displayed that the
company is aligned across eight dimensions as well
as ITO factors are elaborated thoroughly. The
respondent emphasized that for large companies the
preparation step of ITO is crucial because later it
will take more time and money to change a provider.
Therefore, the process of provider selection was
Table 3: Scores of ITO and BIA.
Company A Company B Company C Company D
ITO maturity score 2,58 3,92 2,36 3,25
BIA maturity score 2,83 3,79 2,46 2,33
The score level ranges from 1 to 5. The maximum score level is 5
done thoroughly and carefully. The contract is very
detailed and describes formal procedures in the case
of violations.
Performance of service provider and quality of
services are measured upon several tollgates. The
provider might pass them all to ensure appropriate
level of delivered quality. Relationships with
outsourcer are mainly based on the contract,
personal connections are not supported
With respect to BIA, Company B is the only
company where IT fosters discussions about the
added value, the reasons behind the requests, how
they can increase customer satisfaction. The
projects, which worth of investments, are chosen in
virtue of best value for business and best feasibility
for customers. For example, if the customer has
problems with on-line banking, this project is
prioritized over others. Company’s B strategies are
formulated with the equal participation of IT and
business teams. IT outsourcing had a significant
effect on the Skills dimension. Engagement in ITO
activities provided a possibility to redirect the staff
from the IT department to areas they are more
skilled in. Employee engagement alignment is
assessed at the highest score. The respondent has
high satisfaction with his work and pride in his
employer, the employee has the perception that the
company values what (s)he brings to the table.
Company A has lower level of alignment and the
level of ITO is less mature. The interview revealed
several reasons of not yet fully mature ITO
activities. Contract management factor is ranked
very low, at the level 1. The company reports that it
is nearly impossible to capture all scenarios from the
beginning; otherwise they would formulate the
contract requirements much sharper. As a part of the
Governance factor, the company especially
emphasizes the importance of monitoring and
adjusting the requirements in the contract. The
Relationship management factor is on the high level
of maturity and evolving to the partnership stage.
The company developed relationship with the
provider in the way that the former exhibits a
proactive behaviour suggesting improvements for
IT-related issues. In the ideal situation, the vendor
should provide feedback for business-related
matters. The level of internal alignment is lower than
in Company B; likely it could be explained by the
supply-demand nature of relationships between
business and IT. This style implies the directive
communication when IT responds to business’
requests without taking part in discussion of the
value of the project and whether it contributes to the
goals of the IT department itself. In Company A, the
IT department is focused on the routine functional
issues such as maintenance and support of the
existing services. The result is that the IT team loses
the broad perspective and does not contribute to the
continuous improvement of the whole organization.
Within Employee engagement dimension, the
mismatch can be seen in the fact that employees are
informed about business-IT strategies in a complete
and timely manner, even if they do not fully
understand it.
The results of Company C also are in line with
this tendency: it has less mature ITO and lower score
of BIA. In general, ITO is not managed
appropriately, all factors are ranked neutrally
meaning that no success is achieved in any of them.
More actions should be taken to align business and
IT as well. IT is perceived as the cost centre rather
than investment and profit centre. IT management
does not have impact on business strategic planning.
Communication style is formalized and directive.
The Employee engagement has the highest score out
of all the dimensions. It shows that employees are
committed to the company and associate their own
success with the company’s achievements. However,
based on the results of the interview, senior
management should deliver information about
occurring changes and customer satisfaction in an
unambiguous way. It is important for regular
employees to know that the clients are satisfied with
the quality of the services and products.
Company D has a high maturity of ITO, but the
alignment level is the lowest among the four
companies. The reasons were explained during the
interview. Locally only IT staffing and the document
collaboration cloud services are outsourced, while
other IT services are outsourced to the European
vendors and governed by European headquarter. The
company has a long history of ITO relationships,
consequently it has a proper experience of drafting a
contract and managing ITO activities. The company
defines quantifiable performance metrics and
formulates them in the form of service level
agreements. The accomplishment of these levels by
vendor is monitored in accordance with the contract.
The knowledge and expertise are shared with the
vendor, which can impact positively the relationship
factor. Partnership and communication are almost
absent which makes the process of achieving
alignment even harder. Employee engagement
alignment is assessed at the highest level. This
means that this company managed to build loyal and
solid relationships with the employees, and to
communicate strategic plans and goals to the lower
hierarchy level. Additionally, regular meetings of
employees to discuss trends and developments
should be encouraged. Diversity of educational
backgrounds and perspectives foster creativity and
result in new innovative ideas. Currently existing
information systems do not contribute to the
achievement of business goals. For instance, the
ERP system does not support execution of business
strategies while it should create a value through
providing information for timely decision making.
The management should better align capabilities and
functionality of existing information systems with
the purposes of their implementation.
Analysis of the data shows that companies with
more mature IT outsourcing activities have higher
alignment between business and IT. The scores
calculated from the questionnaires show consistency
with the interviews’ results. Taking into account the
explorative nature of the research and the limited
number of cases, the received data form the basis to
formulating one hypothesis about the effect of ITO
on BIA: ITO has, in principle, a positive impact on
the level of BIA.
It should be emphasized that these results should
be considered with care. The sample set of four
subjects is too small to draw statistically valid
conclusions. The goal was to formulate hypotheses
that can be further tested with the larger sample of
The present research applied a case study method.
The results clearly demonstrate that this method
allows a comprehensive investigation of the
situation and understanding the essence of the
relationship between BIA and ITO. Interviews
revealed a great number of interesting points that
could not be captured only with the questionnaire
and literature review. From this point of view, the
interviews appear to be an invaluable source of
The current research is a subject of several
limitations. The main limitation of the empirical
findings is the fact that a small sample has been
studied which limits the statistical generalizability of
the research. Another limitation is that the
questionnaire was sent to only one person in each
company, whereas responses from several people
could provide more objective picture and increase
the credibility and transparency of the research. The
realized limitation is that the Employee engagement
dimension was evaluated by the person of
managerial role. It would be more valuable, for
example, to gain insights of the regular employee.
The research work pursued allowed to outline
several recommendations for future research. Firstly,
further research should target more companies. The
survey method should be used, built on the revised
Most certainly the companies that participated in
the current research study would like to investigate
the relative development of the alignment and see
whether they improve over time. The identical
research can be conducted over some period of time
in order to identify what actions give results or
which ones are not productive.
One of the goals of the empirical study was to
collect recommendations for a questionnaire
revision. The present research can be considered as a
preliminary investigation that exposed shortcomings
of the composed questionnaire. Being improved, the
questionnaire can serve as a foundation for a
scientifically based survey research.
As a direction for future research, the mechanism
of measuring ITO success should be further
extended by inclusion of additional factors. A
respondent proposed the inclusion of the Incident
management factor. In the case of the incident
occurrence the primary goal is to restore normal
service operation as quickly as possible and to
minimize the impact on business operations. For
this, direct contact with service vendor should be
Issues related to BIA assessment in organizations
outsourcing IT resources will continue to influence
the design, management and planning of
organizations. As such, although an approach to
model BIA and ITO was advanced in this article,
further research on this topic will be pursued
following the above-mentioned research directions,
to extend the capabilities of the present model,
including validation by real industry cases. Future
work will also focus on analyzing the influence of
semantic technologies/ ontology based appraoches
on BIA in an ITO context, e.g., following the
approach proposed in (Veres, Sampson, Bleistein,
Cox and Verner, 2009) that would allow to map the
system requirements against strategic business
objectives. It is also intended to further test the
proposed model targeting other industry sectors.
In the line with the formulated objectives, the main
contribution of this research is the proposition of a
model which helps to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the influence of IT outsourcing
activities on the business-IT alignment maturity
level. We propose to measure the IT outsourcing
maturity through a set of factors that influence the
success of ITO activities. For measuring business-IT
alignment, Luftman’s model (2000) was extended
with two additional dimensions: Employee
engagement and Technology scope.
The proposed model was empirically evaluated
with four case studies. From the results of the
investigation it is possible to formulate the
hypothesis that IT outsourcing has, in principle, a
positive impact on the level of business-IT
alignment. However, this correlation most likely
depends on the situational characteristics such as:
industry sector, the size of the organization, role and
experience of respondent, etc. and should be
explored thoroughly. Therefore hypothesis should be
further verified with a larger sample of companies.
This research paper also contributes to creating the
basis for future research by building a theoretical
model and potential hypothesis to be tested with
repect to the interrelations between ITO and BIA.
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1. In what industry does your company operate?
2. Could you describe the organizational structure?
3. If the company is transnational then who defines
IT policy? Centralized / decentralized?
Business-IT alignment
4. Is there a notion of business-IT alignment in the
5. Is there a revision of actions for alignment
6. Do you have examples of communication
problems between business and IT (e.g.
escalation, situations, sharing of information)
7. Do you think that the company gets maximum
value from IT?
8. Do you use service level agreements?
9. How does the company choose the most valuable
IT investments?
10. Does IT fulfil its role in achieving strategic
business goals?
11. Does business processes / strategy of the vendor
impact strategy within the company?
12. Do you monitor and audit service provider’s
performance on a regular basis?
13. Was it easy to apply the model? Too many
questions? Any recommendations to improve?
14. Do you think that maturity of ITO can be
identified through the derived factors?
Figure 3: Extract from on-line questionnaire.