composed only by 24 subjects (15 allergic), the
author is nowadays carrying out a collection process
at allergy section of the Guadalajara University
Hospital (Spain). Subjects of this database are adults
and children exposed to allergy provocation test
involving drugs and food.
Nevertheless, only 2 of 11 subjects that come up
are allergic and not all of them could be detected due
to several circumstances.
Moreover, another application for the use of the
HRV signal is just starting: the detection of
hypoglycaemia in diabetic patients. At present, if a
diabetic patient believes he is in a state of
hypoglycaemia, he needs to do himself a blood
analysis or carry continuously a device that
measures the glucose level on the interstitial tissue.
This devices are carried inserted, and apart from
they affect the comfort of the patients, they are very
expensive. Besides, this devices have a big delay on
the level of glucose measurement on situations of
abrupt changes: immediately after a big meal or
during the realisation of physical activity.
It has been studied that, during a hypoglycaemia,
the body generates adrenaline (like during a stress
situation), which provokes a HR elevation (O.
Hamdy et al., 2014). In this case, what makes
difficult the detection of this situations are the daily
activities that also elevate the HR, like the
realization of physical activity. In this way, it is
planned to study the HR and the movement (by
using inertial sensors) of a series of diabetic subjects
to establish the differences between normal HR
elevations and those produced during normal
This work is supported in part by the Spanish
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (LORIS
Project, TIN2012-38080-C04-01) and by the
University of Alcalá trough the FPI program.
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