development company system. However, all the
participants using our approach did not omit them.
Thus, flagging “internal processing” events in our
approach was effective. Software engineers are
likely to miss the internal processing in the
requirements definition. By placing a flag in every
event and checking each flag individually, software
engineers can reduce the number of internal
processing omissions.
Both approaches resulted in some different
points in the sentence compositions (Tables 3 – 6).
For example of the different points in manual
creation, the participants mistook events in the
software development company system such as:
Participant’s Scenario:
The System outputs the name.
Correct Scenario:
The System outputs the name of the Administrator
to the Administrator.
In the example, “of the Administrator to the
Administrator” was omitted using the manual
approach but not our approach because our approach
automatically generates the necessary base of the
events that is able to be extracted automatically from
classes in conceptual models. Also, for example of
the different points in our approach, the participant’s
event was incomplete in the CD sales management
system such as:
Participant’s Scenario:
The System calculates the total sales number.
Correct Scenario:
The System calculates the total sales number by
subtracting the number of the stock from the
number of the arrival.
In the example, “by subtracting the number of the
stock from the number of the arrival” was not
described because the event could not be extracted
automatically from conceptual models. Overall our
approach generated fewer different points than
manual creation. Thus, our system generates the
base of scenarios automatically, which helps prevent
incorrect sentence compositions.
Although a clear difference in the time required
to create scenarios cannot be confirmed, the results
and questionnaire responses indicate that our
approach supports the creation of scenarios with the
necessary requirements from conceptual models
more efficiently than manual creation.
The experiment validated our approach, but there
are some threats to the validity. The number of
participants and the types of domains are limited in
this evaluation experiment, so increasing them may
yield different results. In addition, the evaluation
experiment about the scenario creation may depend
on the judgment of the evaluator because scenarios
are often written in natural languages, which are
ambiguous. Therefore, an evaluation based on
stricter rules is needed in the future.
Many studies have improved the quality of the
requirements. Kamalrudin et al. improved the
quality of requirements using an essential use case
(EUC), which is shorter and simpler to describe than
conventional use cases (Kamalrudin et al. 2011). To
verify and improve the quality of the requirements,
they compared EUCs to a template in the EUC
interaction patterns library. Additionally, Kof
proposed an approach to identify missing
information such as messages using a message
sequence chart (MSC) (Kof, 2007). The MSC
includes missing information in textual scenarios.
By translating scenarios to MSCs, missing
information such as necessary objects and actions in
scenarios is identified. These approaches identify
omission of requirements by an automatic
transformation process. On the other hand, our
approach reduces the omission of requirements by
interactions with clients.
Other works have focused on generating natural
languages from class diagrams. Burden and Heldal
proposed a two-step process to generate a natural
language (Burden and Heldal, 2011). First, a class
diagram is transformed into an intermediate
linguistic model. Next, the intermediate linguistic
model is transformed into natural language text
using class diagrams as a Platform-Independent
Model (PIM) of the MDA process. Meziane et al.
also generated natural language specifications from
class diagrams (Meziane et al. 2008). They aimed to
remove ambiguities of the natural language used in
class diagrams. These approaches are similar to our
approach, but they aim to check consistency
between models, while we strive to reduce missing
In the requirements definition phase, conceptual
models are important artifacts to understand a
software domain by software engineers and clients.
Sagar et al. automatically created conceptual models
from functional requirements written in a natural
language (Sagar and Abirami, 2014). They extracted
design elements of conceptual models from
functional requirements using part-of-speech (POS)
tags and classified their relationships by relation
types. POS tags classify words into linguistic
categories called parts of speech. Then conceptual