Automatic Waveguide-fiber Alignment Algorithm
based on Polynomial Fitting
Yu Zheng, Baibing Li and Ji-an Duan
State Key Laboratory of High Performance Complex Manufacturing, College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
Central South University, Changsha, 410083, China
Keywords: Optical Waveguide Device, Aligning and Coupling, Coupling Model, Alignment Algorithm.
Abstract: We report on a highly efficient alignment algorithm, which based on coupling model, between an optical
fiber and an optical waveguide device. For 1×16 optical waveguide splitter, many repeated experiments can
guarantee that the insertion loss of the device channels is less than 13.5 dB, with the maximum uniformity
of 0.40 dB.
Optical fiber communications has driven the need
for complex photonic integrated circuit (PIC) to
process the massive amounts of data transmitting
through global networks (Yamada et al., 1993;
Zheng and Duan, 2012). As the complexity and
feature size of photonic integrated circuit, automatic
optical alignment has become a key technique for
optical waveguide devices, such as arrayed
waveguide gratings, optical beam coupler/splitters,
optical switchers and variable optical attenuators
(Zheng and Duan, 2009). The core diameter of the
single mode fiber is 8~9 μm, and the optical channel
section feature size of photonic integrated circuit is
0.2~8 μm. Each fiber must be positioned correctly
on the part, and each part must be aligned in six
dimensions (three translational and three angular) to
assure low coupling losses.
Automatic precise alignment coupling is the only
way of improving optical quality for optical
waveguide devices, and is necessary to step into
scientific manufacturing from technological
manufacturing. Alignment coupling algorithm of
optical waveguide chip and optical fibers is premise
of its automatic packaging, and good alignment
coupling algorithm shows in rapid alignment, high
precision and high reliability. Although several
algorithms for the automatic fiber to waveguide
alignment have been developed, such as hill-
climbing algorithm, simplex algorithm, pattern
search algorithm, Hamilton algorithm and genetic
algorithm (Zheng and Duan, 2013a; Zheng and
Duan, 2013b; Tang et al., 2001; Mizukami et al.,
2001; Masahiro et al., 2004; Tseng and Wang, 2005;
Chun et al., 2006), all of these are based on
mathematical optimization algorithm, which make
these extremely sensitive to the disadvantages of
algorithm itself and the precision of motion stages
Zheng and Duan, 2013b). For those reason,
automatic waveguide-fiber alignment algorithm
which based on coupling model, according to the
theory of waveguide-fiber coupling, has been
The coupling model and coupling theory of
waveguide-fiber alignment are treated in section 2.
In section 3, the experimental results of automatic
waveguide-fiber alignment based on the new
algorithm, which based on coupling model of
waveguide-fiber alignment, are presented.
Figure 1 is the schematic of waveguide-fiber
Figure 1: Schematic of waveguide-fiber alignment.
Zheng Y., Li B. and Duan J..
Automatic Waveguide-fiber Alignment Algorithm based on Polynomial Fitting.
DOI: 10.5220/0005328400770080
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS-2015), pages 77-80
ISBN: 978-989-758-093-2
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)