The derivative benefits are no less important, and
• Enhanced reputation;
• Repeat business;
• Ability to compete more effectively globally,
both on quality and price;
• Access to new markets;
• Improved customer and supplier relationships;
• Improved employee morale; and
• Improved management control.
According to Tarí (Tarí, 2012) these benefits
may be catalogued into internal and external. The
former ones include improvements in corporate
processes, having positive effects on operational and
work forces issues (e.g. increase in productivity,
improvement in efficiency, reduction in costs,
training). The external benefits, in turn, relate to
effects on customers and society in general (e.g.
customer satisfaction, better relationships with
stakeholders, improved image).
This work reports the founding of a computational
framework that uses knowledge representation and
reasoning techniques to set the structure of the
information and the associate inference mechanisms.
We will centre on a Logic Programming (LP) based
approach to knowledge representation and reasoning
(Neves, 1984; Neves et al., 2007), complemented
with a computational framework based on Artificial
Neural Networks (Cortez et al., 2004, Caldeira et al.,
2011, Vicente et al., 2013). The requirements of ISO
9001 that can better predict the efficacy (or lack of
efficacy) of an organization were selected (IPQ,
2012). We take as example a company in the area of
training where two management indicators, namely
complaints and customer satisfaction were used and
attained by questionnaires. Both indicators consider
several items, namely Trainee´s General Information;
Trainee´s Complaints; Trainee´s Satisfaction; Quality
of Support Materials; and Inquiries of Trainee´s
Satisfaction, that will be described later.
Many approaches for knowledge representation and
reasoning have been proposed using the Logic
Programming (LP) paradigm, namely in the area of
Model Theory (Kakas et al., 1998; Gelfond and
Lifschitz, 1988; Pereira and Anh, 2009), and Proof
Theory (Neves, 1984; Neves et al., 2007). We
follow the proof theoretical approach and an
extension to the LP language, to knowledge
representations and reasoning. An Extended Logic
Program (ELP) is a finite set of clauses in the form:
where “?” is a domain atom denoting falsity, the p
, and p are classical ground literals, i.e., either
positive atoms or atoms preceded by the classical
negation sign
(Neves, 1984). Under this
emblematic formalism, every program is associated
with a set of abducibles (Kakas et al., 1998; Pereira
and Anh, 2009) given here in the form of exceptions
to the extensions of the predicates that make the
program. Once again, LP emerged as an attractive
formalism for knowledge representation and
reasoning tasks, introducing an efficient search
mechanism for problem solving.
Due to the growing need to offer user support in
decision-making processes some studies have been
presented related to the qualitative models and
qualitative reasoning in Database Theory and in
Artificial Intelligence research (Halpern, 2005;
Kovalerchuck and Resconi, 2010). With respect to
the problem of knowledge representation and
reasoning in LP, a measure of the Quality-of-
Information (QoI) of such programs has been object
of some work with promising results (Lucas, 2003;
Machado et al., 2010). The QoI with respect to the
extension of a predicate i will be given by a truth-
-value in the interval [0,1], i.e., if the information is
known (positive) or false (negative) the QoI for the
extension of predicate
is 1. For situations where the
information is unknown, the QoI is given by:
where N denotes the cardinality of the set of terms or
clauses of the extension of predicate
that stand for
the incompleteness under consideration. For situations
where the extension of predicate
is unknown but
can be taken from a set of values, the QoI is given by:
where Card denotes the cardinality of the abducibles
set for i, if the abducibles set is disjoint. If the
abducibles set is not disjoint, the QoI is given by:
is a card-combination subset, with Card
elements. The next element of the model to be
considered is the relative importance that a predicate
assigns to each of its attributes under observation,
, which stands for the relevance of attribute k