second column contains the product of score and
requirement weight.
In the row of each category the maximum attain-
able score is given, along with the total score of the
language in said category.
While the detailed and comprehensive evaluation
is presented in Table 1. The paragraphs below ex-
plain some specifics of the evaluation that might not
directly be traceable without explanation
3.3 Evaluation of Selected Languages
While all data modeling languages outlined previ-
ously in 2.3.3 are using the same basic building
blocks (classes, attributes, and references, although
sometimes named differently) for specifying
knowledge structures at first sight, they exhibit en-
tirely different nuances when closer examined. For
closer examination UML, Ecore, ORM, and OWL
have been selected.
3.3.1 The Unified Modeling Language UML
UML has been established as the de-facto standard
for describing software systems for quite some time
and forms the current mainstream approach for data
modeling (Kogalovsky and Kalinichenko, 2009)
(Olivé, 2007).
UML models by default are based on the Closed
World Assumption (3 points). However, data models
in UML are considered difficult to understand for
people not trained in software design with regard to
specifying knowledge (0 points). An extension
mechanism is given by introducing custom stereo-
types through profiling, but has been shown to be
not sufficient for many data modeling efforts in
MBSE (Eisenmann, 2012) (1 point). A lot of meth-
ods exist for producing pieces of software with
UML, but these methods do not provide guided,
prescriptive instructions for modeling the data struc-
ture of the UoD and do not cater to the needs of
CDMing in MBSE (1 point). Processes can be mod-
eled using UML activity diagrams, but this approach
also does not completely fit the needs for MBSE (1
point). UML contains all of the basic data structures,
can objectify relations using association classes,
modularize models through packages, and describe
explicit hierarchical structures using the composition
and aggregation elements. UML has a limited num-
ber of constraints built in, such as the cardinalities of
associations and subsets between associations. Other
constraints, such as exclusion constraints, equality
constraints, or ring constraints, are not directly built-
in and have to be asserted using OCL. However,
OCL, due to its highly technical nature, is not desir-
able for modeling domain knowledge, only yielding
a value of 1 point for each these constraints.
3.3.2 Ecore
The Eclipse Modeling Framework EMF is gaining
considerable momentum in the area of model-driven
software engineering. EMF comes with a dedicated
modeling language called Ecore that picks up some
model elements of UML. The capability for code
generation, an agile software reuse process and so-
phisticated tool support have shown to considerably
reduce costs for developing data model-intensive
applications while still retaining high functionality
and flexibility (Eisenmann, 2012).
Ecore models are also by default based upon the
Closed World Assumption (3 points) and require
equal technical understanding as UML models (0
points). A tailoring mechanism does also not exist (0
points). Similar to UML Ecore supports integrating a
multitude of resources and performing model trans-
formations (3 points each). Ecore is highly depend-
ent on the Eclipse Modeling Framework for imple-
menting software (0 points). The effort to get from
the CDM to the specification of the software imple-
menting the CDM is equally manageable compared
to UML. Code generation is one of the main selling
points of EMF and Ecore (3 points). Ecore focuses
solely on modeling structures and consequently does
not model behavior such as processes (0 points). A
limited mechanism for providing validation in-
stances exist by creating dynamic instances, but still
needs considerable improvement to cater to the
needs of MBSE (1 point). Ecore can describe clas-
ses, attributes, data types, and pack-ages (3 points
each). An explicit hierarchical structure can be spec-
ified using the containment property of references (3
points). Ecore supports binary relations (3 points),
but none of higher arity (0 points). Objectification is
also not directly sup-ported (0 points). Specification
of constraints is similar to UML with the exception
that the subset constraint is not directly built into
Ecore (1 point), relying on OCL for specifying such
semantically rich constraints.
3.3.3 Object Role Modeling ORM
For designing relational databases a data modeling
language called ORM (Halpin and Morgan, 2008)
has gained importance. This language offers a wide
variety of built-in constraints, such as subset con-
straints, uniqueness constraints, and constraints
regarding possible combinations of model entities.
ORM is a kind of Fact Based Modeling (Halpin and
Morgan, 2008). Due to the focus on business