However, in order to build a viable product, the stake-
holders have to reconcile their viewpoints when con-
figuring products. The proposed approach is based on
multi-step partial configurations. Default transforma-
tion heuristics are then used when no explicit config-
uration is given. These partial configurations can be
refined by all stakeholders including end-users.
More particularly, in the case of rapid prototyp-
ing, the UI designer has to configure the product and
test it on end users. She can focus on a specific point,
using partial configurations and test them with end-
users. We implemented this approach in our existing
UI model transformations where model transforma-
tions are parameterized by partial configurations and
rely on heuristics to generate default choices for the
features that are not configured.
We plan to work on the multiple FM dependency
management in the configuration process as proposed
by (Acher et al., 2009). This would guide the stake-
holders with the variability viewpoints (i.e, partial
configurations) reconciliation. We have to explore the
merging of partial configurations in order to produce
a global product configuration according to the global
Finally, we discovered that the variability is man-
ifold and multi-dimensional in the design of UIs and
that FMs are of several types. We think that build-
ing a taxonomy of these different FM could help us in
understanding more precisely UI variability and could
lead us to the reuse of variability assets across projects
and domains.
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