temporal frequencies according to very slow and
high frequencies as well as slow frequencies.
Relevant frequencies might be recognized and
separated from the overall signal using both low-
and high pass filters.
Especially long and trend sensitive measurements
could profit from an appropriate trend removal.
Long baseline measurements would pose a smaller
problem if corrected, as trends within baselines
could be eliminated. Moncrieff et al. (2005) provides
various detrending approaches for different time
series. This comparison includes linear detrending,
mean removal and running mean filters. As
Moncrieff et al. (2005) dealt with weather data, a
similar strategy could help to identify suitable ways
to handle trends in pupil dynamics. Additional
possibilities with promising results in other areas are
wavelet analysis and detrending approaches applied
in HRV analysis (Homborg et al., 2012; Lee et al.,
2007; Tarvainen et al., 2002). The best method may
be used as a basis for evaluating a new standardized
approach in pupil-trend removal. This standard
would help increasing the quality of results and
enable comparability between results of pupil based
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