Is Human Visual Activity in Simple Human-Computer Interaction
Search Tasks a Lévy Flight?
Jerzy Grobelny, Rafał Michalski and Rafał Weron
Computer Science and Management Faculty, Wrocław University of Technology, Wrocław, Poland
Keywords: Eye Tracking Data, Heavy Tailed Distribution, Visual Search, Search Tasks, Human-Computer Interaction.
Abstract: The paper tries to answer the question regarding the nature of the statistical distribution of data gathered by
eye tracking software. The experimental data regarding typical search tasks performed while using web sites
were formally analysed and discussed. Results show some resemblance of the obtained experimental
distributions of distance travelled to heavy tailed power-law type distributions characteristic of Lévy flights.
However, the similarity is not as strong as it has been suggested by previous studies. The results of this
paper may be used in further attempts of modelling human visual processing in the context of simple
human-computer interfaces.
Measuring and modelling human behaviour is very
interesting for researchers from various fields and
has been subject to intense scientific investigations.
Since most data that the human being gets from the
environment comes from our visual system, it is not
surprising that many studies are focused on this
There has been plenty of research taking
advantage of various modern technologies that allow
for gathering information about how people see and
how visual information is processed by our brains.
Among techniques that are relatively simple on
one hand side and provides significant amount of
interesting objective data are the eye tracking
systems. The gathered data may be used for various
types of analyses both qualitative as well as
quantitative. In this paper we take advantage of the
eye tracking data to examine some statistical
properties of the human visual behaviour registered
during search tasks performed in the context of
simple human-computer interactions.
Some of the previous general studies show that
the human visual activity seems to be similar to the
so-called Lévy Flights. Recall that a Lévy flight is a
random walk in which the step-lengths have a
probability distribution that is heavy-tailed. A
heavy-tailed distribution is a probability law that has
tails at least heavier than exponential. Some authors
require more – that the tails are at least of power-law
type (see e.g. Janczura and Weron, 2012).
This idea was put forward by Brockmann and
Geisel (1999) in their conference paper. Their model
was experimentally verified for free scans of natural
scenes presented on a computer screen.
A different model automatically generating
human scanpaths in a nondeterministic way deriving
from that work was proposed by Boccignone and
Ferraro (2004). They combined the algorithms of
providing the saliency maps with gaze shifts
determined by a stochastic process with non-local
transition probabilities. A random walk steps were
generated according to a Lévy process distribution.
The artificially obtained scanpaths were qualitatively
very similar to the real eye tracking data. Also here
the validation involved free visual screening tasks.
The suggestion that the human visual activity
may be successfully modelled by Lévy flights or
some combinations of Lévy flights and other
processes appeared also in a number of other papers
e.g. Stephen et al. 2009, Shinde et al. (2011),
Boccignone and Ferraro (2013), Liu et al. (2013) or
lately Clavelli et al. (2014).
However, it seems that the presented model
might not be applicable in all situations. Stephen and
Mirman (2010) focused their study on the nature of
gaze shifts statistical distribution both in single-
feature search and visual world paradigm tasks.
They analyzed the data individually for six
participants and came to the conclusion that the
Grobelny J., Michalski R. and Weron R..
Is Human Visual Activity in Simple Human-Computer Interaction Search Tasks a Lévy Flight?.
DOI: 10.5220/0005329500670071
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems (PhyCS-2015), pages 67-71
ISBN: 978-989-758-085-7
2015 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
visual behaviour is not purely the result of generic
oculomotor dynamics but is also strongly influenced
by the task being performed.
In light of these studies, the main objective of
this research is to examine the visual search
properties in the form of statistical empirical
distributions for two types of target objects in the
context of the human-computer interaction.
Two experiments were conducted for this
purpose. In both, the visual activity was registered
by the eye tracking system. In the first experiment
participants searched for a target object in a toolbar
like graphical panel. In the second study the subjects
were to find a hyperlink in the web page or specified
information in tabulated data.
Next sections of this work describe and discuss
in detail the aforementioned eye tracking
2.1 Participants
Thirty students aged between 23 and 25 years took
part in the studies. They were volunteers and did not
receive any gratification. None of the subjects wore
eye glasses or contact lenses.
2.2 Apparatus
Examinations were conducted in a dim-lit laboratory
using the Pan/Tilt version of the ASL 6000 eye
tracker (Applied Science Laboratories, 2005). The
system records eye position with the frequency of
60 Hz and the precision of one visual angle. Visual
stimuli were presented by GazeTracker™ software
as still images. The same application gathered eye
tracking data sent by the ASL 6000 control unit.
2.3 Independent Variables
The study consisted of two visual search
experiments concerning toolbar like panels and
typical web pages.
2.3.1 Toolbar Search
In the first part of the research users searched for a
target object within a set of distractors arranged in a
panel similar to computer toolbars. Toolbars
included 36 identical objects with letters and
numbers randomly situated within the panel. We
also employed a variety of target background
colours to make the experimental results more
2.3.2 Web Site Search
The second part of the study was focused on
searching various targets in web sites. We used
popular in our country web sites in one domain
namely V, X, Y and Z. These web sites had different
design and layout. Similarly as in the first part of the
examination also here to make the gathered data be
more ecologically valid two types of typical search
tasks were involved. The first one was a simple
search for a given link on the typical multimedia
page, and the second one dealt with finding specific
information presented in a tabular way.
2.4 Dependent Measures
Temporal and spatial parameters of the visual
activity gathered by the GazeTracker™ computer
program, integrated with the eye tracking equipment
were used as dependent measures. In this work we
specifically analysed saccade lengths gaze points’
2.5 Experimental Design and
Before the experiment, participants were informed
about the goal and the scope of the examination.
Next, eye tracking system calibration took place.
Then, subjects performed first the toolbar search
tasks and after a short break, the web sites searches
took place.
2.5.1 Toolbar Search
Six various colourful toolbars were examined. The
within subjects design was applied, thus, the given
participant tested all the graphical variants.
Figure 1: Toolbar visual search task.
There were two trials per condition so the
participants searched the graphical panels 12 times.
The toolbars were displayed in the left upper corner
of the screen, and they were visible only during the
visual search. The subjects were to click on the
target item displayed in the instructive slide, then the
appropriate panel appeared and their task was to find
and select the desired object. This procedure is
illustrated in Figure 1.
2.5.2 Web Site Search
The web site search was repeated ten times for each
participant. There were six simple visual searches
and four trials of complex table searches. The tasks
were presented randomly. Each participant
performed all ten search tasks. Every time the
instruction appeared in the middle of a screen and
then, after mouse click, the tested screen was
exposed. The subject was to find the target object as
fast as possible and click it. Then, the next
instruction was presented. The exemplary task is
presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Web site visual search task.
Since the main goal of this paper was to verify if eye
tracking data gathered for the typical human-
computer interaction search tasks come from the
process akin to Lévy flights, we prepared empirical
probability distributions (PDF) and cumulative
probability distributions (CDF). The resulting data
are illustrated in Figures 3-8.
Apart from Euclidean distances between
gazepoints the graphs also contain standardized
distances computed by dividing the gaze shift by the
time between two gazepoints and multiplied by the
average shift time for all saccades. For the
comparison purposes, the figures present also the
theoretical power-law and exponential curve fits.
The CDFs/PDFs were elaborated separately for the
graphical panel and web site search tasks and are
given in Figures 3 and 4 respectively.
Figure 3: Empirical probability distribution of Euclidean
distances between gazepoints (in pixels) for the
experiment with toolbar-like panels.
Figure 4: Empirical probability distribution of Euclidean
distances between gazepoints (in pixels) for the
experiment with web pages.
While analysing an empirical distribution that
could exhibit heavy tails, it is convenient to plot the
(right) tail of the distribution, i.e. 1 – CDF, on a
double logarithmic or a semi-logarithmic scale. If
the data points constitute a straight line on the
double logarithmic scale then the tail of the
distribution is approximately of power-law type. On
the other hand, if the data points constitute a straight
line on the semi-logarithmic scale then the tail of the
distribution is approximately exponential. Therefore,
Figures 5 and 6 demonstrate 1 – CDFs for both
experiments and in Figures 7 and 8 the Euclidean
distances between gazepoints are additionally
presented on a logarithmic scale.
Figure 5: Right tail of the empirical cumulative
distribution of Euclidean distances between gazepoints (in
pixels) for the experiment with toolbar-like panels on a
semi-logarithmic scale.
Figure 6: Right tail of the empirical cumulative
distribution of Euclidean distances between gazepoints (in
pixels) for the experiment with web pages on a semi-
logarithmic scale.
Figure 7: Right tail of the empirical cumulative
distribution of Euclidean distances between gazepoints (in
pixels) for the experiment with toolbar-like panels on a
double logarithmic scale.
Figure 8: Right tail of the empirical cumulative
distribution of Euclidean distances between gazepoints (in
pixels) for the experiment with web pages on a double
logarithmic scale.
The obtained plots show that the tails are almost
linear on a semi-logarithmic scale for the web pages
search tasks and only slightly heavier than linear for
the toolbar-like panel searches. In general, the
obtained empirical distributions have tails that are
not heavy enough to come from a power-law type
distribution. Thus, these findings rather do not allow
for comparing the registered human visual activity to
Lévy flights.
In general, the obtained empirical distributions do
not fully reflect the distributions characteristic of
Lévy flights. On the other hand, results and
simulation studies of previous papers (Brockmann
and Geisel, 1999; Boccignone and Ferraro, 2004)
quite convincingly support the hypothesis that the
human visual activity is to some degree similar to
Lévy flights. Thus, one may suggest that the people
may flexibly adapt their visual activity -
intentionally or unconsciously - to the existing
needs. Presumably, there does not exist any single
process that would be appropriate for modelling eye
balls behaviour in all situations.
The obtained results seem to be in concordance
with the findings of Stephen and Mirman (2010)
where the distributions gathered for various viewing
conditions for six individuals were considerably
The presented data give some more insight into
the nature of human visual behaviour in a specific
context. Answering the question whether and in
what circumstances the human visual behaviour can
be modelled by Lévy flights may be helpful in the
further development of models from the Human-
Computer Interactions field trying to imitate the
human visual activity such as ACT-R (Anderson et
al. 1997) or EMMA (Salvucci, 2001).
The work was partially financially supported by
Polish National Science Centre Grant No.
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