Figure 1: Illustration of the designed cloud computing sys-
searching to localize stolen vehicles by matching
extracted data with their reference databases,
• Sc. 4: similarly, a vehicle can extract on-the-fly
people faces from the streets and then, sending the
extracted face images to police services that aim
to localize searched individuals.
In this study, we have experimented the proposed
cloud-based system by considering the last scenarios
related to the police service application.
Nowadays, cloud computing developments are revo-
lutionizing the world by providing to companies more
and more powerful services. In particular, many com-
panies tend to store their data on external servers or
data centers. Indeed, this technology improves the
Quality of Service (QoS); notably for the data man-
agement, the data security as well as for the data dis-
tribution. By this way, the providers of cloud com-
puting systems allow many companies to develop ser-
vices specifically focused on their principal activi-
ties. More precisely, cloud computing can be defined
as a technology providing resources at three levels,
namely infrastructures, software platforms and ser-
vices (Whaiduzzaman et al., 2014). The cloud com-
puting was initially employed through wire-based net-
work for internet and it has been progressively ex-
tended to the mobile network (e.g., through cellular
networks). Notably, the cloud computing technolo-
gies facilitate the development of hybrid systems as
well as the mutualizing of computational resources.
In this work, we are particularly interested by the
development of cloud computing systems on the basis
of VANET for enhancing and diversifying real-time
road services.
VANET networks have the particularity to ex-
ploit Ad-hoc systems. In other terms, these systems
are self-organizing in the sense that each of them
can communicate with others without the necessity
of exploiting a pre-defined infrastructure. The de-
velopment of VANET had a primary goal of sup-
porting Intelligent Transport System through Vehicle-
to-Infrastructure (V2I) and Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V)
communications (e.g., (Maslekar, 2011)).
Besides, the novel generation of general pub-
lic vehicles is equipped with computer-aided embed-
ded navigation and vision systems such as Advanced
Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS systems). In par-
ticular, ADAS systems are more and more employed
for detecting road obstacles (e.g.; self-parking) or
for detecting the visibility degree of roads (e.g.; au-
tomatic lighting systems). In parallel, experimen-
tal multi-camera vehicle systems are actively devel-
oped for the research in the fields of cartography
and machine vision in order to reconstruct urban
environments in 3D as well as to develop full au-
tonomous navigation vehicles (Hammoudi and Mc-
Donald, 2013; Hammoudi et al., 2013).
To the best of our knowledge, video services in
vehicular clouds are not very developed. In (Gerla
et al., 2013), Gerla et al. presented an image-on-
demand service named “Pics-on-wheels” where some
vehicles will send their acquired images for example
by analyzing detected accidents. These images can
then be used for assurance claims. In our case, we
present a generic cloud computing system that could
be used for developing various real-time video ser-
vices by exploiting a distributed computing system.
Notably, this system will be employed for sharing
traffic information (e.g.; in aided-navigation or road
safety) by exploiting embedded vision-based systems
(e.g., recognition system), CCSs and VANETs (see
Figure 1). First results of our work were presented at
a French-speaking seminar on vision-based process-
ing (CORESA). This paper presents an extended work
which describes in more detail the design of the sim-
ulator as well as the proposed processing architecture
and use cases.
In our case, it is assumed that the vehicles will be
equipped with embedded camera system, a GPS mod-
ule and a VANET connecting system (802.11p). No-
tably, new generation vehicles are equipped with var-